Daddy's little darlings (part 1)

Barbie Domination

 Daddy's little darlings (part 1)

(the rest of this will be finished when I post up the official first chapter when we have our designated barbies)

          Saturday, 10:47 a.m.

"I hate when this happens," sighed TOP tiredly, he sounded impaled with boredom and immense disappointment. He slicked back his soft blue hair; staring intensely through diamond incrusted sunglasses, at a male standing aside with a blood stained suit,

"Please TOP give me another chance," his pleas were fruitless, as TOP's upper lip drew with distaste,

"Another chance? What do you think this is? This is like death boy, you don't get another chance to live if you get killed, will you?" 

"Please," TOP was impressed that the youth still had the guts of steel to continue. Though, he kept his poker-faced expression, in fact he was numb to all this; he'd had an earful of this periodically.

"TOP," said someone from the left of the room. It was the beautiful second gun to TOP: Hyomi. She fixed her glasses, pushing them up the bridge of her small nose eyeing him,

"What is it? I'm working right now," he snapped, giving the new recruit a hateful glance. Hyomi pushed her glossy lips into a simper,

"I'll handle this," and in a millisecond she had whipped out her gun; pointing it at the male so that he instinctively ducked down.

"I'll kill you if you don't get up in one second," he slowly rises, unsure. 

"One," and that jumpstarts his energy so that he stands up swiftly. Hyomi used the gun as if it were her hand; pushing his head sideways with the barrel loaded in his cheek

"Now Yeobin, if you don't want to end up dead---I suggest you leave now," her voice became a y raspy volume at the end of her phrase. This growl consumed his ear, but nonetheless he nodded thankfully at her slightly looking with familiarity into her eyes. She prodded him away noticing the nice imprint of muscles etched through his thin collared shirt. TOP sighed as Hyomi turned with composure,

"What the hell was that?" he snared behind a calm but booming voice.

"You don't have to be a cold hearted killer to someone as good as him. Everyone messes up once and a while," she shrugged at him, unaffected by his crude tone and squinted eyes.

"This is why I'm the boss. You might as well give out cookies to your enemies," he mumbled but Hyomi caught it---though she smiled at him,

"He's new but he has potential. Doesn't that count?" He began to study her expression, the way she 'handled' Yeobin, and how she usually 'helped' out with dingy recruits. He didn't like the reality and outcome he was coming to,

" no, tell me he's not your toy," Hyomi looked at him from her seat, as she gave a wry smile

"Well look at him. He's a perfect toy boy,"

"Soon you'll want another one, like you always do," TOP smiled half-heartedly at her

"You don't know that. But for now, he's fun," TOP noticed her bite down on her lip while she reminisced. TOP blew steam,

"So what did you come here for?"

"Oh! You're wifey wanted to see you," she plainly told him. TOP nodded

"Then I'll leave you to take over," he said and got out of his grand chair; that was practically his throne. Hyomi nodded as he gathered things for his leave,

"Don't do anything I wouldn't do," she said over the ball of her shoulder. TOP rolled his eyes,

"What wouldn't you do?" he thought that was clever and playful all in one.

"You! Oh, ten points Hyomi!" she giggled. TOP let out a soft chuckle, as the door clicked behind him.



TOP rode off in his black coated porsh GT3, he looked over at the seemingly sunny street of mindless pedestrians who walked along his sidewalk, and the cars on his road. But when night crept in; his world, the one with gangs, fighting and dominance breathed and thickened this air these oblivious people were breathing. TOP finally curved into his grand warehouse, the gangster version of a millionaires mansion. He was happy to see his slender, doll-eyed girlfriend sitting prettily on a balcony above the garage. Then he noticed she was wearing black, her most hated color,

*, what is she mad about,*As his vehicle strode inwards the gangsters fixing up other vehicles greeted him as he just gave them all a nod. 


   He walked  into the elevator with a scarce breath; as it shot up once his ride reached the designated level. As soon as the doors opened, he hoped for a hug and kiss but was yanked out of the elevator, by his small lady.

"Love you too," he mumbled through his lips. She pointed at him

"Explain yourself!" she demanded. TOP blinked at her

"What did I do wrong now?" he breathed and watched Bom tighten her little fingers into fists at her sides.

"Think about it real hard," she growled.

"Is today you're birthday?" Bom's eyes widened

"You forgot my birthday?" he caught her hand before she could slap him,

"I was kidding! Can you please just tell me, I'm no good at mind games," Bom merely glared at him for a moment. Rapidly she pulled him by his tie, as if he were a dog on a leash; down the hallway. And TOP was pushed into---

"What did someone hurt my girls?!" he sounded ready to shoot and kill. He entered the room that had five rooms for his five daughters within. When he entered the girls bounded towards him---all except for one. He looked into each of their young, sweet faces and pecked their cheeks,

"Hello my beautiful girls," he greeted

"Onnie is angry at you," he felt an unknown weight shift on his heart

"Why? Where is she?"

