




I pinch my cheeks very hard. Ouch! That hurts. Ok I’m not dreaming.


Now, can someone punch me?! I think my eyes are playing tricks on me. There’s no way that this person is her. No.freaking.way. But that... this person's face, there's no way I wouldn't recognize it.


“You... you've got to be kidding me." I asked this so-called-Lu Han with my tone slightly higher and louder than usual. It’s because I’m freaking out! "Who are you really?!"


But, no response from this person.


"Hey! So you'll just ignore me?!" I said exasperatingly.


The others began to notice what’s happening but this guy doesn’t even care to budge.


“Answer me... LU HAN?!” I shouted with sarcasm.


Now you're facing me.


“Are you deaf?” He said, looking at me with that unintereseted eyes of his. Though there’s no emotion in the words, it sounds so soft…yet for a voice of a young man it’s angelic. It was coming from this guy’s tiny strawberry lips. And his speaking in Korean?


“Mwuh?!” The only words I’ve let out.


“Jeez. I think you have hearing problems.” He said nonchalantly. Then he turned his face in front again, ignoring me for the second time.


I felt insulted. I don’t know why but I’m utterly confused, uncomfortable, and frustrated right now. 


‘Mwuhrahgoo?!” I shouted and grab this person’s neck and raised my fist. I can hear the others stopping me and holding me back.


Then, his hood suddenly fell through my forceful grabbing. Darn. This got to be a big joke. 


“Kai! STOP THAT!” I heard Mr. Su’s voice.


 “I don’t know what your problem is but would you let go now?” This person said while looking at me with those dull yet clear chocolate brown eyes.


Those eyes hadn't change at all.


“Shut up!!” I exclaimed. I won’t release you until I know who you really are; suddenly appearing before me looking like her.


“[grooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooowwwwlllll]” I…we heard a loud growling sound echoing in the studio room. A sound that shouldn't be heard right at this moment.


Then he spoke. “I’m really hungry.”


And the studio became quiet.


“What?” I mumbled, shocked.


"I said... I'm hungry." He repeated. 


I can't believe what I'm hearing.


"BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!" Baekhyun and Chanyeol hyung laughed so loud, making the room burst into laughter. Even the other Chinese guys were snickering and laughing!


“Nae nae Kai, just release him already.” Sehun told me while slightly forcing my hand to back away.


Out of shock, I did as I was told, I released my hand.


Then, the guy looked at his stomach and rubs it. "I didn't ate breakfast." He muttered, not even feeling shy.


"Now now, we don't want this little guy to starve to death, aren't we?" Suho hyung stated.




“Yeah Kai you just made our visitor uncomfortable…and hungry hahaha. I’ll go now and cook something for all of you.” D.O volunteered.


“Yey~~~! We’re eating again!" Chanyeol celebrated happily.


“Oh hey you hmmm what’s your name again hungry boy? Tell D.O. here what you like to eat. He’s our Mother Cook! Keke.” Baekhyun hyung asked Lu Han, revealing to the newcomers his over cheerful friendly personality.


“Hmmmm….its Lu Han." An unexplainable feeling came to me again. "Nice to meet you all." He bowed. "Everything is fine with me. Not that picky.” He then said.


“Good good. Food is treasure, hard to find, hard to make!” Baekhyun said while nodding to his own words.


"What do you guys want? Chinese food or do you want some Korean ones?” D.O. asked.


“We actually like Korean food a lot so there’s no problem to what you’re going to make. Kamsahamnida.” The tall leader type guy answered.


“Ok so everything’s fixed now? Kai?" Mr. Su looked at me with a raised eyebrow.


. Don't want Mr. Su getting angry. It's bad news. "Yes." I muttered apologetically.


"Good. I would dislike it very much if I see you guys bruise yourselves... especially on your first meeting." He told everyone. "You little kids are sometimes a headache. Let’s go now and eat.”


Everyone stepped out of the studio. D.O. and Suho went to the kitchen right away while Baekhyun and the others chitchatted with the Chinese guys.


“We’ll talk about what happened after eating understood Jong-In?” Mr. Su told me while the others are walking much farther ahead.


Then, I look at Lu Han which is just in front of Mr. Su to see if he will give away any reaction. Jongin, my real name. If it's her, she'll know me for sure.


“Are you listening to me?” I suddenly snapped out in my thinking. Mr. Su was looking to me with confusion. I just nodded to him and said okay.


"Ok good." Mr. Su tapped my back and walk towards in front.


I looked at that Lu Han again.


Didn’t even twitch.










The second breakfast slash lunch took about an hour. D.O with the help of Suho, made delicious foods. D.O hyung is showing his excellent cooking skills to the newcomers. I didn’t eat anymore as well as Suho and Sehun I think. We just sat in the sofa across the room. I’m not in the mood to eat or to do anything beside staring at Lu Han at the dining table. I need to figure out the mystery behind this guy.


The new guys ate a lot and were extremely pleased with the food. Even Lu Han ate like there’s no tomorrow. I heard Chanyeol hyung asked why Lu Han is so thin and skinny if he ate like how he was eating now. He replied that he’s not really the type to get fat. He don’t even know where does the food are going after he put it in his mouth. Then, just like that, almost everyone find him adorable!


Oh no, not me. I gritted my teeth. But he really has a cute face. Wait wait wait Jong-In. Are you out of your mind? You need to focus. That Lu Han you’re seeing right now is a GUY though the face is really hers. It is too much of a coincidence.


But wait I'm still not 100% sure if he really has a male body right? He still has his jacket on and yeah obviously it’s such a large size for his body. What if he’s really a girl just pretending to be a boy? Oh just like those Korean movies that forces a girl to hide her true gender to reach her dreams or be with the same school as the one she loves. That’s gotta be it!!!! I should just check it out….


