DongMir: Part 2

Strong Heart: The Untold Stories

Graduation Day.


Mir wouldn’t be able to recall the ceremony if you bribed him with hoards of money. Everything was just a blur. Even the speech he delivered was a blur. People told him it was a great speech, but he knew better. It was probably full of stuttering and uncertainty.

“Are you still thinking about that?” Dongwoon sighed, smiling softly at the other boy. He was holding a box of things in his arms, head tilted back to look at Mir’s sullen form. “It was so long ago so just stop thinking about it already.”

“It was not long ago,” Mir defended, glaring at the box of clothes in his arms, “Graduation was barely half a week ago.”

Shaking his head, Dongwoon turned around, setting his lover with a stern look. “Stop thinking about it already. We’re moving in together today and all you can think about is graduation day? Are you kidding me?”

Mir fumbled with words, flustered at the accusation. Well, it was a fair accusation. He just…didn’t like being accused. “S-Sorry…I didn’t mean it like that…I just—”

“—you’re hopeless,” he exhaled dramatically, eyes glinting teasingly. Dongwoon leaned over his box, lips all puckered up, “Give me a kiss and I’ll forgive you.”

He blushed bright red, eyes down casting momentarily with shame. Swallowing hard, Mir leaned forward as well, chastely kissing the handsome youth. Their lips had barely touched when he moved back and shuffled past Dongwoon.

The latter frowned, huffing and following the now speeding boy. “That so wasn’t a kiss!” he exclaimed.

“Have some shame!” Mir cried, hurrying up a set of stairs.

“Have some love!” Dongwoon shot back, catching up to the other male just as he walked through the propped open doorway.

They both stopped in the entry hall though, catching their breaths as they realized just where they were living. Neither of them had been up to the apartment yet and currently, those two boxes were quite literally all of their worldly possessions. Everything else had been school or state provided.

Mir set the box down on a side table, turning around in a slow circle as he in a slow breath. “Is this all…ours?” he asked in awe.

“Yeah,” Dongwoon nodded, breathlessly, “it’s all ours.” And then he dropped the box, swung the door shut, and picked Mir up. He laughed, tightly holding the boy against his body as he ran around the apartment, howling and cheering.

“What are you doing?!” Mir laughed, unable to help himself as the air rushed past him. He turned his head this way and that, exploring the hallways and rooms with just his eyes. “Put me down!” he giggled, adrenaline rushing through his body at the childish behavior.

“No way,” the taller boy scoffed, spinning them around in circles as he grinned widely, “you can’t get rid of me ever again, you know that?” Dongwoon hugged him close once more, shoulders shaking with excitement.

Playing with the light brown locks, Mir wrapped his legs around his lover’s waist, sighing contentedly. “I don’t want to get rid of you,” he said quietly, knowing Dongwoon had heard him.

“Yeah, I know,” he replied tenderly, leaning his head back to gaze at the boy.

Without words, they pressed forward, mouths molding together in a warm kiss. Mir dropped his arms, tangling them around the other’s shoulders and silky hair. They slowly deepened the affection, hearts racing faster, breaths growing shorter.

Mir pulled back, panting and foggy-eyed. Dongwoon wasn’t much better though. “We’re all alone,” he murmured against Mir’s lips, “what do you wanna do?”

“Take a nap,” the shorter male remarked.

Dongwoon grimaced, “Now why did you go and ruin the mood?”

“What mood?” he teased innocently, eyes shining with humor.

“I’ll get you later, just wait,” he threatened before setting Mir down and kissing him again, “we should unpack, hmm? I heard tonight is freshmen orientation and we need to find out when Tech Crew will be accepting freshmen applicants.”

Mir nodded, coming up behind his lover and wrapping his arms around that lean waist. “Okay,” he affirmed, squeezing Dongwoon slightly, “…but I was kidding about that nap…”

“…I guess unpacking can wait,” he cleared his throat, turning around and taking Mir’s hand.

Smiling a tad exasperatedly, Mir allowed himself to be led to the bedroom.


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Ryeonggu_01 #1
thank you so much for writing this. i love you 😽
Chapter 7: I'm in love with your writing!!!! Thank you sooo much for adding the honeymoon! Cute lil wedding of our precious angels <3
wintertmm #3
Chapter 7: You forgot about donghae and kibum. Although they appeared only for abit they seem rather cute and donghae seem very poor thing since after so many years he was still pinning for kibum
i'm like 'I KNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW' every time i read something xD
and aslkdjf OTL i got goosebumps all over when i read the 'our world' part sobs
and surprisingly, i understand everything now o u o hahahaha
you really won't make another...part? </3
haha jkjk i think they're okay the way they are now
but i absolutely /loved/ this trilogy, just saying
one of my favorites to be honest *^*
This is so cute! I really loved the part when Kyuhyun was like "Hey, look, look!" and then hugs him, 'cause it totally reminded me of that picture/macro of them in Taiwan. XD
I dunno, though, sometimes when the fluffy moments are disturbed by Kyuhyun, I get sorta mad at him. I mean, I know Ryeowook left for a long time, and he's a bit scarred by that, but y'know, Kyuhyun really really hurt Ryeowook, so...
Well...hopefully there'll be some more fluffiness, now, though! ^.^
You're the best...
I want to reread the series again, darnit! All because of one chapter...
You could publish that series and I'd buy them~... >.<
I love the way Kyuhyun loves Ryeowook now.. it sends shivers down my spine! hahaha so Henry is their priest? and the only guest is YounSeang. LOL
When I saw the chapter title I literally just squealed!! :D Oh goodness, Kyu is just too cute and mushy xD
So much love for this!!! <3
bonchan #9
looking forward for sungmin and minho