Chapter 1

Anniversary (Two Shot)


‘‘Yah, Kibum! You're taking her to work every time, I barely see her and you anymore!’’ you yelled at him through the phone. ‘‘Fine you listened to me about spending some more time with her, but I didn't mean you should take her with you every time you're going to work or what ever’’ you followed yourself. It was morning, around 10.00 pm. You woke up just a few moments ago and had planned to go out for shopping with Soon-yi, but just like the days before today, Key took her with him to work.
‘‘Jagiya, calm down, please. In a few days she'll be at home again. I'm just at work, working on something with her’’ he said, but you didn't believe him.
‘‘If I find out she's playing with scissors, needles or something else close to that and she gets hurt, I'm going to kill you!’’ you walked to the kitchen and took all the tools you needed to make some breakfast.
‘‘She isn't, believe me. She's just helping with some designs for kids and stuff.’’ he explained. You sighed and leaned against the sink. ‘‘It's just for a few more days, I know you're bored when you're all alone at home but we really need to get this done before the day after tomorrow’’ he said again. As obvious as he was, you didn't knew what he actually meant when he said what he just said.
‘‘Fine, but don't make it too late again, alright? She needs her sleep and I need to talk to you.’’ you said, but you didn't get any reply. ‘‘Key?’’ The only think you heard were footsteps.
‘‘Sorry, what did you say? Soon-yi ran away with one of the designs’’ was what you heard after a while. Another sigh escaped from your mouth.
‘‘Just don't make it too late again, I would love to have dinner with you.’’ you said, and hung up before he was able to say anything.
Lately you and Key had a lot of meaningless arguments, and when you wanted to go away for a few hours, it was either impossible because you had to watch Soon-yi, or Key was away with her and forgot his own keys, or it was just too cold to go outside. And every time you wanted to talk about the useless arguments, or just because you felt a bit lonely, he barely listened to you and just said that he loved you. It used to be very special when he said he loved you, because he almost never did it, but since he was so busy with work, he said it almost every day. You didn't complain about it, since you didn't want him to get mad, but it just wasn't special anymore. 
Slowly hours passed by, and before you really realized it, you were standing in the kitchen making dinner for yourself. You didn't expect him to be home before 08.00 PM so you decided to make something simple for yourself since you weren't in the mood to make something extensive. Besides, you were eating alone, there was nobody to impress by your cooking skills so you didn't even bother.
Once you were done with cooking and sat down in front of the tv with your food, the bell rang. You sighed and stood up again. You placed your food on the little table next to the couch and walked to the door. When you opened it you saw Key standing there, with Soon-yi next to him.
‘‘Surprise!’’ he said and smiled. Soon-yi ran inside without even saying something to you. You looked to her when she ran into the living room, and turned yourself to your husband.
‘‘So, finally home for dinner?’’ you said, and he nodded. ‘‘Too bad I didn't make anything for you’’ you said, kind off cranky. He raised his eyebrow.
‘‘So, you're kinda forcing me to be home for dinner, and now you didn't even make anything for me?’’ he asked and walked inside.
‘‘I didn't thought you would really come home, since I asked you lots of times before to be home for dinner, and you didn't came.’’ you answered, and closed the door. He walked to the kitchen, muttering something like "I'm just really busy and I can't just leave things undone".
You walked back to the living room and saw that Soon-yi was eating the simple dinner you made for yourself. ‘‘Ah, Soon-yi, that was supposed to be my dinner for tonight’’ you sat down in front of her, with a strand face, but when you saw the innocent in her eyes you smiled. ‘‘Ah well, keep it than’’ you said and walked to the kitchen.
‘‘Why are you so cranky?’’ Key asked, while he was looking in the refrigerator. 
‘‘Because it seems like you're married with your employees, instead of with me.’’ you answered simply. He sighed, closed the refrigerator and looked at you.
‘‘As I said, I'm working on something right now and I can't just leave things undone. This thing that I'm working on is really a big deal to me and if I forget something, or make a mistake, it'll all be ruined.’’ he said and placed his arms around your waist.
‘‘I feel really worthless, you know? I know your work isn't the laziest one in the world, and that you can't make some free time for me every week, but you have I don't know how many employees there, it isn't possible that you're supposed to do all the work while they do nothing.’’ you looked at him with the same strand face you looked at Soon-yi, a few moments ago. ‘‘Besides, I may not have a job anymore, and I spend almost every hour of the day here, but that doesn't mean you don't have to do anything in and around the house.’’ you said. He pecked you on your lips.
