'I want to try something.'

❊ Broken Angel ❊


 Yunho’s P.O.V 


“Wow.. He told you all that?” Mir asked me, finally peeling his eyes off the screen in front him. It had taken a long time to relay the story that Jae had told me yesterday.

I sighed for a moment, snaking one hand through my hair and massaging the crown of my nose with the other. To say I was just a little bit worked up over Jae’s past would be an understatement. I could barely sleep thinking about it.

“Every word.” I replied, leaning back into his couch. Mir went back to focussing on whatever video game it was he and Joon were playing. It was pretty cute watching how competitive they could both get, especially when they looked so small - cross-legged and sat on the floor. It reminded me of when we were young and I used to do this stuff with Mir. But now he’s all grown up, and instead of me, it’s Joon that sits next to him.

“That ing . He’s had such a life.” Joon said, monotonously; mimicking Mir’s obsession with the screen. I know they don’t mean to sound so uninterested, but for God’s sake they could at least put a bit more emotion into it.

“Language, Joonie. Remember what we talked about?” Mir quipped, poking Joon in the side with his elbow.

Joon smirked and looked at him. “That is for the bedroom only?”

“Joon!--” Mir screeched, dropping his controller and covering his blushing cheeks. Joon turned back to the screen, taking the opportunity to get the upper hand in their game. “--My brother is sat right there.

“What? He doesn’t mind.” Joon peered over his shoulder with an innocent smile. “Do you Yunho?”

As much as I enjoy Joon’s company, I really didn’t want to hear about what goes on in my little, innocent, baby-brother’s bedroom. I might just be scarred for life.

“Like hell I don’t. What you two do when the lights go out is none of my business.” I replied, throwing the nearest pillow at the back of Joon’s head.

“Aww come on Yunnie” He pouted, definitely not ask cute as Mir. Or Jae. “We listened to all of your problems..” He mumbled.

“And you immediately started talking about.. Bedroom talk.. The second I finished. I was hoping for at least a little bit of advice from you guys.” I sighed and rolled my eyes, pretty dramatically.

“I thought it was relevant..” Joon grumbled under his breath, not quite so subtle enough to avoid detection.

Mir sighs, evidently giving up on the game and dragging himself off his feet.

“I WIN!!” Joon suddenly shouts, tackling Mir by the legs and pulling him down to the floor yet again. “I told you you’d never beat me.” - I had to avert my precious eyes when he started trailing kisses along Mir’s neck and up to his jaw line.

Mir giggled under Joon’s touch. “Stop it Joonie. It tickles!” He said between fits of laughter.

“Seriously, you guys need to get a room.” I sighed, trying my best to put some annoyance into my voice. It really was the most irritating thing - trying to hold a conversation with these two. One minute they’re all serious and at attention, then the next they’re messing around like twelve year-olds and practically dry-humping each other.

Mir turned his head to me with a little smirk, obviously enjoying giving a display. Honestly, how ed up is that? Parading your uality in your own brother’s face. He seriously needs to set some boundaries for himself. Anyway.. Over-protective brother mode: OFF... For the minute.

“We don’t need a room.” Mir said, capturing Joon lips in a not-so-innocent smooch. “This is our apartment and we can do whatever we like.” .. “And I mean anything.”

‘Oh god..’

“So naughty today Mireu.” Joon grinned.

“That’s because he’s spending too much time with you, Joon. You’re a bad influence.” I whined, crossing my arms tightly over my chest and avoiding eye-contact with either of those two.

I couldn’t see it, but I heard Mir sigh. And before I knew he had come to sit next to me on the couch, leaving a frowning Joon sprawled across the floor.

“What’s wrong Yun? We were only having a bit of fun.” He whistled, with an innocent glint in his eye. Damn this kid and his aegyo.

“Nothing’s wrong.” I said, furrowing my brow a little. I hadn’t come here to complain.

“So what was it that you wanted advice with?” Mir asked.

