




“Hey… where can I put my things?”


The new guy, that Lu Han is now in my room wandering the place. He really looks like Lu Han, from six years ago. Only that this person looks dressed like a boy.


“Eh?” I mumbled. I think I heard something.


“Am I right in saying that you really have a serious hearing problem?” I heard him saying.  I realized that I had been just staring at him for quite a while.


“Hey! Hmmm… you can put it right there beside the vacant desk.” I replied back, pointing at the neat bed of the right side of the room. “That will be your side of the room and here’s mine.” Good thing that I didn’t forget to arrange my place this morning!


It’s around 7pm right about this time. Just a few minutes ago Mr. Su told us to go to our rooms and let us and our new roommates rest. It has been a long day.


Lu Han curiously looked at me, staring actually. Please stop doing that. I tried my best to smile back…ok I’m getting awkward. I can’t keep off the feeling that my first love, is staring at me. I’m feeling nauseous.


“You’re really weird you know that.” He replied. He turned around and went to put his things on his desk and started to arrange it.


And who’s fault is it? I said to myself. But you need to quit staring, Kai. Or else you won’t have the opportunity to know if it’s really her.


“Hey… Lu Han? Ahmmm… I’m sorry ‘bout earlier for….almost punching you.” I said while scratching the back of my head nervously. I tried to look at his shoes, not on his attractive face.


“Nah. It’s ok.” He replied quickly while still busy fixing his things. “We have each our own weird actions.”


Well yeah anyone would think I was weird. But thank goodness, he looks like his not angry. If it’s really her, I don’t know what I’m going to do. But if it is…why is that she doesn’t seem to remember me. Did my face change that much? I don’t think so. Then…is she acting? Is she still angry with me?



“Thanks. Hey….why did you choose me earlier?” I asked. Shoot! This will look like it was a big deal for me.


“As my roommate?” He said while facing me again. “Hmmm why? well…”


I looked at him and our eyes met. He started walking frontwards….towards me. I gulped. Then, he stopped just in front of my face closer than when I was about to punched him earlier. Oh…now I can see that I’m taller than him. I can smell a mix of lemon and citrus as well. Is it perfume or shampoo? And his eyes, it’s really round and brownish. Noooo… control your thoughts, Kai. He then looked up…and stared at me.


“You…” He whispered. I subconsciously closed my eyes. God I think my face is getting red. No please don’t make it so obvious!


“….........where’s the shower?” He asked.


What?! I opened my eyes right away and saw him looking at me and waiting for my answer.


“Uggghh…the shower? Oh right! It’s on the end of the hallway outside.” I replied, while quickly pointing which way. That’s so embarrassing Kai! What are you, a girl?!!! ! Soooo unmanly.


Lu Han excused himself. He was about to go out of the room when he turned around and…


“Hey, that look now…made me want you to be my roommate. Lu Han said. "You look like you were expecting something.”  and I noticed a smirk on his face.


He went out of the room, left me there with my mouth hanging wide open.








“Nae Luhan hyung…so who will your roommate be?” He asked Lu Han. “Is it me or….Kai hyung?” Sehun added while landing a pat on my shoulder.


Lu Han looked at Sehun then he look at me, and back to Sehun again.


“Hmmmm well Mr. Su said that I can choose anyone of you.” Lu Han replied.


“Then, we should settle this with rock-paper-scissors game!” Sehun looked at me with that playful expression of his. “You agree Kai hyung?”


“What? Oh…ok.” I replied. What is Sehun thinking? But if this is the case I must win to be Lu Han’s roommate, no I mean to know who he really is.


“Nae Kai hyung don’t beat me ok?” Sehun told me. Then he suddenly faced Lu han and said “It’s because I want to know you more…Lu Han hyung.” He bashfully said while flashing his dazzling smile.


Lu Han then quite shock with what he heard, just nod. I stared coldly at Sehun to send him a message at what the freaking thing is he doing?! But that kid just grinned back at me.


“Game!” Sehun started.


Ok so I’m gonna use paper because I think that rock is the first one being used at most times in this kind of game. I should be able to win this. Piece of cake.






I brought out paper then I looked at Sehun’s hand.




Dammit! I lost. Thanks Sehun-ah. -_-


“Woah I won! Haha jeez Kai hyung your face is practically showing how disappointed you are.” Sehun commented.


“No. I’m not! So you two are gonna be roommates. Who cares.” I sarcastically said but trying to make out a smile. I’m not pissed off, I’m not. Who said that I want to be his roommate.


“Ok.” Lu Han suddenly said. “So according to the game, my roommate will be….you.” But his hand…its pointing at me.




