Hoodie Guy



Author's comments: blue text, underlined




Buzzzzz… Buzzz…. Buzzz…




My sweety Jong-In wakeee wakeee… It’s already morning baby… you’re alarm is going crazy.


I heard a deep voice whispering in my left ear making me quite itchy and yeah, my darn alarm clock I can really heard it out loud. But, I’m not quite in the mood to wake up. I’m still in the middle of my dream…


“Mmmmmnnnnnnn.. it’still earlyyyy.” I murmured heavily. Stupid voice and alarm sound. I'm dreaming right? What was it again? Oh right… her. My letter and her tears. But why did she made that look... why...




“What the f%#shq*?!!!!!!” I cursed while wiping my wet dumbfounded morning face. "I'm soaking wet goddamit!!. Who's the …?!” I blurted out angrily at whoever!


"HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA! " And I heard an incredibly monsterous laughter.


“My goodness Jong-in!  Your face is EPIC man!” My roommate D.O. loudly commented. As if I can’t picture out my face right now.


“Hehehehe. Hey Kai you sure are early for bath, aren’t you? Bwahahahahaha!" That tiny Baekhyun which.is.my.hyung mockingly said. Adding gas to fire.


“Hyungs!!  What the heck are you doing in here?! Who the hell did this to me huh?!!!” I pointed at my face who is freaking wet and my t-shirt that looks like soaking with sweat. Damn.


“Honeybee!! Oh no no no. I’m sorry. I just did it because you were having a nightmare. I don’t want you to gooooooooooooo… You see, I love you my angel………!” And my derp-hyung-Chanyeol teasingly said with a girly girly “DEEP” voice while doing a ridiculous pose with his right hand reaching out to something.


“Ughhhhhhhhhhhh! Stop that. It’s…eeew.” I said disgustingly.  Really Chanyeol with his deep voice and acting girly is SERIOUSLY FREAKY. “Weirdo hyung. Why are you doing that silly pose anyway?”


Oh hey hey, wait a minute…


“Did it ring a bell our Kai?” Our leader said with his wide sparkling smile.


These guys... “Did…I just did that while sleeping?” I asked embarrassingly.


And they all nod with those cheeky smiles on their faces. I sighed and wish that the world will eat me whole.


“Ne~~~Jong-In we’re just joking. But it sure is funny bwahahaha. What did you dreamed about anyway? You’re ex?” Baekhyun curiously asked.


Well, it won’t hurt to tell them what really happened in my past. It’s not like I still love... wait like her. That thing already happened 6 years ago was just haunting me in my dreams maybe because of simple curiosity of why did she hate me.  There’s nothing more about it.


“So yeah that basically what happened, what my rough...puppy love had been.” I unemotionally said after I told them my little story.


“Ugh. That’s indeed rough! What did you say in the letter anyway ha? A girl won’t get angry if you have not said anything out of the line or anything.” D.O. immediately questioned.


“Well maybe that girl was just a freaky freak. Hurting our Jong-In and making him depressed.” Chanyeol said while trying to hug me… awkwardly -_-


“Jeez who’s depressed? I’m not.” I frankly told him while pushing his so-close-face away.


“Hey Yeol… quit doing that.” I heard Baekhyun scold him. And he stopped right away while making a cute disappointed kid face. Jeez only Baekhyun can do that to Chanyeol.


"Is that girl really pretty? You, in love is like ughhhhh!" D.O said while his eyes were like this (o_O) that look of his is really something.


“Ha? ohhh yeah…she is. She has a very small face, adorable Chinese cutie eyes hmmm well she speaks quite well in Korean though, and also her hair is curly, yet soft and pretty, and…his lips..." I suddenly stopped after realizing that I said too much.


"Jong-In... you still super duper love her aren't you??! Hahahaha!! Ayyieeeee..." Chanyeol teased.


“Nahhhh you’re just a dork Kai-hyung.” A sweet yet menacing voice said.


"Yeah right SE-HUN. Not like you, you always make girls go all crazy over you.” I stated with eyes rolling. “I really did like her alright? But...nah that’s all in the past now. It’s simple really; she didn't like me the way I like her….she got angry at me. Seriously one-sided love is really stupid.” I added.