‘Oh right, that..’ I thought to myself, phrasing the right words in my head.

“I don’t know what to do about Jae.” I finally said.

“What do you mean?” Mir asked.

“Exactly what I just said.”

“Ok..” He muttered, glaring at me slightly - uncharacteristically intimidating. “But I don’t really see what you need advice with.. I mean, Jaejoong properly opened up to you - like, told you the deep stuff from his past. That’s a good thing isn’t it?” He asked, the glare melting away into a confused pout.

“Well yeah, I guess. But that’s also the problem.”

“I’m not following.” Mir stated. Joon sighed and I could see him smirk a little from the corner of my eye.

“I don’t know how to explain it..” I whined yet again. It was hard to put my feelings into words.

Joon suddenly stood up, pulling Mir out of his seat and onto his lap. “I think I can.” He said, planting a kiss on Mir’s forhead.

‘Seriously. Get a room.’

“You can?” I asked.

“Mhm.” He nodded. “Let’s face it, you like Jaejoong. It’s pretty damn obvious to the rest of us even if you won’t admit it.” He began. I was a little awestruck by the serious tone of his voice; not least because it seemed these two could read my emotions like an open book.

“--Yeah Yun it’s like a high-school crush. So cute.” Mir added, grinning mischievously.

“Right. But the thing is you don’t have a clue how to deal with this.”

“Hah. That’s certainly true.” I suddenly burst out. Joon just smiled before continuing.

“You don’t know what Jaejoong’s feelings for you are, if there even are any. But when he opens up to you like he did yesterday, it proves that he trusts you. And that makes you wonder.”

“You think?”

“Yunho, I know. I went through a similar thing with Mir.”

“Really?” Mir asked, looking Joon in the eye. “I thought it was pretty obvious that I was your fan boy right from the start.” - Joon smiled innocently to him, pecking him on the nose. Gross.

“Mir, none of us understand what goes through that head of yours. Until you started shamelessly flirting with me at school, I had no idea.”

“Huh.” Mir said, smugly.

“Anyway.. back to me?” I interjected.

“Oh right.” Joon said, snapping his attention back to me. “So little Joongie trusts you, and cries on your shoulder and *cough* sleeps with you.” - I couldn’t help but blush slightly at that part. “And that frustrates you. You want to move forward, but you don’t know if he’s ready for that step.”

“Ohhh.” I droned, letting my mouth form an ‘O’ shape.

“Wow Joonie, you’re so clever!” Mir clapped his hands, bubbling with some new-found excitement and bouncing up and down on Joon’s lap.

“I try my best.” Joon bowed, almost embarrassed by the sudden amount of attention.

“How did you figure all that out by yourself? I don’t remember ever talking to you about this..” I asked, more than confused. Joon just all of a sudden went from being the immature kid who shacks up with my little brother, to this relationship guru. All in a matter of minutes.

“Hah.” He laughed with a smirk. “Yoona talks, you know? Girls are terrible at keeping secrets.”

“WHAT?!” I suddenly shouted, twitching into a standing position. How many other people has Yoona told? She’s not even that close to Joon.. Well, I guess Jae did say that they spent the day together while I was at work.. Which means she’s more than likely to have also told Taec? I’m just hoping she hasn’t said anything to Jae.

“Chill out Yun. You’re acting like the rest of us didn’t already know.” Mir mocked, rolling his eyes in clear annoyance. Not that I didn’t have a damn good reason to be annoyed, but whatever..

“Still.. People should learn to keep secrets, instead of shouting them for the rest of the world to hear.” I pouted, crossing my arms again and sinking down into the couch with a frown.

“So what are you gonna do about it?” Mir asked after a while.

“I don’t know.”

“Yunho, you know you have to talk to him about this. A relationship doesn’t just magically appear. You have to work at it.” He said, adopting that stupid lecturing tone that he copies from Appa when he wants people to listen to him.

“I know.” I sighed. “I just don’t know how to approach it.”