“You lost. So you’re going to be my roommate.” Lu Han explained.


“Who decided that?” I said.


“Me of course. I’m the one who must decide right? And you’re the one I like.” He said.


LIke?????? What the heck is that suppose to mean?!


*End of Flashback*



Do I really look like I’m expecting something???? How can a guy say that to another guy?! Urgghhhhh my head hurts!


“Jong-In hyung. What’s your problem now? Stop walking back and forth already.” Sehun commented, giving me a look of irritation while he’s flipping a magazine in my bed.


Here I am getting frantic again, walking back and forth like a lunatic inside my room…now Lu Han’s room as well. Sehun came by a few minutes ago to see me. It was right after Lu Han went to the shower.


 “Believe me. I.WAS.NOT.EXPECTING.THAT!!!” I frantically shouted it at Sehun’s face.


“Believe what?!” I heard him replied with shock. But is it really just a coincidence? That I'm being hunted by a boy named Lu Han, who has the same name and face as my first love, but as a boy? I think not. I don’t believe in coincidences.


“Sehun…. I think he’s REALLY a girl.” I seriously said while looking at Sehun.


“ have a point. I’m sure that…” He commented while looking so serious. I never get to see Sehun like this often.


“….you’re definitely going to a mental hospital.” Sehun finished.


“Can you not kid around? I’m not joking here. He embarrassed me…in front of myself.” I pouted.


“Hehehe sorry hyung but seriously you need to stop thinking he’s a girl. That’s crazy, he’s a boy.” He explained.


“How can you be so sure of that Sehun? Unless I see it with my own eyes I’ll believe what I wanted to believe.” I replied then stick out my tongue at him.


“So stubborn!” Sehun replied, standing up at the same time. “Hyung…” He suddenly holds my right shoulder, making the space between us smaller. He is now gazing at me with those serious eyes of his.


“Not again, I’m not going to be fooled by that look again, ok?” I commented. Fooling me once earlier, I’ve learned my lesson Sehun-ah. :P


“I told you he’s not your first love. He’s not a girl Kai.” Sehun said those words with a kind of look I can’t describe. His eyes is deep and focused, and his expression seem really serious not like earlier. “So can you please…”


Sehun didn’t get to finish what he was about to say because the door suddenly opened. Lu Han was standing at it, with his pajamas and his wet hair.


Then, I figured why….


My position and Sehun’s position is kind of……… We were standing in front of each other and our face is really so close. I’m about to get out of our position but…


“Ohhhhh you two…wow.” I heard Lu Han said with that interested look on his face.



Whew chapter 4!! I really did my best to update this soon even with my busy schedule. keke. haha i really have fun writing this chap :P i just want more KAILU in my lifeeeeee~!



P.S. and I'm thinking that in chapter 5......I would give the P.O.V to another character :>

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Chappie 5 of Love Comeback is finally up~! :D :D :D


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darksanctuary #1
Chapter 5: Why do you stop updating this again?
please update soon TT__TT
Update soon
darksanctuary #3
OMG you!! OMG finally!!!
You updated this ::banzai::

Oh oh sehunnie ><
And LUKAI.. (" ˘3(˘⌣˘) don't they? XD

So what happen to luhan to not remember kkamjongie?
Why I have a feeling of... Ah nvm, let's just read more updates^^
KKYAAAAAA~~!! *fangirling*
OMG OMG OMG~!!!! *scream*
MY FACE KEEP BLUSHING!! and i can't stop smiling like an idiot!
(i know im greedy T.T)
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
darksanctuary #7
Oh yeah, author-ssi...
I'm so agree with you for making Luhan as hard to get person
Or I prefer say it, y one. LOL
^^ they are so cute...
LUKAI (~‾⌣‾~)

Sekai to make jealous Luhan...
I'm sorry Sehunnie I want you to love Kai...
But I want Lukai being together in the end TT__TT

Aww! The worst me ><
*pls just leave me alone with my own desire XD*
little-KIM #8
Muahahah XD luhan,stop teasing kai n realize that u're LUHAN,kai's first love
i thought he'll (luhan) feel more jelous w/ sehun
kaihan go!
Thx for updating and pls update again asap:D
kichikimo #9
woahh~~ i really love this chapter~ 8D
and is Luhan really Kai first love... ouh..i'm curious abour that *sing Shinee Sherlock* :DD
darksanctuary #10
What next? WHAT happen next???? ><
And I BEG YOU, NO HUNHAN please...

Just Sekai is ok..
We need drama too though^^
And I love Luhan being y here...
Act like not remembering Kai...