‘‘Relax, within a few days everything is back to normal and I'll be home way more often. It's just now that I have a special project it's really busy.’’ he explained. ‘‘And I'm here now, tomorrow I won't be gone before 12.00 PM so you have enough time to do whatever you want with me’’ a erted smile appeared on his face. You sighed and pushed him away.
‘‘I just planned to go to my niece this evening, and tomorrow morning I'll be gone too’’ you said. You looked at him and saw his expression getting a bit angry.
‘‘Really? You're forcing me to be home for dinner, then you don't make anything for me and now you're telling me you're gone when I'm finally home for more than just eight hours? Really? Damn you, women. You have nothing to complain about!’’ he raised his voice and his face got a bit red. Then you started to laugh.
‘‘Relax, I was just kidding. The only thing I planned for this evening is making something else for dinner since Soon-yi is eating mines right now.’’ you said, and his face turned back to normal.
‘‘Damn you, woman.’’ he muttered and grabbed his phone. ‘‘I'm ordering a pizza, want one too?’’ he asked. You shook your head and said that you weren't that hungry anymore.
‘‘Are you fighting with daddy?’’ Soon-yi asked, and looked at you. You shook your head and sat down next to her.
‘‘Of course not, sweetheart.’’ you said. She put away the place and sat down on your lap, with her face in your direction. You looked at her hair, what was poorly braided. ‘‘Well, he sure does know how to braid your hair’’ you said and smiled. She took a strand of your hair and over it.
‘‘You're going to bed early, young lady!’’ you said when she yawned. You looked up at Key when he entered the living room. ‘‘On what time did you put her in bed last night?’’ you asked him. He shrugged.
‘‘I don't know... late’’ he answered. You sighed and shook your head.
‘‘How many times do I have to tell you that she is just a 4-year old kid who needs her sleep? She's not a grown-up like you, if she doesn't get enough sleep her whole sleep-rhythm will get ed up and then she won't sleep at night.’’ you said irritated.
‘‘Yah, ______, stop complaining so much. It happened once, don't get so mad on everything’’ he said and sat down at one of the chairs. ‘‘And watch your language!’’
You rolled your eyes and lifted the 4-year old kid. ‘‘I have all the reasons to get so mad on everything. You're not listening to anything I say to you.’’ you replied, and walked to the stairs. ‘‘If you're finally going to listen to me, then you can talk to me. Soon-yi isn't going with you to work tomorrow either.’’ You looked at him once and entered the stairs.
When you put Soon-yi in her bed, she again grabbed a piece of hair of you. ‘‘Don't be mad at daddy’’ she said with her sweet, innocent voice. You redeemed your hair from her grip and pecked her forehead.
‘‘Go to sleep, alright?’’ the little girl nodded and closed her eyes. You walked out of her room and closed the door. You walked downstairs again and went to the kitchen to look for something to drink.
Suddenly you felt two arms around your waist. ‘‘I'm sorry’’ was what Key said. You turned around your head a bit and looked at the floor.
‘‘If there's one thing I really hate about you, it's your lack of listening. Before we decided to get a kid, we agreed to listen to each other but all you do lately is listening to yourself and not to me.’’ you said to him, and felt some tears on your cheeks. ‘‘You're ignoring me for so long right now, I don't even have the feeling anymore that you really love me. Every time I want to talk to you or just be with you for longer than just five minutes, you're wiping me off and say you love me - what used to be very rare. It doesn't even mean anything to me anymore. You let me feel like I'm some worthless piece of and everyday I start to wonder if it was the right decision to get married this early.’’ you said, without giving him a chance to interrupt you. From the corner of your eyes you could see his shocked face - he wasn't expecting all of this.
‘‘Jagiya, I really didn't knew you felt like this’’ he said. ‘‘Why didn't you told me this earlier?’’
‘‘Because you didn't give me any chance to! I tried it millions of times, but every time you wiped me off with the lame excuse you were late for work. You're the owner. The ing owner. Nobody gives a single if you come late to work. You never gave me five minutes to say what I just said.’’ you said kind off angry. Being ignored for so long really pissed you off.
‘‘I'm sorry’’ was the only thing he said.
‘‘If you are really sorry, than show it. Prove that you're sorry, that you still love me and then come talk to me again.’’ you said and walked back to the stairs. ‘‘And if you don't mind, please sleep on the couch 'cause right now I don't want to sleep next to you.’’ were your final words and you walked upstairs. It was still really early, just around 07.00 PM, but you didn't feel like being downstairs for a few more hours.
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Aaaw, really cute ^^
Lol that was so cute I wish there was more :)
cheemie #4
whoa! i love this ff. even if its not too long <333
ahhhh so romantic =)
I loved it =)