Ch 3 Drunken confession

My Perfect Stranger


Hi!!! Welcome to the new chapter for my story!! I want to thank everybody who subscribed!! It gives me a warm fuzzy feeling inside when you guys do that =D Anyway comments are appreciated and if you come across this story and like it SUBSCRIBE AND COMMENT!! It's always nice to have feedback, without further ado read and relax!! Thanks to Crystalls for commenting!! Now I really am done

Shin Di shifted her gaze from him nervously, unable to meet the intensity of his glare.

“Haha, okay. Games over, let’s go. We still need to go get those clothes you so desperately need.” She gently put her hands on his chest and pushed him away.

“Why don’t you hurry up and pull that shirt on and I’ll see if I can find you a jacket of some sort before we head out there.” Jaejoong watched her leave, longing evident in his eyes, still feeling the tingling sensation of her skin on his.

“But I wasn’t playing.”

Unbeknownst to him, someone was slumped on the other side of the door frantically trying to calm her beating heart.

“This can’t be possible. There’s no way I could like him. This isn’t possible.”

But the beating of her heart was giving another answer.

This time, she waited for Jaejoong to come out instead of barging in his room again. Suddenly, a warm hand clamped down on her shoulder and Shin Di jumped away from the contact.

“Sorry to spook you.” Jaejoong apologized.

“No, it’s okay. I was just thinking. Umm… by the way I found you a jacket. It’s a little short but it’ll have to do until we go buy you one.” Jaejoong nodded and started heading to the door before being pulled back again.

“Jaejoong-ah, its cold outside, you can’t just go out like that.” She handed him the hat and scarf she gave him the first time before putting on her own hat and scarf. When Shin Di turned around, she laughed at how the hat was all crooked on his head.

“Here.” He watched as she began fixing it, her hands lingering on him a little longer than necessary, only reluctantly parting from him when she noticed his hands moving to grab hers.

“Come on.” Shin Di finally said after what seemed like an eternity of them staring at each other, pulling on her gloves she exited the door. The moment they left the building, a blast of extremely cold air came to meet them. The two of them unconsciously huddled closer together, drawing warmth and comfort from each other’s presence. When Shin Di looked over and saw Jaejoong shivering uncontrollably, she sighed.

“Wait, here.” Shin Di said pulling off her gloves and putting them on him.

“What about you though” He asked, concern evident in his voice.

“Don’t worry, I’m a big girl, I can take care of myself. Have been since I was 12.” Jaejoong didn’t offer her a reply as pulled off one of the gloves and put it on her.

“What about the other hand?” Shin Di asked. He simply took her hand, intertwined their fingers together tightly and stuck it in his coat pocket. Shin Di blushed but didn’t make any motion to pull her hand away.

Jaejoong’s POV

I was literally screaming with joy inside when she didn’t pull away and ask me what the hell I thought I was doing. Taking a peek at her, I saw that she was terribly red in the cheeks that I knew had nothing to do with the cold and unless I was mistaken, a smile that was tugging at her lips. How long had it been since I could walk down a street without being tailed? How long had it been since I have felt so at ease? How long had it been since I found a girl that intrigued me like she did? But most importantly, how long has it been since a girl had made my heart beat as fast as this? It may seem impossible, but I had fallen deep for her already. I promised myself that I would make her mine no matter what.  She had lived a lonely life for far too long, from now on she would have me. Before I knew it, we were already at the store.

“Jaejoong? Hello?”She said waving a hand in front of my face.

“Ya, what is it?”

“We’re here! Go ahead.” I started heading in to realize that she wasn’t coming in with me.

“Where are you going?”

“I just remembered that there’s a beach two streets from here. I’m going there. Meet me there when you’re done or I can come find you.”

“No, I’ll come find you.”

“Great, have fun!”

With that she walked away, and I hurried in to finish my shopping

Shin Di’s POV

The beach was utterly deserted in this cold weather, not that I was surprised. It was pretty cold. I sat down on the sand enjoying the silence and the emptiness. I don’t know how long I sat there, but probably at least an hour. The sudden rustling of bags got my attention and I turned around to see Jaejoong walking towards me with at least 6 bags in tow and a new jacket on him that made him look, dare I say it, gorgeous. He put the bags down next to me and I expected him to sit next to me but instead he sat down behind me and pulled me to sit between his legs, resting my head on his chest. He rested his chin on my head and I felt a smile tug at my lips as I felt him warming me up.

“You’re so cold.” He whispered into my ear and I shivered at the sound of his voice.

“Well, at least you’re here to warm me up.” I leaned back into him. The logical side of me was yelling at me to hurry up and get out, but for some reason my body wouldn’t move. Today, I wouldn’t let the logical side win.

Nobody’s POV

 The two of them sat there for a while, not talking but just enjoying each other’s presence. Jaejoong’s arms circled protectively around Shin Di bringing her even closer to him.

“What are you thinking of?” She gave an audible sigh and snuggled in even closer leaving a smile on Jaejoong’s face before continuing.

“In the house that I lived in with my parents when I was younger, there was a beach there. It was so pretty. In the afternoon, the sun would shine down on the water making it glitter like diamonds, and at night there were so many stars in the sky that it was impossible to count. I can’t remember how many nights I spent there with my mom and dad just looking at the stars. It was truly my favourite place. But then my favourite place became the only place where I could escape the arguing. I remember running to the beach every time the arguing started and only coming home when I was sure that my parents had gone to bed. They were so busy arguing that they didn’t even notice that their daughter was gone.” The reminiscing look in her eyes became cold and she stiffened in Jaejoong’s arms. He seemed to notice because he tightened his arms around her almost possessively.

