Chapter 8

To Learn or To Let Go


Jung’s Tower

“WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?!” shouts a middle aged man to a group of people in the meeting room.

“Who is in charge to make a decision here?! Where the hell is David Song?!”

“Excuse me Mr. Lee, Mr. Song is currently unavailable, and with all due respect, if there’s something you wanted to say, please, I guess all of us here, can still listen to you well without you have to raised your voice on us sir” said a young man who just entered the meeting room right after the old guy done screaming, and guess who is he?

And oh how obviously unhappy the old man is being interrupted when he is about to explode more “WHO THE HELL ARE YOU, DARE TO TELL ME TO SHUT UP?!”

“My name is Liu, I’m in charge here in our division while Mr. Song has an important meeting to attend, representing our company at this current time, that’s why if there are some things, you would like to discuss with our division, please..”

“BULL! And you want me to calm down?!”
“Yes sir, we would appreciate it if you do”

And man that really pissed off the old guy..


“I am here Lee, no need to scream” said Mr. Jung who suddenly appear not far from them, with Jessica and his bodyguards behind him

“Don’t make yourself more embarrassing in front of these young lads, lets talk in my office, and you, Liu isn’t it? Come with us. Jessica, I’ll see you again later” which responded by his daughter with a slight bow before she return back to her own respective office room.

“Firing him should be the only reason why would you include him in our private meeting Jung” Mr. Lee said, still with his, seem, bottomless arrogances while following Mr. Jung to enter the elevator.

“Nope, he’s currently my legal counsel and one of my Vice President as we speak” Mr. Jung calmly said, but not his facial expression “Because as you already heard him, he’s in charge while David is outside trying to give you and the rest of the share-holders more profit when the time for sharing the dividends come”

“What?! He insult me! And I believe he must have learned it from that ungrateful person!”

“No he’s not, you are embarrassing yourself and me, in the end.” Mr. Jung still calmly said, even give a simply smile to his secretary before he entered his office and let his bodyguards close the door behind them, leaving Mr. Jung alone with Mr. Lee and A.J.

He took a deep breath before he look at Mr. Lee sharply and say “Do you know how much I want to forget our long friendship including our family good relationship for years, started by our grandparents, and took everything that my company gave yours for the last 15 years, and let it crushed by those loan sharks and bookies you and your son have grew acquainted with which almost put MY company in jeopardy?!” Now, HellJung, has arrived

“If its not because of David, you and I know where will be sitting right now Lee! And believe me, in that place, NO ONE would even consider to talks nicely while you were screaming like a mad man out there, wanting them to respect you for who you are!”

And no one, but Mr. Jung dare to speak..

“You, could have just ask them nicely, about why did we declined your offer, no need to embarrassed yourself, like what you were doing earlier, they are MY employees, you are in MY building, you want them to respect you? Learn how to respect them first because those kids are the one who helps you securing your share in this company!”

He ended his speech with one loud bang as he hit his desk hard with his palm.

“Now you, Liu, explain it nicely to Mr. Lee the reason why we decided to declined Mr. Lee’s company contract offer”


At the Hospital

“Nicole unnie! Its been so long since the last time we met” as Krystal hug tight one of her favorite person around the world which she considered as older sister beside Jessica once they enter Nicole’s practice room.

“Oh I wonder whose fault it is, you always busy, with someone to be exact” teased Nicole, showing Krystal one of a magazine with her face and Minho hugging secretly of an event backstage “I should have known that my dongsaeng will date someone titled the hottest rapper in town”

“Well you know me, I only want the best of the best” she flipped her hair jokingly “Kidding, you are busy yourself, what’s this rumor I heard about you from Yul oppa? He said you showed an extra care towards one of your patient’s brother?”

Nicole fell silent for a moment

“So, is this guy, a hottie?” Krystal playfully smirked to a still silent Nicole.

She slowly smiled “A very nice person yes”

“Good, but that doesn’t answer my question, is he hot?”

“Someone’s inner side should matter more than what we see from the outside, Krystal”

“Ew.. Boring..” Krystal said, uninterested with what Nicole is trying to tell her..

Which unnoticed by her, a deep stare coming from the person who sits in front of her, as if that person holds a grudges towards her..

Or is it just our imagination?


Back to the Jung’s Tower, in Mr. Jung’s Office.

A knocked from outside of the door

“Come in” Mr. Jung said while he was reading then signing some files on his desk

“Excuse me sir, Mr. Song is here” said his secretary

“Ah yeah, let him in”

“Yes sir” and not long after that, Mr. Song walks in

“Mr. Chairman” he slightly bowed to Mr. Jung who still busy with his papers

“Yes yes, have a sit David, I just need to sign some of this, how’s the meeting?” as Mr. Song take a seat on a chair across Mr. Jung’s

“It went well sir, they are agree to consider to have a long term cooperation after our last successful project together, within this week, their representatives will come to meet ours, but before that, the Chairman of their company would like to invite us on a lunch to show their gratitude towards us to believe in their company’s performance so they will wait from us to confirmed on when will we be able to..”

“Sure sure” said Mr. Jung, seems not to interested on what Mr. Song just told him “So tell me about Liu” is what interest him more, because that’s what he said as soon as he put down his pen and put his focus on what Mr. Song will say.


On the other side of the Jung’s Tower

“Man how I’m glad when Mr. Jung suddenly shows up out of nowhere! Didn’t you see how that old Lee face turned sour once Mr. Jung said don’t make yourself more embarrassing in front of these young lads! ? That really made my day man!”

