Chapter 11 Mindgames

To Learn or To Let Go

24 hour, thanks to Mr.Song, that’s how much time Mr.Jung gave him to study the contract terms before he decided to put his sign on, or not at all.

Honestly, the whole situations are so confusing for him, how things had come to this.

“You don’t have to do it” Mr.Song had told him once he walked out of Mr.Jung’s office “I’ll try to talk to Mr.Jung again, you go home and get some rest”

“Thank you sir” A.J said right before Mr.Song re-entered the President’s office, but somehow the old man can sense a different emotions when the expressions of gratitude being said.

“You have done everything for me and Sulli since the beginning, but, not to disrespect all of your kindness sir, but this time, I will decide it by my own”

And here he is, sitting next to his sister hospital bed, with the confidential contract only him, Mr.Jung and Mr.Song who knows it exist, on his hand.

It was too quiet, but this is how it always been whenever he stays inside Sulli’s ward. He looked at his younger sister face, how she got a lot thinner than she used to be.

“Sulli-ah, you’ve lost your chubby cheeks..” he playfully poked her and smiled “Are you happy now? You always told me you wanted to get rid of it before, you said you didn’t like it..”

“Maybe its my fault though, because I always teased you about it” he softly chuckled “Ever since we were kids you always have a chubby cheeks and I always teased you about it, that’s why you always want to try to get rid of it, so I’d shut up..” he gently caressed his sister cheek with his thumb.

“I like it Sulli-ah.. Oppa loves it even.. It makes oppa’s little sister look so cute..” a tear fell from his eyes “I’ll do anything to see you with it again Sulli-ah…” another tear fell down “I’ll do anything to have you back with me.. You’re the only one I have left Sulli-ah.. Don’t leave me alone..” and a muffled sob filled the silent room.

Back at the Jung Mansion where the head of the family had spent few hours at home sitting in his home office, thinking, replaying the conversation he had with his trusted employee, his best friend.

“You can’t do this to him Alfred, if its about the money, put it in my tab, I will take care of it even if it means that I have to give all of my salaries!” David Song said “Yes there’s not much of a progress yet but please be considerate Alfred, she’s the only family member he have left, and she’s still alive despite of her condition, are you trying to make him to give up about her?! I swear if its just about money you can even empted my bank account, be my guest!”

It amused Mr.Jung how his always calm and composed friend looked really annoyed this time, to him especially.

“And what’s with putting your own daughter into this situation? Are you clearly out of your mind?! I can’t understand you, are you really doing this just because you don’t like the boy who’s with Krystal now?!” Mr.Song haven’t finished his ranting just yet “For goodness sake Alfred I already gave you a complete report about that boy and he’s harmless, why can’t you just let them be if he could really makes Krystal happy?”

“Because I believe in my hunch” Mr.Jung said calmly, and with that, Mr.Song know there’s nothing he could say or do to make Alfred Jung changed his mind.

Yes, a hunch, a feeling he couldn’t clearly explain why but its there, bothering his mind and automatically made him cautious, even both his wife and his best friend knows he meant serious whenever he relay anything he currently faced based on a hunch.

And he has a strong hunch from the first time he met Choi Minho that the boy has something up on his sleeve, something he couldn’t find out just yet, but he will, and for that, he needs time.

“Are you going to stay up all night here?” asked Mrs.Jung, entering the room unnoticed, slightly surprising her husband.

“No” he smiled at his wife “I will go back to our room once I’m done here”

“And what is the thing you need to finish tonight exactly?” asked Mrs.Jung, her hands on her hips, suspicious “Because when I walked in here, you didn’t even noticed me and you’re doing exactly nothing but spacing out, honey, the glare and the spacing out, is mine, you take the stubbornness and the persistency in the family” that somehow made Mr.Jung chortled.

“Did I even say something funny?” Mrs.Jung said, confused.

“No dear, its nothing” Mr.Jung said “Could you come here for a second please?”

“Why? What happened?” asked Mrs.Jung more confused as she walked to where her husband’s sat only to be hugged once she’s within the reach of his hand.

With one side of his face on his wife torso, he closed his eyes and sighed in relieved.

“Alfred..” Mrs.Jung called her husband gently “Is everything okay?” he didn’t answer, he hugged her tighter instead and that gave her a sudden wild idea.

“Yah!” she slapped his shoulder hard “You didn’t seeing someone else behind my back are you?” trying to pushed him away but he hold her still it makes her more and more suspicious.

“Yah!” and there goes another slap “Are you really seeing someone behind my back and this is how you showed me how guilty you are?” but her suspicions and her harsh attack got cut short when her husband chortled hard.

“What’s running through your mind women?” Mr.Jung said “I swear you’ve stayed at home too long and watched makjang way too much to have such idea ever rolled into your mind”

“Yah!” she slapped his shoulder again.

