this is heaven

into your world

while reading.. listen to this song.. so that you could feel the story



jaemin's pov

after yelling to dad.. i just found myself on a very wonderful place. a place where peace is everywhere. there's nobody here with me. i can't explain the happiness i'm feeling that time. though i'm feeling happy.. there's still something that keeps on bothering my heart and my mind.. can't figure out what that thing is..

"hello? is anybody here?.. can anybody hear me?" i asked.. i didn't hear any response..except for the echo of my voice.. and so i repeated.. "hello??? anybody here?" but then no one spoke.. i startedroaming along the place.. the place was like a never ending place.. 

i'm a little bit scared knowing that it's only me alone in the place.. there was only light that i can see..

when suddenly.. i heard a voice calling my name. "jaemin..dear.. come here" it was really a familiar voice.. so i hurriedly ran to where the voice was from.. i sw to people standing there.. the one was wearing a white dress..while the other one was wearing a white suit.. "dear..come over here" the guy with a white suit called me..

so i went near them.. i could remember their faces now.. they're umma and appa.. "umma ! appa !" i shouted as i embraced my mom and next was my dad.. "mom,dad.. i thought you already left me.. i thought i was alone. mom, dad.. where are we..?"

i've got no response from the both of them.. but they just smiled at me.. those smile that i love.. i don't know why.. but that made me cry.. "mom ! dad !.. talk to me.. why aren't you answering my question ! where are we?! " i panickedly asked them both.. i can feel it.. there's just something wrong here.. then they just smiled at me..again! dad held my shoulders.. and he kneeled infront of me.. 

"jaemin.. my baby girl.. take care of yourself huh. be good to everyone. and don't ever do things that you know you'll just regret in the future.. do always remember that me and your mom is always there by yourside no matterwhat.. we'll be just here to love and to care for you.. and if someone hurts you.. just call our name and we'll ty our very best to comfort our little girl.. baby girl.. be nice huh.. grow well.. find a great guy who will stand like me.. who'll protect you.. dear..jaemin.. we love you.. we're so thankful that god gave you to us.." dad.. solemnly told me those words as he stood up and brushed my hair like a puppy.. i just can't help myself.. but to cry.." appa!.. what are you saying?! appa.. why are you saying those words to me.. it's as if you and umma are going already..and it's like you're about to leave me.. umma and appa.. you once promised me right..when i was still 10 years ols.. i could still remember what you promised me.. you promised me that until i grow up..and until the day came that i have my husband like you dad.. and i have my daughter or son'll be just there.. you'll take good care of your grandson and daughter.. but now.. it seems that you two are saying goodbye to me.. umma ! appa ! ..please. don't go.. don't leave me.. umma?" and i looked at my mom..

she went closer to me.. and wiped my tears away.. but tears were still flowing.."our dear jaemin.. we're sorry.. ya, we don't even want to leave our only daughter.. but fate has done this thing..and we ccan't do anything to stop it.. deaar.. everything has a reason okay.. mom and dad will leave you..maybe it's because..something much better will happen to you.. dear.. i know.. we could not be by your side physically.. but jaemin.. our souls will always be there beside you no matter what huh.. dear.. be happy always..and don't change. be the jaemin that we always loved huh.. goodbye for now jaemin-ah..we'll see you soon.. but not now huh.. saranghaeyo" mom even shed tears while saying those words to me. 

"mom.. i'll miss you. i promise to be a good girl while you and dad are gone.. yup.. soon..i know. we'll meet each other again soon.. saranghaeyo.. i'll miss you.." and i wiped my tears..'coz i'm already a lady.. and i need to be strong.. so that in the future i'll be able to face challenges all alone.. 

mom and dad embraced me tightly.. and after my tight embrace to them.. i suddenly woke up from my dream and saw my myself lying on a bed.. "where am i?" i asked.."jaemin..thank god you woke up.." a friend of mine.. shin hyomin worriedly said.. as she held my hand and she was about to cry already.. "hey hyomin..i'm fine..don't worry about me.." and i weakly smiled to her and that made her to smile too.. 

i lifted my body and sat on the bed.. "hyomin..where's is my mom?.. where's my dad?" i asked her.. 'coz i thought i was just kinda dreaming that time.. "jaemin.. i'm sorry.. but they are already gone..." she softly said.. 'so it was true?.. they left me already?" i whispered.. and tears again run through my cheeks.. and hymin just tried to comfort me as she embraced me tightly and rubbed my back.. 


enjoy.. :)) hope you were carried away by my story. thanks for reading.. and coninue with it. gomawo^^

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