"You didn't come to her fighting tournament," now TOP was ready to fall out. How could he have forgotten such a pivotal thing!

"Really? Where is she?" he was lead away to the couch of the den; where a girl sat staring emotionlessly at the screen,

"Sweetie?" he asked being as nice as he could. She stared at the TV screen trying to block him out. TOP swallowed,

"I'm sorry," he said sitting down. She crossed her arms and raised the TV's volume

"You messed up," snickered one of the girls as they left to go with Bom. 

"We'll just leave you two alone," Bom said. When the others left, TOP looked back towards the small girl,

" What do I have to do to get you to speak to me?"

"Is it hard being a gang boss?" she suddenly said. He blinked but shrugged

"If you don't know what you're doing,"

"The girls at school say that you're job isn't respectable,"

"I keep these streets peaceful, and practically safe," argued TOP slightly enraged

"I told them, that if they said that again I'd beat them up," smiled the oldest meekly, turning down the volume to the TV.

"You shouldn't waste you're strength on them. Just keep working on your fighting," it was quiet for a moment as if she was coming to a difficult decision and absorbing his words.

"I'll forgive you…but you have to take us out,"

"Anywhere," he smiled lightly though he didn't like the fact she was so informed on the streets nor these 'girls' at school, knowing about TOP's status *They must be gang girls* he thought to himself. She turned towards him,


"Take us to Uncle GD's house." 


  Now the breath in TOP's chest had nearly dropped to zero degrees celsius. 

"Why there? Why not shopping, ice cream, the amusement park---,"

"---I want to see Uncle GD," she growled

"Don't raise your tone at me," he quickly reprimanded. The doll obeyed as she prepared to give her reason,

"GD has sons---and their really good at fighting. One of his sons I can't remember his name--- beat me today at my semi-challenges," she sounded full of melancholy as well as the fiery will and determination to prove herself. TOP thought like the mastermind, and game player he is,

*There's no reason to give GD something to boast about. But I don't want her to injure her self esteem. And it might spread that my daughter was beat twice by his boys. So I guess the answer is…*

"No and that's final," he said edgily so that she wouldn't protest. She only gave a solemn nod, and returned to her shows,

"Anything else that you want?"

"No. I just don't want to except defeat---like you taught me," now she was using his words against him!? Could he risk this seemingly small predicament? Should he hope she whoops this boy's or should he send her to work harder so that she can destroy him the next tournament to come. He gave in to her sweet face, and burning desire to win; as well as her will to gain redemption. It was like looking in a mirror---he'd do the same exact thing at her age---infact he still did that. So TOP succumbed saying breathlessly, and adamantly,

                  "Okay…but you better hurt that punk," he tried not to cuss around her. She smiled and bounced off the couch

"I won't! I'll make you proud appa!" she quickly shuttled off towards her room, to get ready.

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story officially starts tomorrow! Cannot wait, though I'm pulling out chunks of hair trying to pick between all my applicants!


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Just XxChuu dropping by to say I changed my username!
Now I'm -xmunstrr!
inkspill #2
interesting observation, I guess I'll have to update often so you can see how I planned out this story
*starts working on the chapter she's on*
I Pity BOm...
If TOP died when the barbies are still young.. It means that.. they've been searching for the stupid killer for many years now and still failed to do so......well.. Goodluck to them..

T^T.. he shouldn't die this early... poor girls~
TOP will be dead ?? This early ? Aww =( who the hell want to kill him !? Poor BOM. Cliffhanger -.- . Its alright ! =D i'm looking forward to the next chapter
Omg who the hell want to kill him will seriously in deep !!!
Poor Bom has to worry about so many thing >.<
I hope Mia will forgive him
Please let nothing happen to him*crossed finger*
...Who did it!?!
I'm like, clinging to the edge of my seat!
TOP is dying, huh?
The next chapter is going to be sad isn't it?
Such a cliffhanger!! TT-TT
But great job author-nim!! ^^
Can't wait for the next update!
Oh my god, I knew it was coming but... NOOOO! TOOOOOP! Is he gonna show up dead in the next chapter? I thought the barbies would be older when he was killed, it would if they were still like little kids.
And poor Bom, she has so many worries between the Barbies and TOP.
Omg this was an amazing chapter!! I thought Top would have already died when the mysterious person was about to pull the trigger I was releved when you should up I cant wait for the next chapter^^
Whoohoohooo~ TOP has a lot of barbies.. ^^
whoa! that's a great news..everyone got chosen which means..1..2..3..4..5..8? T.O.P has 8 barbies in total?Wow! (*claps*)
ow~ just read the official chapter..Ya! T.O.P appa..why did you left Mia?