“Yah, stop slapping my shoulder women” Mr.Jung caught his wife hand mid air then gently pulled her towards him so he could hug her again “Don’t it ever crossed your mind that me, your beloved husband miss you, my beloved wife?”

Mrs.Jung pulled away for a bit to look at him who stared back at her “That’s all?”

“Yes, that’s all” he smiled at her and stay smiling even with his eyes closed when he felt his wife slender fingers running through his starting to get totally white hairs “Hem.. I like it when you do that” he said feeling some pressure his wife gave him on his scalp.

“I know..” Mrs.Jung said as she continued to massage her husband head.

He’s lucky, he knows it, to have someone like his wife, who loves him so much after everything he had been through..

As someone who’s born with a silver spoon and platter served in front of him, love and care are somewhat he couldn’t easily own no matter how much money he has inside his personal bank account.

He was raised with awareness that everyone has an ulterior motive when they wanted to approached him.

Raised with such awareness made him decided not to trust anyone but himself and with that decision, naturally he sharpened his intuition more than anything to help him get through everything he had to in his life, and so far, its been proven that his intuition, his hunch were always right may its about business decisions, relations or even about his daily life.

Because of his hunch he learned to trust his best friend David and because of what his hunch hinted him he braved himself to learn about love when he met his wife, and until this day he knew he never been so happy than how he is today, with his loyal best friend and loving wife right next to him.

So when his hunch were never wrong before, why would he thought that he was wrong this time with what he felt about his youngest interest?

Everyone would say he’s just being ridiculous, a father who doesn’t want to let go his baby girl, he knows that and even he thought maybe his intuition about this matter was clouded with that emotions, but no. He knows its not.

But why A.J?

He never meant to use that young man although it seems like he’s using him, blackmailing him even and to be honest, he’s not proud of what he’s doing. But desperate matters needs desperate measures and he is desperate.

He’s been searching for good guys he could at least, controlled, but of course it won’t be easy to find. Above anything he needed a person he believed won’t hurt his daughter with any means, good enough to treat his daughter well without his threat and he found it when he saw A.J.

Deep inside he knows that A.J might would do as he said even without he had to do what he’s doing now, but there’s even higher possibilities that A.J wouldn’t because, again, he would be called as a ridiculous father, and A.J’s personality.

The situation with A.J’s sister ironically becomes his ace cards.

Now he hope he’d hear a good news tomorrow from A.J, if he’s not, then he had no other option but to do as he threatened to do, with a consequences of losing best friend, and even wife if only Mrs.Jung knows what he’s doing.

“Monica, you believed me right?” asked Mr.Jung suddenly.

“Hem?” Mrs.Jung looked at him confusingly “What’s with the sudden question?”

“You believed me right?” he asked again

“Alfred, what are you going to do?”

“Not yet, but I might” Mr.Jung answered his wife honestly.           

Mrs.Jung sighed, she knows what this is about “And you’re not going to tell me about the detail and you’re doing this because of your hunch?” her husband apologetic smile proved her right “I just hope your hunch won’t decide to screw up this time because this is about our daughter’s happiness, you do aware of that are you?”

“Your happiness and our daughters, is what matter the most for me” Mr.Jung said firmly.

She sighed again then caressed his face gently before leaned down for a brief kiss and said “I believe you Alfred” she really does, what he’ll do is not what she’s worried about, what he might find when he’s doing his plan is.

The truth she’s hiding, she hoped it won’t be forcefully revealed, because she knows there’s no other way to stop her husband when it comes to his hunch. She could only hope and pray, that everything will be fine, even when the secret has to be revealed, she hope he would understand why she did it.

Mr.Jung thanked his wife with another tight hug before they decided to call it a day and returned to their bedroom for a good night rest.

Tomorrow, something is going to start where the ending are still far from predictable..


author's note: Its been a looong time.. i need to re-read this before i start typing new chapters,yes,chapters,wish me luck! I'm out!

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just an introduction ^___^ sorry for grammar mistake, and other mistake you might find in this one


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Chapter 12: It's really interesting ^___^ update soon author...thanks
Nnamaste #2
Chapter 12: Let kryber meet XD
bizzle030194 #3
Chapter 12: a lot of secrets eh? hope there'll be kryber on the next chap. and coming chapters ^_^
kiki4ksssssss #4
Chapter 11: wonder what the things that they hiding from Mr jung
jovy0025 #5
Chapter 11: I think mr. Jung is the one cause the accident to the family liu⁉️
leejuyon14 #6
Chapter 11: mrs. jung what are you hiding?
Chapter 11: I actually reread this and like the first time, I found this intriguing...I hope you update soon! :)
Nnamaste #8
Chapter 10: Please update soon
I've been waiting your story^^
Chapter 10: waaaahhh I like your story
I can't wait to know what will happen next and how will happen when AJ and Krystal will officialy meet XD XD
and Mr.Jung is a crazy father but I like him
good luck^^