“Certainly, because before Mr. Jung even A.J arrived you were pale and sweating bullet, and I swear if I didn’t forced A.J to come fast and he didn’t arrived faster enough, the whole office would have seen you peeing in your pants, one minute late, you could have passed out!”

“Hey back off man!”

“Anyway A.J, what happened in Mr. Jung’s office?”

“Ah yeah, I’ve been wondering about that too man, what the hell happen inside that made the old Lee went out of the building super pissed?”

“Well..” and that’s when Mr. Song walks in

“Afternoon Mr. Kim, Mr. Harvejkul, Mr. Liu, sorry for interrupting gentleman, but Liu, Mr. Jung wants to see you”

 “Me sir?”

“Yes.. Let me walk you there” said Mr. Song who seems like having a lot in mind right now though his face stays unreadable.

“Pardon me sir, but may I know why Mr. Jung wants to see me?”

The older man stays quite for awhile, contemplating on what to say..


Mr. Jung put a bundle of files in front of Mr. Song, which contains everything, about A.J Liu. Worrying on what will this all about, Mr. Song decided not to say anything, before Mr. Jung starts to asking him questions which was not long after he put the files down.

“I suppose you already knew about this Dave?”


“His family background, parents accident, financial problems which caused by his younger siblings treatment in our facilities, which are fully taken care by our company?”

Mr. Song seems to contemplate on how to use the right words to explain the situation about the matter “It has been in accordance with the terms of the contract we were agreed, between him as our employees and us, sir”

“Yes I’m aware, but his status in this company when the things happened with his family, were still merely an apprentice, which then, not so long after, he officially became our employee, only within a year and seven month? I thought it supposed to be at least, two years? And he’s not even graduate that time..”

Again Mr. Song seems to contemplate on which words to be used to explain the situation about the matter.

“Is there something I need to know about this, David?” Mr. Jung looked at him with an unreadable expression.

“With all due respect sir, you always told us about the importance of caring the seeds we have planted with the best care, fertilized it, provide an adequate water intake and protect it from any possibility of the plant being damaged. Not all of the seeds that we plant will grow in accordance with our wishes, but when we know that the seeds we plant will grow into a quality crops, we should take care of it more, and protect it more restrictively, so that when it produced something, it will not be used by others, but by our own.” Mr. Song said

“And from that understanding, we began the program that you proposed by you personally, giving donations to a number of schools and universities around the world in the form of scholarships, which then in the future could be utilized as well as our company private selection method, so not only do we become the best company in the field, but also the best companies which are run by the best people in all areas under their control, and he has received our scholarship ever since he was enrolled to his university and keep receiving except once, when he decide not to continue his school, because of what happened to his family, and then we support him, and he graduate with an excellent result”

“Yes, he’s young, and inexperienced, but you already noticed some of his performance by helping us to win some of the big deals, and yes, he only have a year and seven month as an intern, rather faster than the others, but it has been years and he gave us nothing but excellent performance with the other employees which are his seniors, with older age and undoubtedly more experiences, and as a quality crop, it is our duty, to keep him under our watch and our possession so he would continue give us nothing more than the best, because we showed him that we won’t hesitate to give him the best from us, as well”

And with that, Mr. Song ended his speech.

Mr. Jung laid his back on the backrest of his seat. Looking at some files about A.J he has on his desk, especially a long list of expenses from Sulli’s hospital charges.

Guessing what Mr. Jung had in mind, Mr. Song said “Our company cut half of his salary to pay the bills, the rest is paid by our company from our employee insurance programs, as well as from the hospital because his younger sibling was hospitalized in our proprietary hospital, so as employees in our company he deserves to have a discount on the hospital care cost”

Mr. Jung looked at Mr. Song, and the only words he uttered after he listened to Mr. Song’s long explanation was “Tell him to come to my office”

End of Flashback

“We’ll know as soon as we walks in into the Chairman office son” is the only answer he could give for A.J’s question, because even he don’t know what his best friend and boss have, in mind.

But deep down he hoped, the secret he’s been keeping, will remain as a secret.

What secret?

It’s a secret..


a/n: i don't remember the last time i update this fic, but here is one, and we are not even on half of our way XD okay i shouldn't be excited because of it -___- need to do some brainstorming *___* meanwhile, enjoy ^___^ all comments and critiques are welcomed

--LDW Out!--

ps: will edit later...maybe.. .___.

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just an introduction ^___^ sorry for grammar mistake, and other mistake you might find in this one


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Chapter 12: It's really interesting ^___^ update soon author...thanks
Nnamaste #2
Chapter 12: Let kryber meet XD
bizzle030194 #3
Chapter 12: a lot of secrets eh? hope there'll be kryber on the next chap. and coming chapters ^_^
kiki4ksssssss #4
Chapter 11: wonder what the things that they hiding from Mr jung
jovy0025 #5
Chapter 11: I think mr. Jung is the one cause the accident to the family liu⁉️
leejuyon14 #6
Chapter 11: mrs. jung what are you hiding?
Chapter 11: I actually reread this and like the first time, I found this intriguing...I hope you update soon! :)
Nnamaste #8
Chapter 10: Please update soon
I've been waiting your story^^
Chapter 10: waaaahhh I like your story
I can't wait to know what will happen next and how will happen when AJ and Krystal will officialy meet XD XD
and Mr.Jung is a crazy father but I like him
good luck^^