Mir was silent for a moment, caressing the underside of his chin - seemingly deep in thought. He opened his mouth a few times to speak, but quickly closed it when no words came out. It was amusing to watch him speechless and frowning. But at the same time, I needed his advice and he just seemed incapable of giving it.

“I don’t know either.” He finally said, rolling out of Joon’s lap and collapsing in defeat on the floor.

“Very useful.” I sighed.

“Shut up..” I heard him whisper.

“I think I know what you could do.” Joon said, out of nowhere. As usual he had that silly smirk on his face, indicating that whatever was about to come was something mischievous. I tilted my head slightly in anticipation.

“What?” Mir asked, lifting his head up and staring at Joon.

“I think - when you get home - you should just walk up to him--”


“..And you should just.. you know.. Kiss him. Right then and there.”

“Are you being serious?” I asked, slightly out of words to say, considering the situation that was playing in my head. Me arriving home, Jae asking me how my day was - like a good housewife - and then me scooping him up in my arms and just.. kissing him. God I could feel my cheeks heating up just by thinking about it.

“I’m dead serious.” He replied, his face all of a sudden like a blank page. Unreadable. “You’ll never know unless you do something about it. And what better way than with a kiss?” He asked, turning to Mir and capturing the unsuspecting boy’s lips. “Everyone loves to be kissed.” He smirked, turning his attention back to me.

I think my mouth was wide open from imagining the situation in my head.

“I’ll just let you dream for a little while longer.” Joon said, leering at me. It was definitely not my fault that I blushed like a schoolgirl.

 I expected Mir to immediately protest his boyfriend’s suggestion, but instead he just sat there silently. Staring off into space and smiling weirdly. His expression was unfathomable.. And I didn’t like it.

“Mir? What are you thinking?” I pried, hoping he would have some better ideas.

“..I’m thinking..” He began after a few seconds of silence, turning his gaze in my direction. It made me feel slightly nervous. “..Joon might be on to something.”

Joon crossed his arms and grinned, smugly. “I knew I was.” He said.

“Yeah.. The more that I think about it.. The better it sounds.”


“--Yunho listen. Right now, you sound like a lost puppy who can’t find his way home. You need to do something about Jae, or else you’re just going to chicken out and never do anything. Then you’ll whine to me about how you missed your chance - and I don’t want that.”

“Exactly.” Joon said.

I just stared down into my hands; the palms dampening with a thin layer of sweat as I thought about actually making a move with Jae. I mean, there has to be a better way than to just throw myself at him right?

And what about Yoona.. She said that I have to wait until we’re both ready.

Although.. At this rate, I’ll never find that out. The way things are going now, if I avoid the issue; Jae will just cry on my shoulder more and more.. Maybe he’ll want to sleep next to me again.. And what will happen to me? I’ll end up even more confused and frustrated.

Now that I start to think about it as well, Joon’s suggestion isn’t all that bad.

No.. It might just work.

“What are you thinking, Yun?” Mir asked, breaking my chain of thoughts. I snapped my head at him a little bit too fast, only to see those two smirking at each other yet again.

“I’m thinking..” I began, not really sure what I was thinking. “That I should probably go home now. Jae will probably be wondering where I am.”

Mir and Joon chuckled to each other; high-fiving and making the ‘fighting’ sign as I made my way towards the front door.

I rolled my eyes at them, slamming the door behind me. As soon as I was alone, I leant my weight against the door - feeling my hands shaking a little and a bead of sweat trailing down my neck. I gulped down my fear and hesitation (and just general dread for what I was planning to do when I got back home) and began my way home.



♦ No P.O.V 


“Yunho, is that you?” Jaejoong shouted from the kitchen as he heard the front door slam shut. Loud, hasty foot-steps pounded along the corridor, making the younger boy a little nervous. Particularly considering Yunho hadn’t replied to his question.

“Yun--” He was about to ask again when Yunho appeared in the doorway. Looking rather flustered. “--Umm..”

