The Son of The Liu's

To Learn or To Let Go


“Dad, what is happening here?!” Jessica can’t stand to be in the dark and start questioning to the main source, her father and sister

“Why are you planning to give Krystal an arranged marriage? And what nonsense are you talking about? Cross out her name from the list of your heirs? Are you even in your right state of mind?!”

“Ask that to your sister before you put your blame on me!” still having a glare battle with his youngest daughter, and that is what Jessica do

“Krys, mind to tell me what the heck is going on here?”


At a public cemetery on top of a hill

A.J sits on the green grass looking at the city view in front him, back facing two gravestone, with the name Peter Liu and Lucille Liu printed on each one of it. His parents. Its his habit to come visit them every morning on the weekend. Bringing his breakfast and just enjoying it there. Sometime he would have a self monologue. Pretend that he’s talking with them and imagining what kind of reaction his dad or his mom would give on a situation he was talking about. But most of the time, just like today, sitting, enjoying the view while having his breakfast alone, reminiscing.


 “A.J, wake up man, they said you got a call from a hospital, something wrong with your family?” said his dorm mate, waking him up in the middle of the night

“What?” sleepy A.J confused

“Hi, am I speaking with Amber Joseph Liu?” a girl voice from the other phone line

“Eh.. Yeah? Who am I speaking with?”

“My name is Park Yong Joo, I am a resident at Seoul International Hospital, I'm calling you as a representative of the hospital and the police about your family, Mr. Peter Liu and Mrs. Lucille Liu and your sister Ms. Sulli Liu?” the mentioned of his family member woke him up

“W..What happen? What’s wrong with my family?” he felt the other person on the phone hesitating

“Could you come to Seoul International Hospital as fast as you can sir? We will need your help to identifying your parents and..”

“Wait, identifying my parents?” another moment of hesitation, before he heard her sighed then say

“Please come as fast as you can to Seoul International Hospital. As soon as you arrive, some people from our hospital and the police will give you a further explain”


A.J sat alone on the floor, in front of the hospital morgue. Don’t care about people passing by while looking at him. He has an empty look on his eyes.

Two days ago, he still had a conversation with his family, talking about his 21st birthday, that supposed to be today.

“Aren’t you guys busy? I mean what about your patients dad? And your students mom?”

“We already covered it up” his father said

“We just want to spent more time with you kids” his mother said “Both of you growing up so fast until reality hit us that someday not so long after today, we’ll probably have to let both of you go to start having your own family”

“What?” A.J laugh at what his mom been worried about “Mom that is too far away to worry about now, I just entered my final year and Sulli is just about to start her college year, we still have so many time to spend with”

“We just want to make every time we have counted as the old ‘Liu’s family bonding time’ ” Mr. Liu said “You used to like it before you hit puberty”

He laughed at his father complain “Because its no longer amusing, going to amusement park with parents and little sis”

“Ah that breaks our heart” he laughed again on his father’s antic “Just spare some time for us on weekends okay? We’ll have a Liu’s day for your 21st birthday! And you can’t say no”


Somehow that day, he don’t want to say no, he expecting it



“Mr. Liu’s car, was hit by another vehicle from the opposite direction. We suspected that the other driver, was under the influence of alcohol. Mr. Liu had tried to avoid, but its probably too late, because the other car eventually hit the back of your parents car. Due to the severity collision, Mr. Liu lost control of his car, which causes the car to hit the highway divider pretty hard, it rolled several times before it stops in the middle of the road” A.J can’t help but to imagine the whole scene that time

“When our officers arrived at the scene, Mr. Liu suffered a very severe wound on his head and chest. Medical officers who arrived right away had tried to make efforts to save him, but the wounds he experienced were too severe, so we were unable to do anything else. We then tried to put our focus to save Mrs. and Ms. Liu because it seems that they have more possibility to survive. But too bad, on our way to hospital, we also lost Mrs. Liu” suddenly he remembered the way his parents always smiled at him, and when they look very proud when he was accepted into law school at Seoul National University. His father with his dorky grin which according to his mom, passed down to him. And his mother with her calming tone whenever she talks to him.

