JJAFTS ( Jeon Juyeon's Academy For The Supernatural ) APPIE CLOSED!!!


I'm so curious... (Page 1/4)

What is your Aff name? 
JJAFTS Application

Give me some info of your character (Page 2/4)

Name: Lee Anthony (Nickname: Andy)
Age: 18
Why he was sent: His parents got scared of him and decided to send him to the school to see if it'll "help" him...or to just get him away from them.
His power: Telekinesis
Likes: Butterflies, stars, the night, rain, dancing and singing alone, being alone in general, music
Dislikes: Ants, school, places with lots of people, flirts, presentations, lectures, bright areas, rumors, gossip spreaders
Love Interest: He doesn't know what "love" means since he hasn't experienced it from his parents or anyone else.
Birthday: 10/31
Character Bio { 2 paragraphs please } 
Anthony's parents lived in America before moving to Seoul when he was 5. He didn't figure out about his powers until he turned 14. Since he was always that one boy in middleschool and highschool that was the "weirdo" and "emo" he got insults thrown at him from everywhere. After he figured out how to control his telekinesis powers, he used them to hurt people. His parents scolded him and they got hurt too. His parents never liked him since his grades were exceptionally poor and he was not social at all. This only lessened his sociality. He became discouraged and he lost all the friends he even had in the first place. Not only was he insulted because he was a loner, he has a spade tattoo on the right ide of his face, and a butterfly one on his back, right beneath his neck. He didn't know where he got it from. It was there since he was born, both of the tattoos. (He looks like this: http://data.whicdn.com/images/1253592/tumblr_kvn39eMo191qa5dcno1_500_thumb.png His tattoos look like this: http://www.tattoospot.com/data/media/35/butterflyline.jpg + http://images.clipartof.com/small/436285-Black-And-White-Spade-Tattoo-Design-Poster-Art-Print.jpg) Like said before, Anothony likes to keep to himself. He hates to talk and his voice is rarely heard. His face can't really be seen because his hair covering his eyes or his hood is up and hes looking down at his feet. He's socially awkward and makes little friends if any at all. He gets little to no sleep and is sometimes nocturnal, waking up at night and sleeping during the day. He finds peace by himself and when he's outside, he likes to draw the scenery and sit by himself. When you get to know him, he really isn't that bad to hang out with. He'll act like a normal everyday friend. .... .
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I posted a freakin' new story...LOOK.AT.IT.......please?! *pout* ^-^


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^^ excitedd~ haha
Oh yay. LOL...wait did my second character get in. o ^ o

oh glad you got lots of applicants.
can't wait for the story to start now!! =D
yay! story gonna finally start ^.^
Applied as Kiri. :D
Forgot to comment. Lol.

Applied again! c:
All appliers, you can even apply 3 or 4 times as well......hell, that's what I'm doing...lol!!
Oh, then I'll apply again LOL
I was also wondering if we can apply twice! Haha.... xD
Oh god, One Missed Call. LOL. I saw a movie poster for that one and I was like
'........oh good god.'


:D Update soon~ And woot woot lol more people