“What’s all this?” Yunho asked, looking around the room - eyes widening slightly. Jaejoong stood awkwardly by the kitchen stove, surrounded by an array of dirty dishes; clearly he’d spent a long time making a mess in here, Yunho thought. Of course there was a reason for all the mess, and that was what caught the older boy off guard the most.

“I thought that you’d be hungry.. And I wanted to say thank you.” Jaejoong answered with a smile, rocking back and forth on the heels of his feet. “I’ll clean up, I promise.” He added, realising the mild shock the older seemed to have had.

It was a sight that Yunho hadn’t returned home to in.. Well.. Ever. Jaejoong must’ve spent hours preparing all the food; some traditional Korean and others exotic that the older could barely recognize. The smell alone was enough to cause Yunho to salivate and he felt somehow embarrassed that he hadn’t sensed it sooner.

Of course there was also a reason for that as well. Yunho had expected his nervousness to subside once he reached his own apartment, but naturally that hadn’t been the case. As soon as his key twisted in the lock of the front door, the nervous sweat and fear of rejection had returned with full force. The thoughts that Mir and Joon had put in his head were all but making him blind to the world around him. The moment he entered the threshold of the apartment, there was only one thing that had completely over-ridden his brain.

And that certain, raven-haired thing was now stood right there; innocently smiling up at him.

“You didn’t have to do all this..” Yunho said in awe; admiring every little detail in Jaejoong’s work. Hesitantly, he took a seat at the head of the table, gawking at the sight laid out before him. How Jaejoong expected only the two of them to eat everything he’d made was a mystery to him.

“I know.” Jaejoong smiled, turning around to finish whatever it was he needed to finish - Yunho wasn’t exactly looking at anything other than the younger. “But I wanted to.” He said, looking over his shoulder.

And he really did want to do this; if only to show how much he appreciated that Yunho had lifted yet another burden off his shoulders. Yunho had left this morning - to spend the day with Mir and Joon - because Jaejoong had asked for some space ‘to think’. To think over everything that was running through his head. Why did he trust Yunho so readily - enough to empty his past after so little time? Why did he want Yunho to be the one that held him when he cried, or hold his hand when he gets scared?

In the end, Jaejoong couldn’t put his finger on any one answer. He knew he was grateful to the elder, he knew that he admired him and enjoyed the time they spent together, he knew that he felt safe and cared for when Yunho was around and he hated it when he was gone.

But there was something about the way the older boy made him feel that he couldn’t quite summarise in words. And whilst that scared him a little, he couldn’t deny that it was a wonderful feeling to have.

Yunho was silent for an uncharacteristic amount of time, trying to plan out exactly that he was going to say and do when he felt the time was right to confront Jaejoong with his feelings.

Sitting in that chair, watching Jaejoong’s back as he swayed from side to side; humming that little tune than he always seemed to hum when he cooked, imagining the feel of his pale, flawless skin under his own touch.. Yunho had never been so scared of rejection in his entire life.

‘But he might feel the same way as you?’ One thought told him.

‘Yeah, but what if he doesn’t and you scare him off?’ Another thought said.

‘I have to try though, right?’

‘Just don’t this up.’

‘I promise I won’t.’

Yunho carried on his internal feud, silently mustering the courage to simply say a word to the innocent boy. Jaejoong of course was yet again blissfully unaware that the older was experiencing such emotional turmoil.

“Umm.. Jae?” Yunho asked, tentatively; finally taking a stand and moving closer to the younger boy.

“Yeah?” Jaejoong asked, turning around to meet Yunho almost face-to-face.

Yunho was dangerously close to Jaejoong; close enough for the younger to feel the warmth radiating from his chest and the tingly sensation of his breath ghosting over his skin. Jaejoong watched as Yunho swallowed, nervously; his Adam’s apple bobbing slowly up and down as his words got tangled in the back of his throat.

