Another hectic day...

Love? Does It Really Matter?

Ok!Hi! Its official now!I'm not going to be following the Foreword anymore! But the couples are still the same~And some other parts~SO DON'T WORRY!~



'FINALLY ITS LUNCH!!' Sooyoung screamed and legged it out of the class room

'Seriously, is that ALL she thinks about?' I said to Jessica who was deep in her thoughts.

'YAH!!!JUNG JESSICA!!!' Tiffany yelled.

'WHAT!?' Jessica hissed giving Tiffany her ultra cold glare which had no affect on Tiffany whatsoever

'You've been deep in your thoughts ever since yesterday, whats wrong?' Tiffany said with a worried tone

'Yeah, did something happen?' Yoona said popping out of nowhere.

'Umm...Nothing...Gotta go now. Bye.' She let out a nervous laugh and started grabbing her stuff and making her way out of the classroom.

'Aish! Whats wrong with that girl?' Taeyeon said getting abit frustrated

'Dunno, Anyways lets go have lu-' Before I could finish my sentence I heard fangirl screams coming closer to the door when suddenly Taeyang burst through the door, he searched the class room till he spotted me.

'Yuri-ah!' He said coming to me.

'Yeah? Whats wrong?'

'Come have lunch with me and the kingkas. They want to get to know you.' He said coolly

'Ummmm...' I said turning to the girls how were shocked to the bone. Tifanny finally broke the ice.

'YES! Go on Yuri! We don't mind!' She said flapping her arms about.

'Ok! Lets go Yuri-ah.'He grabbed me hand and dragged me to the lunchhall, I could feel cold glares being shot at me  from behind but I didn't dare to look behind me. Taeyang noticed and stopped, turned around and started glaring at each one of those fangirls until they scattered away.


We made it to the lunch hall and started heading to the kingka's table, I didn't notice that everyone was looking at me when I finally sat down and looked around, everyone was looking at me. What Yuri didn't know was that Jaejoong was eyeing Yuri's and Taeyang's hands.


'WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!YOU WANT TO INVITE YURI?!?!?!NOO!'

'Yes I do, i'm going to go get her now. Bye.' He jogged off.

After 5 minutes of waiting he came in holding her hand which made my heart hurt a little, well must be because she annoys me so much she makes my heart hurt...YEAH! That makes sense!

She glared at me and we all sat in this order. Siwon, Jonghyun and Hongki infront of me, Yuri and Taeyang.

She took out her bento and opened it. It looked freaking delicious

She must of saw me staring at it and gave me her chopsticks signaling that I should have some.

I gave her a confused face.

'I saw you eyeing my food. Have some.' She said giving me a warm smile which made me heart skip a beat. What is up with me?


He kept quiet.

'Well I guess you don't want any-'

'NO!!!I want some' He grabbed my chopsticks and started munching down and everyone was now in a laughing fit.

When I finished laughing I noticed he finished my lunch...ALL of it.

'YAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!' I screamed looking at my now empty bento box.

He finally realized that he finished my lunch and looked at me with shock and fear in his eyes seeing what was going to happen to him.

'You are going DOWN KIM JAEJOONG!!!' I screamed as he ran away and I quickly sprinted after him. I jumped on his back and he tumbled down.

'OK I'M SORRY!!!!!!!'He cried

'HAH! You better be sorry!' I said getting up and walking away but then he grabbed my wrist. Looked behind me seeing someone I REALLY didn't want to see right now.

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Chapter 1: my new fave fic...
I plan to!!! Just editing the draft~
ijustlovesoshisuju #3
hey..please update!!
@Kyuwookey<br />
Really?!?!??! THANK YOU!!!!! I thought it was kinda boring........^ ^
OMG. Totally loving this <333
YEP!~!~~!~!~Sorry for the wait. I'm UPER busy!
OurUniqueBlackPearl #8
yaaaaaaaay! you updated. :D
Update soon!!:)
XiaoLongBao #10
Awesome ! love ur ff! update soon ^^