Jonghyun also deserves a proper introduction, but this will suffice.

Like a box of Crayons


Jonghyun has always been …special, in some ways more than others and in many senses of the word.

Jonghyun is very confidant, and self-assured, and very, very certain that his super power is the coolest thing since wi-fi.


No, seriously ask him, he’ll even do a demonstration, but I wouldn’t if I were you, the demonstration is at least fifteen minutes long, that’s if he doesn’t do any transformations, which he almost always does.


Jonghyun likes to boast of the fact that his biceps are fourteen inches in diameter, that he can hit notes higher than your average piano and that he can comfortably stick marbles up his nostrils (another demonstration he never backs down from).


He does not, however, boast about his 173 centimetre height, the fact that he’s fluent in Klingon (although he will babble it in his sleep and at the few, very secretive trekkie conventions he has managed to wiggle his way in to, be it as a prop, an actor, or a very inconspicuous tree) or that his IQ is a shocking 104.

Perhaps not so shocking once you meet him… still… shocking.


Anyone who knows these things about Jonghyun takes every chance to about one or the other and then duck and run.


See, Jonghyun’s super power is about as predictable as Taemin’s only…maybe worse, because Jonghyun actually has control over it, but one never knows what may have distracted him, or what he may have been thinking of.


When one makes a shape-shifter angry, usually one has to deal with the typical saber-toothed cat, or a dinosaur, all run-of-the-mill really…. But when you make Jonghyun angry, you’re suddenly dealing with a one –eyed, three horned, purple skinned, legendary people eater, or a volcano (that’s a tricky one), or your mom, and sometimes he turns into a squirrel and he just keeps biting.


Jonghyun, unlike Taemin and like the majority of the human race, does not remember being born; but unlike the majority of the human race and still unlike Taemin, he does not remember anything before the age of sixteen. He doesn’t mind so much, he knows WHY he doesn’t remember and he’s happy leaving things the way they are.




an: i know these chapters are short, but think of them more as short glimpses into the lives of these characters, once i get to know them better the longer chapters will come.

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I really like this. Your plot is awesome!!! I hope you update soon.
I am actually really loving this - the Jinki chapter made me laugh xD Cant wait for the next update ;)