“It’s not your fault, you know that right?”

“It doesn’t matter if I know or not, it’s all in the past anyway. Now, come on let’s go home. I’m starving.” She reluctantly got out of his embrace, grabbed half his bags and began the walk home.

“You know, you’re the first person I ever told all this to.” Shin DI turned around, a smile evident on her face.

“Thanks for listening.” Jaejoong quickened his pace to match hers as they walked home together.

It was a sunny cold morning 3 weeks later and the two of them were in the kitchen cooking breakfast together. Well, Jaejoong was anyway. Shortly after coming back from shopping, he had learned the hard way that Shin Di couldn’t cook to save her life and the extent of her cooking knowledge went to making sandwiches, so he took up the cooking with ease. Shin Di, well, she was just watching him, oblivious to the blissful smile on her face. A idea suddenly appeared in her head when she saw him turn around to load the food onto the plates.

“Jaejoong, are you doing anything today?” He looked at her, a confused look on his face. Shaking his head to say no, he wondered what she had on her mind.

“Well, I get off work early today and I just realized that I never threw you a welcome party. So, I was wondering that maybe I could go buy some beer after work and we could, you know, just have fun. If you want, I can invite my friends from the restaurant and introduce you to them?”

“NO!! I mean its okay. Just the two of us would be fine. I came here to get away from the crowds and public so, I like the quiet more.” He said lying through his teeth. The truth was that, he just wanted her all to himself. Jaejoong was not going to let her attention be divided amongst her friends the entire evening.

“Well then it’s settled. I’ll come back with some beer and food and you can take a break from cooking.”

“That sounds great.”

“It’s a date then.” A smile lit up his face when he heard the words It’s a date coming from . She, on the other hand, was too busy shovelling the food in to notice the smile.

-In the Evening-

“Jaejoong! I’m home!! Come help me with the stuff.” He bounded to her, helping with all the groceries and reprimanding her for not calling him to help her with the stuff. Besides that, the rest of the evening went without a hitch. The two of them pigged out on all the junk that Shin Di had bought before popping in a scary movie and popping open the beer. He soon learned to his utter delight that she couldn’t watch scary movies to save her life, as she spent the majority of it with her head buried in Jaejoong’s chest not that he minded at all. It gave him an excuse to put his arms around her and hold her tightly against him. 2 hours and numerous beers later, the two of them somehow found themselves sitting on the floor with Shin Di’s head leaning comfortably against Jaejoong’s broad shoulder. He was a little tipsy but she was just plain drunk. The two of them sat in silence for a while thinking their own thoughts, when he was suddenly broken out of it by her voice.

“Jaejoong, do you like messing up people’s lives?” He looked at her confusingly to find that she was staring at him intently. She began talking again, never once breaking eye contact.

“Do you know how long it took me to convince myself that I didn’t need to be loved? How long it took me to build these barriers around my heart? Life was good, until you came. You just had to be able to see right through me. You just had to be the only one able to make my heart beat irregularly fast. I was comfortable in my world but then you just had to break in. I love waking up in the morning knowing that you are there waiting to greet me, I love coming home after work to see you waiting for me, but most importantly I love every moment I spend with you.” She put her hand on his cheek, and he leaned into it…

“I’m scared that I won’t be able to go back to my life when you leave. I’m scared that I’ll start getting selfish and start wishing for things that I can’t have. I’m scared that I’ll love you.” Jaejoong cupped her face with his hand and slowly started leaning in towards her. Shin Di unconsciously started leaning in too whispering

“Jaejoong, I think I lo—“ The rest was lost as her head fell on to his shoulder and she fell asleep. Jaejoong heaved a sigh and carried her to her room and put her onto her bed. He crawled in next to her and watched her as he pressed a gentle kiss on her forehead as she unconsciously snuggled closer to him.

“I know I love you.”

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Angelz0715 #1
Chapter 16: Omg this story is so lovely!!! I love Ryu innocence on this chapter lol xD Somehow I can totally imagine that haha
miakay #2
Chapter 16: Amazing story you have here authornim ^^
Keep up the good work!
faridpraderago #3
Chapter 16: oh my! How i love this story :)
that's right,we can anything as long as we feel right with it! Glad they're being a lovely family^^
mareta #4
I am speechless. And I can`t just said properly to depicted this AMAZING fanfiction. Woaaa~ and I ain`t aware that I just dropped tears as I read this. You had a hard work. Get impatient to wait another story from you.
like like like it.... special when they got reunited, i hope it happen on the reality :]
I liked the story! DBSK got reunited! Great job! <3
koreankendi #7
What a very lovely storyyyyy!!! ^_^<br />
looooove it!!! :D
lolitabunny #8
awesomeness.....even though it was just a short sentences but im GLAD THAT YOU RE-UNITED DBSK IN YOUR STORY!!!<br />
<br />
<br />
oddly this story always reminds me of<br />
taylor swift's music video<br />
the song called MINE<br />
<br />
well great story...touching!!!!
Emerald_Lee #9
awww that was swwt and he kids are adorable i cracked up @<br />
<br />
“Yes, I did. And what does that story teach you?”<br />
<br />
“That we should pick up random strangers off the streets and hope that they’re the one for us?” Ryu enquired innocently but his answer was met with horror from his parents.<br />
<br />
aww awesome fic chingu cant wait for your next one :)