Chapter 2

Anniversary (Two Shot)


With a towel wrapped around your hair, dressed in your pajamas you walked out of the bathroom and headed to the living room. It was around 11.55 PM and you didn't spoke to Key all day. He was gone for just a few hours, and the time before and after he was gone, he tried to talk to you, but you didn't said anything. It annoyed him - that was more than obvious - but he still didn't realized this was exactly the feeling you had for the past couple of weeks.
‘‘______, jagiya, please don't ignore me any longer.’’ Key begged. You looked at him when you sat down on the couch. ‘‘I know I didn't gave you that much attention for the last couple of weeks, but I really needed to get something done before tomorrow. It's something really special and I really didn't want to regret anything about it.’’ he explained. You just sighed and shook your head lightly.
‘‘Why couldn't you let some other people do it? You never take that much time for one project, and you never regretted anything, so why would you suddenly spend most of the hours on that one project that isn't even that big?’’ he looked at his watch and stood up.
‘‘Just a sec.’’ he said, and disappeared.
‘‘Sure, walk away like you always do nowadays’’ you said and looked at the tv. Though it wasn't one of the best days you had, it was still pretty good and now he needed to ruin it again.
It was 12.05 AM when he returned to the living. He had a pretty big box in his left hand, and in his right hand he was holding the hand of Soon-yi. You looked confused - still not realizing what day it was.
‘‘Go give mommy the present’’ he said to Soon-yi, who was also holding a box. With a smile on her face she let go of his hand and walked to you. She gave you the box which you, as clueless as you were, took over.
‘‘Open it!’’ was what she said. You looked at Key for a second and opened the box. A pair of black high heels appeared in your vision. Your raised both of your eyebrows as your eyes widened.
‘‘What... why would she...’’ you couldn't even say anything. Right at that time, Key gave you the box in his hand and smiled at you.
‘‘Happy fifth anniversary, jagiya’’ he said. You looked at him, dumbfounded. Then you realized that today is, just like he said, your fifth anniversary.
‘‘Oh my god, I totally forgot!’’ you said, and covered your mouth with your hand. Key smiled, and as impatient Soon-yi was, she yelled that you should open the other box. ‘‘Yah, no yelling!’’ you said to her. Then you looked at Key again, who nodded. 
When she box was opened, a beautiful burgundy dress faced you. Again your eyes widened.
‘‘The whole reason why I was gone to work so much, is because I wanted to make you a one-of-a-kind dress. And I really wanted this one to be perfect, because you are too and I can't give you a dress which is made within a week. Since Soon-yi is, surprisingly, pretty mature when it comes to designing a dress, she helped me design the shape of the dress, and she also helped a bit with the shoes. I didn't wanted her to regret anything too so that's why I started weeks ago with designing.’’ he explained. You took the dress out of the box and looked at it. Just like he said, the dress was perfect. You loved the color, it wasn't too long and yet not too short. ‘‘Remember a few weeks ago, when we were in town, looking at some dresses? You said you always wanted a one-of-a-kind burgundy dress, which was not too long and yet not too short. Right at that moment I decided I should make you a dress. A five year anniversary isn't that special, but that doesn't matter.’’ he moved the boxes away from your lap and sat down in front of you. ‘‘______, jagiya, I really, really love you, and I hope you'll forgive me for lying about it, and being away so much.’’
You didn't knew how to answer it. You were more than just overwhelmed by the dress and the heels, and the fact that he did such a special thing for you made you forgive him everything.
‘‘God.. I... I really don't know how to answer’’ you said. You looked at your daughter - who was about to fall asleep - and smiled.
‘‘Though I'm happy with the thing I gave you, I actually do regret that I had to lie about it, and that I kind off neglected you. If it was possible, I would ask you to marry me again, but instead I ask you to go to sleep now. I have another little surprise for tomorrow night.’’ he said. You just nodded - still not able to say anything - and stood up. You put the dress back into the box and wanted to take them up, but Key interrupted you.
