*Edited*New friend, Trip, Bikini and Weird questions.

Love? Does It Really Matter?


It had already been a couple days since I've seen Minho so I assumed he had went back to the USA.

I was walking into class on Friday and I saw a guy talking to Taeyeon so I walked up to her.

'Hey Yuri~' Taeyeon sang. The guy turned around and MY GOD was I amazed by his hotness.

'O-oh hey Taeyeon~' I sang back with a smile.

'This is Junsu! On of our closes friends' Yoona introduced

I looked at him and he smiled putting out his hand. 'Hi! My name is Junsu~' He said in a dolphin voice which made me giggle.

'Hello! My name is Kwon Yuri!' I said shaking his hand.

After talking and talking about stuff we became close. 'Hey! Yuri!!' I heard someone call me from behind, I turned around to find Taeyang inches away from my face.... Oh cheese sticks.

'O-oh hey Taeyang I said I he backed away, I noticed a smirking Jaejoong behind him. 'Hyungs! What are you guys doing here?' Junsu said in a high-pitched voice, obviously happy that his hyungs are here, he was gonna be a kingka to but said that he didn't like that much attention.

'Well since we don't have school on Monday we thought that we should go on a 3 day trip and we wanted you guys to come along' Taeyang explained.

'AHH MY GOD YES!!!' Minzy screamed. Everyone laughed. What a crazy girl.

~Next day~

I was all ready and packed so I heading out my door and went to school where we were suppose to meet up to wait for Taeyang to bring the bus.

When I arrived Tiffany, Jaejoong and Hongki were already there. I could see Hongki kept staring at Tiffany but it seems like she was ignoring him and started making it look like the grass was more important than him. I walked up to them wearing.....

'Hey guys!~!~' I said waving like a madman  as I walked up to them. I could see Jaejoong staring at me like I was prey.


Whoa. Unbelieveable ho-SNAP OUT OF IT JAEJOONG!!!! Jaekyung is probably hotter...Nah.

'Urmm..Jaejoong, are you alright?' Yuri said waving her hand in my face.

'Why wouldn't I?' I said acting cool. URRG! I must look like a fool.


Finally everyone was here and Taeyang came with the not-needed HUGE bus that can probably fit like 10 classes in 1.

'GET ON EVERYBODY!' Everyone got on and sat in these pairs;

Hongki - Tiffany

Siwon - Sooyoung

Nickhun - Yoona

WAS going to be Jessica - Jonghyun but Jessica practically BEGGED Taeyeon to swap with her so she did.

So it was Jonghyun - Taeyeon

Junsu - Jessica

Then finally Jaejoong - Yuri which Yuri didn't really like so she pouted with her arms croosed and looked out the window which amused Jaejoong.

~2 hrs later~Yuri~

'We're here' Taeyang said stopping the bus at a beautiful villa.'WHOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA~!' Your eyes sparkled as you watched out the bus linking arms with Yoona(YOONYUL!) 'This place is pretty~' Junsu said twirling around with Taeyeon who was giggling in content.

You went for you bag but it wasn't there.'Hey! Wheres my ba-' You cut yourself off when you saw Taeyang swiftly walking off with you bag into the villa. 'Such a gentlemen~' Tiffany cooed as she walked up to Yuri with a smile 'I know right, there are only a few men out there like him~' Yoona cooed as well, I rolled my eyes and ran up to Taeyang.


'Such a gentlemen~' I snapped my head to Taeyang's direction to see him carrying Yuri's bag. I could feel a burning sensation in my chest. What was this? Jealousy? IMPOSSIBLE! It grow when I saw Yuri running up to him then hitting him lightly on the arm and smiling, does she like him or something?


After everyone settled they all went downstairs to the pool in there swimming gear.

All the girls wear down except for Yuri. 'Wheres Yuri?' Junsu said

'Oh shes coming alright~Shes coming~' Minzy smirked getting a confused face from all the boys. Finally Yuri came out in a  red bikini.


All the boys hooted except for Jaejoong and Taeyang.*Dang.*

'Urrm what?' Yuri asked trying to cover her body 'Don't worry.' Jessica said whilst still deep in her book.


Was was a evil smirk on Taeyang's face as he came out the pool.' Yuri-ahh~' Taeyang said coming closer to me.

'W-wha-' Before I could finish he grabbed me by the waist with both hands and plunged my into the pool but landed on someone, and sadly that someone was.....


I saw Taeyang going up to Yuri with a weirdo smirk, what the hell is he going to do? Before I could think of what he was planning he grabbed her and flipped her into the pool, but she was coming MY way. FULL SPEED! I wanted to get out the way but I was too late.


We both went down and when we came up Yuri looked at me and started laughing like a manic. What? Did I have something on my face?


Yuri looked at Jaejoong and started laughing. His hair was EVERYWHERE! Everyone started laughing but Jaejoong just looked completely dumbfounded.

After an hour of playing in the pool everyone went to change and met downstairs to eat dinner.

'AHH MY GOSH! FOOD HEAVEN!' Sooyoung screamed as she ran to the table awwing and OhHhHing at everything' YAH!!! Can I start eating now?' She said impatiently. Bipolar much?

Everyone came down and started eating the fabulous dinner which the maids made and enjoyed talking to each about they're likes and dislikes but Jaejoong was quiet. Too quiet.

'Yah.' Yuri nudged him. He didn't respond.

'Yahhh~~~' Yuri nudged him again. He was still picking at his food.

Yuri decided to poke him a couple times to see if he will respond. ' Jaejoong-ahhhhhh~~~~~~' He snapped out of his daydream and looked at you abit confused.

'Whats wrong? You seem alittle out of it.' Yuri asked concerned. He smiled gentle.' I'm alright but Yuri, I need to ask you something. Will you meet me at around 9 next to the pool?' He asked looked straight into her eyes.


You were surprised. Jaejoong is asking YOU to meet him next to the pool? Was he going to kill you or something?!?!?! Or maybe even..C-confess? AHH GOD! I hope its the killing thing.

9 came and you headed to the pool to find Jaejoong pacing up and down the pool. Seems nervous ..THAT HE WAS GOING TO KILL YOU!! Goodbye cruel world...

You cautiously came up to him.' Umm...Hi?' You said looking at him.

'Oh! Hmmm..yeah...'

'So what were you gonna ask?' I said looking at him with nervous eyes.

'Do....umm..do you...' Seems like he was having trouble putting it in a nice way THAT HE WAS GONNA KILL ME!

There was a silence.

'Wel-' He cut me off.

'Do you like Taeyang?' He said firmly with his hands in his pockets looking away.

'WHAT?!?!' I screamed

'Well it looked like you are like interested and i want to know.' He said looking straight at me.

'Whats it got to do with you?' I said trying to act cool.'Aish. Forget it' He turned around and walked away.

*Weird* I thought and turned around just to be roughly grabbed by someone. 'What the-'Before I could finish my sentence the person put a cloth over my mouth and I inhaled. * Oh * I went into a deep sleep.


Teehee cliffhanger~!

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Chapter 1: my new fave fic...
I plan to!!! Just editing the draft~
ijustlovesoshisuju #3
hey..please update!!
@Kyuwookey<br />
Really?!?!??! THANK YOU!!!!! I thought it was kinda boring........^ ^
OMG. Totally loving this <333
YEP!~!~~!~!~Sorry for the wait. I'm UPER busy!
OurUniqueBlackPearl #8
yaaaaaaaay! you updated. :D
Update soon!!:)
XiaoLongBao #10
Awesome ! love ur ff! update soon ^^