Wang Feifei

Love Story : 당신을 사랑합니다

" Yoboseyo? Mwo? Taecyeon? Chinjia , it's really you?Oh..ok.When? Now? Like now-now? Ok..sure! Annyeong! " I put down the phone. 
Taemin looked at me.

" Who's that? "

" Just an old friend of mine. I'm going to meet him. I'll come back home in an hour , don't worry..." I kissed Taemin's forehead. 

" Bye! "

While I was on my way , my childhood friend , Fei , called me.

" FEIFEI!! I'VE MISSED YOU! You're in Korea?! Ah , chinjia? You're outside my house? " 

I looked around. I saw her I almost dropped my phone. I ran to her and started hugging her.

( This is what they were wearing )

" Come , I was on my way to the cafe to meet an old friend of mine ! " 

We went to the cafe hand in hand to meet Taecyeon patiently waiting.

" Taecyeon! How nice to see you again . This is Fei ! "

" Annyeonghaesayo!" Fei bowed to Taec ( gonna write Taec cuz his name is too  long )

" Annyeong!" he waved back at her.

" Don't need to be formal with me. I'm happy with informality ." he continued.

Fei noddded.

We talked and laughed for awhile.

After an hour of talking , my phone rang.

" Gimme a moment ." I told them as I picked up my phone.

" Yoboseyo? Neh~ I was just about to leave. Oppa , can my friend come home with me? She just got back from China and dosen't have a place to stay! Chinjia? Ahh~ Komawo.. Ah, saranghae. Annyeong!" I put down the phone.

" Taecyon, me and Fei have to go. My boyfriend told me to go home. He said it's getting late! I'll see you again next time. Annyeong!" I waved to him before leaving.

He waved back at me but he wasn't as happy as he was just now.

" Yah, you already have a boyfriend? "

I nodded.

" And he lives with you?"

I nodded.

" Why?"

I frowned.

" Min died because someone mysteriously killed her.."

I started crying.

" It's okay , Suz. Come on let's go!" 

We walked back to our house to hear voices from our house.

" So , you left me for her? Wasn't it Yoona? How many girlfriends did you have? " a y , husky girl's voice was heard.

We were about to enter the house but stopped after hearing this voice.

" Shut up , Suzy is my first love.." I heard Taemin's voice.

" Oh yeah? I killed her sister because I saw you kissing her in the garden and I knew who she was. So I sneaked into her house and killed her sister so that you would leave her! How dare you stay with her?"

" I only dated you because you threatened me if I didn't , you would kill my whole family! "

" But I let you go because you threatened me back if I didn't let you go, you would tell everyone that I threatened you so that I could date you! But , dosen't matter if you tell everyone now , we're not in high school anymore.. who you're gonna tell? "

I pushed the door open.

I was shocked to see my used-to-be-best friend , Sulli.


"'s nice seeing you again.Hello , Fei . Long time no see." Sulli pointed her gun at me.

" This would be nice , let's kill you first . Then Fei . And then , we talk , kay Minmin?"

I got so mad.

" You killed Minnie? My minyoung? "

" Heck care , I kill alot of people.."

" I never knew .. I never knew you knew Taemin before I did. When we were in Japan , you had to take my crush didn't you . I made friends with Seohyun , and then made it back to Korea and found my Taemin  and now I found out you were once with him. What type of friend do you call yourself? "

[Fei's POV]

" Heck care, I kill alot of people.." 

Once I heard this from Sulli , our used-to-be best friend , I looked around. Sulli wasn't paying any attention to me. I saw at the side of the table next to me a glass vase . I slowly took it and held it behind my back.

" Enough with the chit-chat. Let's make this fast !" Sulli snickered as she was only 2 cm away from pulling the triger .

I threw the pot to Sulli's head.

" Oof! " Sulli fell to the ground .

[ Taemin's POV]

I locked her to the ground.

Suzy took away her gun and microwaved it ( I have no idea why) and I sat on her.

" Call 999 " I told Suzy.

She nodded and did what she was told to do.

" You're going to jail. I don't think you will be able to bail yourself out there" I scoffed at her.

" Well, when I get out of jail , in like 10 years , I will really kill you! " Sulli said weakly.

" Oh , I doubt so.." 

They took Sulli away and I hugged Suzy.

[Suzy's POV]

" Suz, are you okay? " Taemin said worried , after kissing me.

I nodded.

" Just shocked.. that's all.."

Fei hugged me.

" Thanks , Fei . I would've been dead by now if it weren't for you! "

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XD LOLOL THIS STORY DAMN FAIL! Sorry everyone but alot changed since I wrote this fanfic...<br />
From shawol>VIP<br />
From Minyul> daragon<br />
From SM> YG
i'm finish reading it.<br />
i'm so glad they're fine. ^^<br />
but what happened to jonghyun, is he ok?<br />
<br />
if you have another MinYul fanfic, just tell me.<br />
and i'll support it. ^^
i'm going to start finishing this tonight or maybe at midnight. hehe. ^^<br />
i'm excited to read this.
Hehe ok continuing the story now -.-"
Minyul4eva #5
:0 how can you abandon me likethis!!! 'why is it marked complete?'awwwwww is Minho and yoogeunie really dead?
Minyul4eva #6
ok that was just random by the way.
Minyul4eva #7
ur story is awesome!!! but thats really sad. yoogeun is way cuter... yoogeun cant of been dead! :0 THAT IS SO SAD! wtf shes worse than that freakin bastard nickhun!OMG Minho is dead to??????????? damn right ur evil! hahaha. why am i saying hahaha??? ITS NOT FUNNYY!!! waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh
Muahahaha I'm damn evilllllll :)<br />
Its not finished I wanted to get more comments that's all. Keke!<br />
I'll continue next week!<br />
Why don't I get new readers :(
The end~ How about Taezy ? xD<br />
Riinnn #10
@SHINeeFighting: haha, im still here, just didnt have time to comment much...<br />
ahh... such a sad ending... hope ur nxt minyul sotry has a happy ending, that is, if you write another one :)