‘‘Go to sleep, I'll take care of the boxes, alright?’’ he said and looked at you with a soft expression.
‘‘God I love you’’ was your answer to it and kissed him. He smiled as he kissed you back, but the kiss didn't lasted for long.
‘‘Really, go to bed now.’’ he said. You smiled to him and walked upstairs to go to bed.
The next day, Key forced you to put on the dress and heels he gave you. He said he made a reservation at a certain restaurant, and wanted you to look as good as possible (which shouldn't be hard, in his opinion). You didn't got to know which restaurant it was, therefor you were blindfolded. You felt stupid, walking blindfolded on the streets, but you had no choice at all.
After a little while, you were forced to sit down. He took off the blindfold and smiled at you. You looked around and a big smile appeared on your face. ‘‘The restaurant were we had our first date’’ you said. He nodded and sat down in front of you. ‘‘On the same table. Oh my god, it's such a shame that I forgot all of it.’’ you said.
‘‘Doesn't matter, jagiya.’’ he answered. You still looked around and remembered everything of your first date.
‘‘Jonghyun, I appreciate the fact that you arranged a date for me, but I really don't want to go on a blind date’’ you said. You looked at your brother, who was forcing you to dress up nicely.
‘‘I don't care if you want it or not. You haven't had a boyfriend in ages, and I know he's perfect for you. So please, do me a favor and just go on the date. You don't have to continue to date him if you don't like the first date, alright?’’ he asked. You sighed and just gave in.
‘‘Fine, but if it's some kind of dirty dude I'm going to kick you in your area so you won't be able to make kids’’ was your answer to it. He thought for a moment and shrugged.
‘‘Don't care, just get dressed, before you're an hour too late.’’ he answered.
Once you were ready, and he dropper you off by the restaurant, you walked inside and looked around. Then you realized he didn't told you on what name the reservation was set.
‘‘______?’’ you heard behind you. You turned around and looked right in the eyes of a blonde guy.
‘‘That's me’’ you said, and assumed he was your date.
‘‘I'm Kibum, Jonghyun's friend.’’ he said and smiled. You shook hands with him, and he leaded you to the table he was sitting on before. You ordered something to drink and looked around.
‘‘I can't believe he did this to me.’’ you said, and stopped looking around once your eyes arrived at his face.
‘‘Am I that bad?’’ he asked. You laughed and shook your head. 
‘‘No, not at all. It's just that he's trying to get me on dates while he's the one who hasn't had a girlfriend for his whole life.’’ you answered. Key laughed.
‘‘Well, he had a girlfriend some time ago. Didn't he told you?’’ You raised your eyebrow and shook your head. ‘‘Well, what a good brother. But it wasn't really something special, he said. It was over within two months because he kissed another girl.’’ he explained.
‘‘Manwhore’’ you answered, and both of you laughed. Then the conversation got more extensive.
‘‘Oh.. that brother’’ you said. ‘‘And he's still not married.’’ you followed yourself. Key laughed and nodded.
‘‘Ah, you should thank him. Without him we wouldn't have known each other at all’’ he said. You nodded, giving him equal.
‘‘When we had planned a second date I didn't even regretted to go on the first one.’’ Your husband smiled at you, while you looked at the bouquet of flowers on the table. ‘‘It's so much like our first date. Talking about my brother while he isn't even the one who should get our attention.’’ you said and chuckled.
‘‘Well then. Let's talk about you. What's your full name? Age? Interests?’’ he asked and laughed.
‘‘Well, my full name is Kim ______, I'm twenty-seven years old and I'm very interested in Kim Kibum’’ you answered his questions. Both of you laughed and just repeated the first date for a bit. It gave you the laughs you missed for the past couple of weeks, and it made you realized how crazy you were about him and that you wouldn't dare to give him up for anything.
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Aaaw, really cute ^^
Lol that was so cute I wish there was more :)
cheemie #4
whoa! i love this ff. even if its not too long <333
ahhhh so romantic =)
I loved it =)