Chapter 50

Kiss For Sale


Reina walked into the bathroom with a towel and a new set of fresh clothes in hand. She tied her hair up and was about to brush her teeth when she noticed the hickey on her neck. ‘Oh Sehoon!’

Sehun sat up in the bed. *Uh-oh!*

Reina walked out of the bathroom and glared at Sehun. Sehun raised his hands in defense ‘Its not my fault, it was already there before you told me not to’ Sehun innocently blinked at Reina. Reina heaved a sigh before she stepped back into the bathroom.

Before she could close the door, Sehun stopped her and gave her an innocent smile. Reina confusingly looked at Sehun. ‘What?’ Reina snapped at Sehun without meaning to.

Sehun’s smile dropped and pouted, ‘Are you that angry at me because of the hickey?’ Reina sighed before she shook her head. ‘No, its just that its troublesome that I need to be caution about it and hide it well’ Reina looked apologetically at Sehun for snapping at him.

Sehun could felt himself smiling again ‘Then don’t hide it’ Sehun wrapped his arms around Reina and planted soft kiss continuously on Reina’s lip. Reina slightly pushed Sehun away and gave him a warning look. Sehun stopped and rested his chin on top of Reina’s head as he savour the moment. ‘You really cant get enough of me can you?’ Reina lightly pushed Sehun’s hand from her waist but Sehun just held on tighter.

‘Ssh.. just stay like this for awhile. I really missed you’ Sehun whispered. Reina could felt her own heart beat jumping like crazy against her chest. She looked up and gave Sehun a peck on his lip as she wrapped her hand around Sehun’s waist. Sehun looked down and gazed at Reina just like how she gazed at him. Sehun leaned in slowly and Reina tip her toe as she leaned in as well.

Before the couple could kiss, a ring from the door bell broke the atmosphere. Sehun groaned *Great, that person just have to spoil the moment.* Reina chuckled and pulled away from Sehun, ‘Go check who's that. Probably Baekhyun though.’ Reina pushed Sehun towards the door but Sehun refused to move. ‘I really need to washup Sehun. You should go back and wash up too’ Reina warned and Sehun headed outside with a sigh.  

‘Reina! Breakfa-’ Baekhyun stopped when he saw Sehun opening the door. Baekhyun felt his heart sank as he stared at the person standing in front of him. ‘Oh, you’re here Sehun? Hurry up and washup, breakfast is ready. Help me tell Reina that too’ Beakhyun managed a smile and walked away immediately after he spoke.

*Are we really impossible?* Baekhyun walked back to the room with a dejected heart.

Sehun told Reina to come over when she was done showering and went back to his room next door. Kai turned his eyes from the tv when he heard the door opened. Sehun greeted Kai cheerfully before he took his clothes and went into the bathroom for a quick bath.

Kai raised his eyebrow and watched Sehun entered the bathroom. *I guess they’re back together.* Kai smirked but stopped when he saw Baekhyun outside the balcony staring into space. *But there’s another that was heartbroken..*

After breakfast together, they were on their way back home. Reina was at the back of the van with Sehun, resting her head on his shoulder while Kai and Baekhyun sat in front. Baekhyun looked outside of the window without a single word, not even talking to Kai who was sitting beside him. He hadnt said anything after he greeted Reina good morning during breakfast.

The drive back was silent but it was soon broken by their Manager hyung when he spoke. ‘You all have a good rest right?’ the 3 of them nodded.

‘Great because you guys are not going back home, Im driving you guys to school straightaway.’ Kai and Sehun groaned upon hearing what their manager hyung had just said. Reina chuckled seeing how they dislike the idea of going to school.

Manager hyung looked through the mirror ‘You too Reina, your company asked me to send you to school too’ Reina nodded without a complain. She was more than willing to do that, after all they had missed a day of school.

Reina looked up at Sehun ‘You really don’t wanna go school that much?’

Sehun thought about it before looking back at Reina ‘On second thought, actually it isn’t that bad afterall if you’re going school too’ Sehun smirked and lean in to kiss Reina on the lip but she stopped and gave him a warning look.

Sehun leaned back in his seat, ‘Fine’ he wrapped his right arms around her shoulder and pulled her closer to him.

Reina smiled and shifted her gaze to Baekhyun, her heart sank to see her best friend like that. *I hurt him*

After 3 hours of ride, Reina slowly opened her eyes to see that they were already outside school. One by one, they slowly climbed out of the van. Reina rubbed her eyes while trying to focus her vision. ‘Reina!’ Reina was hugged instantly before she could even see who the person was.

Reina smiled and hugged back, already know who the person was without looking at him. ‘Hi Chanyeol’ Reina greeted as she hugged him back. Someone cleared his throat from behind and Reina was tugged out of Chanyeol’s embrace the next moment.

‘Hi hyung’ Sehun gave a smile while he pulled Reina next to him. Chanyeol’s face fell when he saw Sehun wrapping his arm around Reina’s waist. *They’re back together?* Chanyeol felt a pang of pain in his heart as he looked at the couple.

‘I guess, I’ll see you later in class then.’ Baekhyun gave Reina a weak smile before heading towards the school gate.  Chanyeol too left without another word.

‘Lets walk you to class now shall we?’ Sehun took Reina’s hand and was about to walk when Reina stopped him.

Reina looked up at Sehun ‘Can I meet you later at lunch instead?’ Sehun looked towards his hyungs who were walking away and nodded. ‘Alright I’ll see you later.’ Sehun place a soft kiss on Reina’s forehead before he watched Reina ran off to catch up with his hyungs. He felt sorry towards his hyungs too. Afterall, they love her as much as he does or maybe even more.

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Babbie #1
Chapter 51: Still worth an up vote for it was well written enjoyable for the most of it. Until the sunmi incident which doesn't make sense..nevertheless thank you for the effort.
Babbie #2
Chapter 48: Um...the difference is she wasn't in her right mind and knew she did wrong...he was perfectly sane and emotionally stable and made a conscious decision that went on for a week...and still didnt think he did wrong...I don't know why she forgive him this in the future as long as it's to help ppl it's ok? Don't get it but meh I guess.
Babbie #3
Chapter 42: Now this kiss is more justifiable than sehuns which I feel is a bit plot forced and contradicts his earlier character description with the yoona incident
Babbie #4
Chapter 39: WHAT!!? Poobbuwaio?kukpoiwoaso?OK that was just my shocked nonsense talk..but what is sehun thinking !?
Babbie #5
Chapter 36: God this is the sweetest fluffiest I've ever read hahahah
Babbie #6
Chapter 35: Arnt Kai ever the observer lol
Babbie #7
Chapter 9: Oh sehun must be a pro at mentally counting 3minutes by accurate as a clock!lol.
Babbie #8
Chapter 4: I can only imagine all the germs oh sehun is eating...and the girls shared it all nevertheless interesting start so far!
mon_etoile #9
This story needs attention seriously. It's simply amazing! I finished reading it in a day.