Cause and Effect

To Learn or To Let Go


Breakfast time at Jung's residence.

Mr. and Mrs. Jung are having a quite breakfast on their family residence patio. It was a very warm and beautiful morning, but somehow, it felt cold around the place where the couples enjoying their breakfast. Most of it because Mrs. Jung still feel a little annoyed with her husband attitude last night, and if I have to remind everyone, she is the mother of ice princesses, means automatically, she is the respective, ice queen.

And to be honest, Mr. Jung just can’t stand it, he would rather to have his wife scolding him about what is it that made her annoyed, than giving him this cold shoulder, even only for less than 12 hours. Yes, he is whipped, but he loves to be whipped by his wife.. Er.. No byunness intent on that statement, ehm.. “So.. You think I should give that monk.. I mean, hairy boy, a chance?” Mr. Jung trying to start a conversation with his still annoyed wife.

Mrs. Jung stops eating for awhile to look at her husband who pretend to be busy with his newspaper “Hairy boy?”

“What? It’s less rude than monkey, don’t you think?” Mr. Jung said, trying to make his points about his new nickname for his daughter ‘illegal’ boyfriend, Mrs. Jung can only scoffed, but letting it pass and straight to comment on what her husband asked earlier

“I don’t know, but everyone deserves to have a chance, even my father gives you a chance, and he really didn’t like you before”

“And then I became his favorite son in law” Mr. Jung said proudly, until he realized that it might happen with him and that hairy boy, as he referred his daughter lover, and he become not so proud anymore “That would never happen between me and that hairy boy!”

“Sure Alfred, who knows” said Mrs. Jung calmly back to enjoy her breakfast.

“Don’t tell Krystal about this yet, I need time to think, oh and I better get going to the office now, early meeting and that old Lee always demanding and being a pain in my since the day Jessica refused to marry his son”

“You are an older than him by months Alfred”

“But you love me dear, I’m a y old man, for my smoking hot lady” he winked at his wife who immediately blushing

“Just go already!” and Mr. Jung left after he gave his wife a peck on her cheek, walking away while laughing. At least the queen has melt.


At the office

Mr. Jung has just attended a meeting about the partnership contract drafting between the company and his client from abroad, and he was impressed with one of his employees who was in charge in delivering the presentation to him and some of the company executives. Young and dedicated, really serious, and detailed in outlining the key points that could be favorable for their side, also able to answer the questions about what actions can be launched by their party if the agreement which will be agreed upon isn’t running well. Mr. Jung were thinking about the earlier event when his corporate Chief of Legal Office, confidant and best friend, since his young age, Mr. Song entering his office.

“Excuse me sir” he greets Mr. Jung with a slight bow

“Ah, David, come in”

“You are surely in a good mood Mr. Jung”

“Thanks to that new kid from your division, I really like the way that kid delivered the presentation about the draft of our company partnership contract with one of our foreign clients, even adding some important points that can be favorable for us for the possible defaults in the future from things that had never been noticed by any of our people from legal division before, things that can be used by them to release responsibility from the obligations that should be met, you know how those foreigners client can be really sneaky sometime, and thanks to that presentation, I feel more confident that our party will not suffer many losses, despite the breach of contract, because we already know the ways to counteract if they start to show signs that up to no good for us”

“You should not be too happy just yet, Mr. Jung, because the client might do the same thing, and we can never predict the future, maybe there’ll be something new and different from what we had been previously thought of, after all, the ‘kid’ you were talking about is still too young, it must be prepared by the drafter team, and A.J only in charge to present the results of their discussions”

Mr. Jung chuckled on his friend mark about his own people from his department “Okay then my friend, if you say so, now did you have what I want?” he suddenly turns to be more serious.

Mr. Song hand him a bundle of files to Mr. Jung “These are the files you need, and everything is in there, start from simple things that you yourself may already know sir, such as family background and connections owned by their families, but also in those files there are some personal information that were not even known by their own parents”

“Good very good” said Mr. Jung while doing some fast examination on the files that contains a list of the sons from the most influential families throughout Asia, and all of this for “Soojung must at least like one of the these kids here, don’t you think Dave?”

“Either that, or the other way around sir” and with that words, Mr. Jung remember, that his daughter, is not someone who is easy to be pleased, but why with the people who can not even sing, but boldly declared himself as a singer who did not even know the procedure of greeting people, Koreans style, and dress like a freak with the flashy accessories worn around the neck? It is one of the mysteries about his youngest daughter that he could not solved it himself, and he hoped, the person who will be with her daughter, can help him break the puzzles, maybe a part of his guilt, for not being able to spent more time with his youngest child unlike with his eldest, since he had to work really hard to safe their company during the economic crisis, and she was just 5 “But it’s definitely not with that hairy monkey kid” mumbles Mr. Jung “But.. Hem.. Should I give him a chance? *sigh* if he can make my daughter happy.. Maybe I should learn about how kids nowadays greet people around them?” he looked at his bestfriend, asking for advice, and Mr. Song could only give him a shrugged.


“16 minutes to 2 pm.. Yah! Why does it take so long for that stupid clock to reach 2?!” Krystal whined while poking one of her teddy bears “He is too much! I can’t believe he did this to me! Does he not even aware that I have a lot of schedules to be fulfilled, does he not even care that his daughter is a busy famous actress, singer and a model? Trapped all day here, made me missed to hear a lot of fans called my name and adore me! I can’t even gossiping around with my friends, this is ! And where did that Minho when you need him yah!!!”