“NO! That’s not true! Don’t look down at one-sided love. It’s powerful.” Our leader replied anxiously but with determining eyes. We all looked at him conspicuously.


“Ughhh…I was… well I..I  just heard that line in the radio this morning hahaha. Really, don’t mind me.” Suho hyung awkwardly replied.


“Geez hyung. Haha!  You made me hopeful.” I jokingly said.


Then Chanyeol and Baekhyun looked at me with pity.


“That was a joke you two. Don’t look at me like that!!” I told them back.


“That’s enough guys. Let’s give Kai some slack. Let’s go eat our breakfast.” Suho hyung invited.


“Yeah let’s stop this cheesy talk about girls. It’s making me hungry.” D.O. said while making a people-I am-hungry-please-let’s-eat-now look and also rubbing his stomach.


“Nae~!” Everyone replied to D.O. in unison before he makes this kind of look (ô_ô) hehe.


“Hey hyung, Thanks.” I whispered to our leader before we went out of the room and he replied with his usual dazzling smile.







After eating a very yummy breakfast, BACON with EGG, which most of us like especially those two derp roommates, Baekhyun and Chanyeol, we are all headed now in the main dance studio.


We are dance students by the way. We are enrolled in an exclusive dance agency which is THE TNEMS. It’s a well known agency due to its famous graduates which are now the star dancers in the entertainment industry in Korea. Basically we are here to also be like one of our seniors. I am already in my third year here in the agency while my roommate D.O. is only in his one and a half year. Chanyeol and Baekhyun entered here almost consecutively for the past two years. Sehun, our maknae, is on his third year as well while leader Suho hyung is on his fourth year already.  So that’s about it, all of us became friends because of ridiculous teasing and other stuff.


"Jong-In!" Baekhyun suddenly shouted in my right ear. That gave me a shock!


"Why are you suddenly shouting at me hyung?" I asked while trying to fix my broken eardrum. hahaha just try imagining this how the hell can Kai fix his eardrum.cheeky


"It’s because you're spacing out. Still dreaming? Hurry up you slowpoke!" Baekhyun told me while giving a soft punch on my right shoulder.


Our dance studio is at the end of the hallway. It's a spacious room with a sky wallpaper across the vast mirror that we used for dance practice.There are instruments on the side but still a big enough space for dancing.


But today, our dance studio is not the same as it is usually is when we arrived at the back door. There are more people in it, all boys I think? There are six of them but I can't see their faces because most of them have their hoods on and some are facing the front which makes us see only their backs.


"Oh…are they new?!" Chanyeol jumpily said. "They are cute!" He added.


"What's so cute about them? You can't even see their faces yet Chanyeol-hyung." Sehun sarcastically remarked.


"There you are!!” A man wearing black glasses suddenly said, standing at the front of the dance studio wearing a comfortable black pants and a cream-colored polo shirt.  “What are you still doing there outside the door? Come on in." Mr. Su, our manager, added and signaled us to come in and stop standing by the door.


"Annyeonghaseyo!" We all greeted Mr. Su in unison.


“Annyeong… but it’s already 9am nae? Naughty kids!” Mr. Su scolded us half-heartedly.


We pouted and did an apologizing look. He sighed and told us to sit down.


“Nae~!” We answered.


We all sat down on the floor obediently and I unconsciously sit at the back left facing the front.  Well, I prefer seeing things from the back. I can see everything. Here, I notice the guy beside Suho hyung. A tall guy, much taller than me I think, with a brown hair with light and dark highlights. He is the leader type I guess in a group because his looks are saying YEAH-I-AM-THE-BOSS. But he seems not the cold type because I heard him introduced his self to hyung first.


Next is that cute little guy beside the tall one. He has chubby white cheeks? Haha cute! I want to pinch it. His looks are telling that he is a pure Chinese but NO. I just heard Chanyeol gasping when the guy spoke in Korean and shyly told him that he is a Korean.


The third one is definitely a Chinese. He looks like a ninja. I love ninja movies. But, this guy has scary looking eyes…like he is about to grab someone and smack him! Scary. Don’t want to get on his bad side but I would love to get an autograph!