In the end, Yunho decided that no words were needed. Instead he slowly took Jaejoong’s delicate hands in his own, pressing closer to the younger boy and gazing into the naive doe-eyes that continued to look up at him.

“Yun--” Jaejoong whimpered as Yunho closed the distance between them, circling one hand around the younger’s waist whilst still holding firmly onto his hand with the other.

“--I want to try something..” Yunho whispered, slowly leaning in to connect their two foreheads.

Jaejoong’s entire being seemed to burn and shake as Yunho held him like that, an unmistakable shade of red flushing across his pale cheeks as the two met each other’s stare.

Slowly. Hesitantly. Yunho closed the distance between them; brushing gently against the softness of Jaejoong’s lips with his own. The older’s eyes fluttered shut instinctively as the moment washed over him, dragging him into an almost unconscious state of bliss. And sheepishly, he began to move against the lips that he was now connected too; chastely and lovingly savouring ever single instant that Jaejoong allowed him to do this.

Jaejoong on the other hand was beyond shocked when he felt Yunho’s lips solidly connect to his own. He wasn’t afraid, nor did he feel the urge to push the older away, but his uncertainty took the better of him and he ended up freezing rigidly in Yunho’s hold. He was unsure of what to do, of whether this was really, truthfully happening. He felt Yunho begin to move his lips slowly and that brought him back to reality.

Yunho was kissing him.

Yunho was the first person to ever kiss him.

And in that moment, Jaejoong realised that he would never have wanted it any other way.

Yunho was about to pull away; weary that Jaejoong didn’t seem to be responding. The sudden fear that at any second the younger would realise what he was doing and push him away, consuming him. Or worse, that this was some kind of dream and Jaejoong really wasn’t stood here, allowing the older to kiss him.

Of course, those fears all washed away into nothing when he felt a pair of soft lips begin to move hesitantly against his; the delicate hand in his own beginning to tighten its grip and pull him just a little bit closer.

Yunho was kissing Jaejoong. And Jaejoong was also kissing Yunho.





The first kiss! Ahhhhhhh! *ehem*

I'm so so happy, you wouldn't believe the stupid grin I got from writing this!

I decided that we haven't seen Mir or y Joon for a while, so I hoped you liked their part in all this. ^.^

Also! You guys might have noticed that the layout of the story looks different? Well that's because it is! I spent quite a few hours (that I enjoyed way to much XD) altering the texts and images etc. and we got a new poster! :D What do you guys think of all the changes?

In other news, as well as the One-Shot that I'm still working on, I got the idea for a new fic that I put up yesterday, so go check that out if you'd like.
Here's the link:

¤ Line in the Sand ¤

Thank you for reading/subscribing/commenting! Let me know what you guys think. <3


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Chapter 15 should be uploaded tomorrow (July 9th) so hold on until then! Haha :3


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Chapter 18: awesome... super protective yunho.. ^__^
I love that its so sad please keep updating
Chapter 18: Are you going to update this? T.T It's such a lovely story. I love how kind and loving Yunho is towards Jaejoong, and the entite story is just so well written <3 even if you end it here, it was really sweet and an amazing read ^^ :D
Chapter 18: I just read all the chapters from beginning to current and I loved all of them. I reallly like how protective and caring Yunho is. I especially love Jaejong's personality and how fragile he is. And Joon's iness makes me laugh. By the way, can you send me the link to your other story "The Art of Seduction: Jaejong Edition". Can yousend it to me, Please? ^__^
Wonderful.........totally amazing
Chapter 18: amazing updateee :D
BabyKey #7
dang! i didnt subscribe the last time i was here! thats why i didnt get any update alert !! pabo me! / slap forehead/

the storys still wonderful btw! :)) <3 =3
ayasato123 #8
1 word.. it's AWESOME!!!
More updates pleaseee.. ^^
awwwwwwwwwwwww soooo cuteeeeeeeeeeee....i love romantic and sweet yun...^___^
skullboy #10
haha..its interesting..cant wait for the next update..