And right about time, a text message just come into the cellphone that she borrowed from one of the maids.



Babe, I’m already here, but I have a really bad feeling, do you think we should do this?




It's now of never! Wait for me there.

Sent, and off she go. Let say, she has a very smooth run away plan. Her plans to run away tonight, might sounds easy and old for you, but really, it’s easy.

Nope, not from the window, by climbing down using blankets and sheets which fastened lengthwise to be used as, hem, how to say this, stairwell? She can’t, it locked, the bedroom window to her balcony.

From her bedroom door using a spare key that being smuggled in by one of her trusted maids, like Ling? It could be worked, but there are at least one guards sits right in front of her door ordered by Mr. Jung himself, to prevent this kind of attempt, remember the gorilla? And he is one of a dedicated and loyal guard of the family, and Krystal called him a gorilla for a reason. Big and scary face.

Or maybe, like in the movie, making a reasons that the room is too big for her and she felt lonely so she ask some of the maids, let say five, to sleep with her tonight, and later she will dressed up as one of them then sneaking out with one of them, while the other three trying to make a diversion and keeping the guard busy, to let her run away? Too much of a hassle, don’t you think?

Here’s a hint. She has an older sister, only siblings, who’re very close to her.  She even spent most of her time and slept with her sister when she was little. Especially when she missed both of their parents who was busy working and often left them for a business trip to various countries, and it happened since she was 5.

In those time, when we were 5, don’t we easily get scared with anything, especially when its night? We even believed that there are monsters waiting to eat us in every corner of the house that doesn’t get enough light. It happens too with her, even maybe until now, because she could never sleep with lights off, but she just won’t admit her fear. And imagine at that age with that kind of imagination, she had to walk out of her room, dealing with a slightly dark hallway to reach her sister’s bedroom which actually just next to hers. It will be enough to make her crying hard with fear. So to make it short, their daddy decided to make a secret door that connects Jessica’s and Krystal’s bedroom.

Where is it in Krystal’s bedroom? Behind a cupboard full of her teddy bears collection. Mr. Jung made sure, that the location is very hidden and secure, because, not everybody in the house, needs to know, only her daughters, him and his wife. But either because he forgot or too angry, he missed one way that can be used by Krystal to escape, from the secret door and that is exactly what Krystal’s do.

Pushed a hidden button on the back of the cupboard so it would moved to the side automatically, opened up the door, showed up in her sisters empty bedroom, and slowly walked out from there, trying to move without causing a lot of noise. And another luck for her, because the guard, is asleep, nice timing isn’t it? Let’s fast forward it a bit, on when Krystal, has made it out of the side gate of her house, that usually used only by the housemaids.

Very smooth escape, don’t you think?

And there he is, Choi Minho or known on stage as C-MeNo, the hip hop rapper, who is currently being crazed by a lot of young people in the country, and some country outside South Korea, a Halyu star, asleep inside his car, with his mouth slightly opened with saliva dripping from the side of his mouth.

Krystal knocked his car window to wake him up which doesn’t take too long, and soon after he woke up, he let her into his car and was expecting her to kiss him, while she looks too busy typing on his phone that she immediately grab from the car dashboard. So he nudged her, and pointed to himself as he pursed his lips. Krystal look at him, he closed his eyes. Krystal come closer..




But.. Don’t you think it’s too easy for them?







And suddenly, things around them becomes very bright with some big light flashed on towards them.

Feel annoyed, Krystal screams “Yah! What the hell?!” and right between two big lights not far away from them, standing upright, a middle aged man, looking angrily at both of them, his daughter and his most loathed person, in a car, when she supposed to be in her room, grounded by him. But in reality, she is here, sitting inside a car in front of him, next to a person he didn’t allowed to be around her, and that guy about to kiss his daughter???

Mr. Jung is extremely angry.

“KRYSTAL JUNG SOOJUNG!!!!!” so the story begins..




A/N: there goes Chapter 2, kukukukuku, but still no sign of A.J.Liu though, maybe on next chapter? ^___^ please be patient a little bit more? and i apologize for the grammar errors,  and if this is disappointing.. i'll check it again tomorrow, as for now, i need some sleep, it was a long day at work ~___~

feel free to read, leave a comment, advice, give feedbacks or criticize, but the most important thing. please enjoy  ^____^

Lousy and Desperate Writer out!

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just an introduction ^___^ sorry for grammar mistake, and other mistake you might find in this one


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Chapter 12: It's really interesting ^___^ update soon author...thanks
Nnamaste #2
Chapter 12: Let kryber meet XD
bizzle030194 #3
Chapter 12: a lot of secrets eh? hope there'll be kryber on the next chap. and coming chapters ^_^
kiki4ksssssss #4
Chapter 11: wonder what the things that they hiding from Mr jung
jovy0025 #5
Chapter 11: I think mr. Jung is the one cause the accident to the family liu⁉️
leejuyon14 #6
Chapter 11: mrs. jung what are you hiding?
Chapter 11: I actually reread this and like the first time, I found this intriguing...I hope you update soon! :)
Nnamaste #8
Chapter 10: Please update soon
I've been waiting your story^^
Chapter 10: waaaahhh I like your story
I can't wait to know what will happen next and how will happen when AJ and Krystal will officialy meet XD XD
and Mr.Jung is a crazy father but I like him
good luck^^