There are two more however I can’t see them here at the back. The other one has his hood on and the other I can see only his back. They're not the talkative types I suppose.


And last is this person beside me. His hood is covering his face. Jeez…I want to take a look at him. So I tried to move a little forward.


“Good morning and hello to all of you…young lads! It’s kind of nice seeing a lot more good-looking people here in the studio. ” Mr. Su said while flashing his usual big smile. And my attention was easily diverted because of our manager usual lively good morning greeting.


“I know that you are wondering especially you six naughty boys… yeah I’m talking to you Baekhyun and the rest of you…” He pointed at us six jokingly. “…about why you are seeing new faces in this very studio. But before I introduced them to you…let me first tell you that they are talented boys of course that we have discovered in China. Four of them are Chinese, two are Koreans. But no worries we won’t have that much difficulty in communicating with them because all can understand our language and two can speak it fluently.” He added.


Oh so most of them are really Chinese. I think the one that can speak well in Korean is that tall leader guy in front. He and Suho are having a little chitchat a while ago and the guy definitely speaks in Korean very well. Impressive.


But who is the other one? This person seating next to me doesn’t seem to be ‘coz he’s not speaking even a simple hello...and I still can’t see his face.


He must be shy so I guess I would do the first move then. I don’t want them to feel unwelcome or something. “Hmmmm.. Hey…” I said to the hoodie guy.


I’m Kai.” I greeted, offer my right hand and flash my usual friendly smile of course.


Then, he slowly turned his face and….













“Oh… Hello… Lu Han here.” He said while bowing his head, then turning his face back in front again.




It’s her.



P.S. hi guysssssssssss!! wooooooooooh its been a busy week for me~~~~!!! I've missed KAILU so much <3 <3 <3 here's the second chapter! Your guesses about the first chap... i loveeee it yes it made me want to write right away but failed to finished it faster than planned! It's because of things I needed to do  crying hope I can update the next chap very soon! It will be very exciting!!!!! laugh

KANSAHAMNIDA (≧∇≦)/ to those who read LOVE COMEBACK, those who subscribed and commented heart heartheart

and for those who are about to read this hehe ADVANCE THANK YOU! Comments and suggestions are much welcome ! haha I would really appreciate it smiley subscribed!!! heart


*special thanks to my sister who is also my companion in SPAZZING on EXO cool who helped me in giving ideas and stuff... enlightened

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Chappie 5 of Love Comeback is finally up~! :D :D :D


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darksanctuary #1
Chapter 5: Why do you stop updating this again?
please update soon TT__TT
Update soon
darksanctuary #3
OMG you!! OMG finally!!!
You updated this ::banzai::

Oh oh sehunnie ><
And LUKAI.. (" ˘3(˘⌣˘) don't they? XD

So what happen to luhan to not remember kkamjongie?
Why I have a feeling of... Ah nvm, let's just read more updates^^
KKYAAAAAA~~!! *fangirling*
OMG OMG OMG~!!!! *scream*
MY FACE KEEP BLUSHING!! and i can't stop smiling like an idiot!
(i know im greedy T.T)
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
darksanctuary #7
Oh yeah, author-ssi...
I'm so agree with you for making Luhan as hard to get person
Or I prefer say it, y one. LOL
^^ they are so cute...
LUKAI (~‾⌣‾~)

Sekai to make jealous Luhan...
I'm sorry Sehunnie I want you to love Kai...
But I want Lukai being together in the end TT__TT

Aww! The worst me ><
*pls just leave me alone with my own desire XD*
little-KIM #8
Muahahah XD luhan,stop teasing kai n realize that u're LUHAN,kai's first love
i thought he'll (luhan) feel more jelous w/ sehun
kaihan go!
Thx for updating and pls update again asap:D
kichikimo #9
woahh~~ i really love this chapter~ 8D
and is Luhan really Kai first love... ouh..i'm curious abour that *sing Shinee Sherlock* :DD
darksanctuary #10
What next? WHAT happen next???? ><
And I BEG YOU, NO HUNHAN please...

Just Sekai is ok..
We need drama too though^^
And I love Luhan being y here...
Act like not remembering Kai...