Then, someone smack the back of my head.


“Could you stop the hell of whatever you’re thinking right now Kai. You’re getting creepy. You keep staring at Lu Han hyung like you're going to eat him anytime.” I looked up and saw Sehun with his cold stare and voice again.


“Hey! How could you just do that to me? And when did you start calling that person, your hyung, Oh Sehun?!” I ranted.


“Because you are one heck of maniac-scary-looking hyung, Jong-in.” He sarcastically replied. I responded with my two eyebrows meeting. “Tell me, what’s up? You’re not the type to pick a fight out of nowhere and to just anyone.” He curiously asked.


I gave a please-don’t-make-me-force-to-say-it look to him. But he just brushed me off.


“Hyung, you won’t like it if I don’t get what I want.” He said while giving me a smirk. This brat even though he’s the youngest! “Have you met Lu Han hyung before?”


“Wait wait...that's right his your hyung so he’s older than you??” I asked with anticipating eyes. 


"Duh. Maybe not." Sehun said.


This kid, I should gave him the title, The King of Sarcasm. However, if he’s much older than Sehun…and if by any chance he’s much older than me then…


"Are you sre about that Sehun?" I asked.


“Yeah, I heard him just a while ago that all of us are his dongsaengs. Can't believe it as well with that baby face of his.” Sehun replied. “D.O. hyung was flabbergasted and did again his favorite expression 0_0.” He added while sticking out his tongue.


I knew it!  Lu Han is Lu Han.


So I told Sehun the reason, the story behind my actions earlier, my speculations.


“Pfffffffffft.” Sehun tried not to laugh. “Pffffttt…ahahaha! Kai hyung is a pabo. A girl disguising as a boy? Really a pabo hyung~! Just because of age and the name? And are you that sure he has the same face as her? It was a long time ago when you last saw her hyung. Hahahaha. I can use this for blackmailing don’t you think so?” He said with evil intent in his eyes.


“You…..Sehun ah!!!! I would really tie you and sell you in the farthest land on earth! You naughty maknae! ” I pulled him and wrapped my right arm around him while I playfully brush his hair. He keeps on trying to let go but he couldn’t.


"Hey, stop it!!" He irritatingly said. Hahaha no way I just love the look on your face now, my adorable dongsaeng. “Making fun of me now eh?” I laughingly added.


“Ahem.” We suddenly heard a voice. I looked up to see who is it...




I stopped and immediately released Sehun.


“Oh wae? What is it Lu Han hyung?” Sehun asked.


“I’m sorry for butting in on what you’re doing, but they asked me to tell the both of you about the room assignments being changed.” No expression again while pointing to the others still chatting in the dining area.


“Eh? The room assignment had been changed? Why is it?!” I curiously asked.


“It’s because that man, Mr. Su, said it would build good relationship between us and you guys.” He explained.




"Now that's sort of fun!" Sehun excitedly said. "It's also a good way for us to know you guys much better and for you  to be comfortable with hanging around with us too, right hyung?" He elbowed me.


No it's not.


"And....they also said that one of you will be my roommates." Lu Han suddenly added.


And wait what?!!! Oh no... oh no. But this can be a good opportunity to know if Lu Han is really a “B” or a “G”. . I'm getting worst, thinking this silly thing again. Though it’s not really a bad idea nae?


Sehun who likely knows what I am thinking right now started to hold in his laughter. Then, he turned and faced Lu Han.


“Nae Luhan hyung…so who will your roommate be?” He asked Lu Han. “Is it me or….Kai hyung?” Sehun added while landing a pat on my shoulder.


Shoot something’s wrong with me. Getting frantic, excited over his answer.


Lu Han looked at Sehun, then at me, then back at Sehun again.


"My roommate will be..."



Who do you want to be his roommate? :p


*sorry if there's only a little part of LU HAN conversing on this chapter.... i promise the next one it would be a lot~~~~! a lot of him and KAI <3 <3 <3

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Chappie 5 of Love Comeback is finally up~! :D :D :D


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darksanctuary #1
Chapter 5: Why do you stop updating this again?
please update soon TT__TT
Update soon
darksanctuary #3
OMG you!! OMG finally!!!
You updated this ::banzai::

Oh oh sehunnie ><
And LUKAI.. (" ˘3(˘⌣˘) don't they? XD

So what happen to luhan to not remember kkamjongie?
Why I have a feeling of... Ah nvm, let's just read more updates^^
KKYAAAAAA~~!! *fangirling*
OMG OMG OMG~!!!! *scream*
MY FACE KEEP BLUSHING!! and i can't stop smiling like an idiot!
(i know im greedy T.T)
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
darksanctuary #7
Oh yeah, author-ssi...
I'm so agree with you for making Luhan as hard to get person
Or I prefer say it, y one. LOL
^^ they are so cute...
LUKAI (~‾⌣‾~)

Sekai to make jealous Luhan...
I'm sorry Sehunnie I want you to love Kai...
But I want Lukai being together in the end TT__TT

Aww! The worst me ><
*pls just leave me alone with my own desire XD*
little-KIM #8
Muahahah XD luhan,stop teasing kai n realize that u're LUHAN,kai's first love
i thought he'll (luhan) feel more jelous w/ sehun
kaihan go!
Thx for updating and pls update again asap:D
kichikimo #9
woahh~~ i really love this chapter~ 8D
and is Luhan really Kai first love... ouh..i'm curious abour that *sing Shinee Sherlock* :DD
darksanctuary #10
What next? WHAT happen next???? ><
And I BEG YOU, NO HUNHAN please...

Just Sekai is ok..
We need drama too though^^
And I love Luhan being y here...
Act like not remembering Kai...