“The hospital doctors are now still trying to save your sister. She also has a severe wound, but the head trauma she had from the accident might affect the overall condition. As for now, we could only hope and pray the best while waiting for the doctors to finished your sister operation”

End of Flashback

 “I hope I’m not disturbing your time with them” a middle aged man standing not far from behind, bringing along a bouquet of flower on his hand, and A.J stand up right away as soon as he realize who it is then give him a slightly bow

“Mind if I put this on your parents..”

“Not at all sir” A.J said when the middle aged man want to put the flower on his parents grave

 He put the flower down, then take some time to send a prayer to the Liu’s while A.J just stand there not far behind him “Its their wedding anniversary today isn’t it?” asked the old man while looking at the Liu’s grave.

“Yes sir, 25 years of marriage”

The old man smiled “Yeah, I remember it like it just happened yesterday. In fact I still remember how your dad ask your mom to be his wife” he chuckled for a moment then smile, but slowly it fades away “Too bad they have to leave that fast”

A.J didn’t say anything. Of course he have the same thought, because if that accident never happened, his dad would still bugging him about how important ‘Liu’s Bonding Time’ is every time he has a chance, his mother would still cooked him his favorite food every time he went home on weekends, and his sister would always come whining on him about everything she could whined about every time, everyday. However, the reality is different. Now, because of the accident four years ago, his parents had passed away, and his sister lying in a hospital, coma.

“Did you.. Blame that person, A.J?” the question struck him hard “The other driver, who..”

“Yes” A.J answered the question firmly “Even though the person has received the sentences according to the rules and regulations for his actions. For me personally, its not enough. As someone who understands and studied law for years, I know what I would say now, is inappropriate. But, as the victim of a crime, I might feel quite satisfied, if the lives of my parents, paid by that person life as well.. With my own hands”

The answers make the other guy froze. He could see the hatred from the young man who stands in front of him. From the way he clenched his fist, and the way he look at the ground, like he could burn a hole on it, only by his look. He could only say “I understand” slowly, with a worried face.


A/N: Whooosa! Finally done writing chapter 4 kukukuku, sorry i couldn't update sooner, but i did now, yay! Thanks for encouraging me dear friends ^___^

First all, please do forgive me if i didn't point it out clearly about A.J's first appearance on last chapter, so please accept my apologize *a very deep bow* BUT! some of you did make a correct guess, and even read my mind about why Mr. Jung have to be this hard to his own daughter, hahahaha, and YES, that character, who said that he misses his baby sister, is A.J, and another YES for Mr. Jung's mind, voila!!! *throws confetti* ^___^ 

Now in this chapter, you get a lot of A.J.. Well, a lot more than the last, hehehehe, hope i didn't disappoint you guys, thanks for taking the time to read this story and subscribing it, ah tears of joy T___T so please feel free to read, advice and criticize, hope you could enjoy this one, apologize for any grammar mistakes or any kind of mistakes here .___.

Enough for today, the Lousy and Desperate Writer out!

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just an introduction ^___^ sorry for grammar mistake, and other mistake you might find in this one


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Chapter 12: It's really interesting ^___^ update soon author...thanks
Nnamaste #2
Chapter 12: Let kryber meet XD
bizzle030194 #3
Chapter 12: a lot of secrets eh? hope there'll be kryber on the next chap. and coming chapters ^_^
kiki4ksssssss #4
Chapter 11: wonder what the things that they hiding from Mr jung
jovy0025 #5
Chapter 11: I think mr. Jung is the one cause the accident to the family liu⁉️
leejuyon14 #6
Chapter 11: mrs. jung what are you hiding?
Chapter 11: I actually reread this and like the first time, I found this intriguing...I hope you update soon! :)
Nnamaste #8
Chapter 10: Please update soon
I've been waiting your story^^
Chapter 10: waaaahhh I like your story
I can't wait to know what will happen next and how will happen when AJ and Krystal will officialy meet XD XD
and Mr.Jung is a crazy father but I like him
good luck^^