Lee Jinki has MPD

Like a box of Crayons

No one really knows how old Jinki is, not really. He looks to be about twenty, maybe twenty five. Sometimes he acts his age, sometimes he has the wisdom beyond his age and sometimes he can’t remember his ABC’s.

Only Jinki has any clue as to how old he actually is, and if you were to catch Jinki while he was Jinki (because, sometimes he’s not) he’d probably say something like, “how old do you think I am?” He likes to watch “noonas” blush, and dongsaengs stutter, he finds it adorable when they try to select an appropriate age, and he’s been told he looks in his young twenties for the past fifty years, so he guesses he really hasn’t aged much at all.

If you catch Jinki when he’s not Jinki, like say when he’s Svenir the Viking, he’s more likely to scream at you and threaten to and pillage your village in his mother tongue- which isn’t Korean when he’s Svenir; Svenir speaks Viking.

If you ask Jinki when he’s Brigadier general Thompson of the seventy-fifth aerospace non-continental airforce, he’ll probably huff in your face and tell you war stories from the early forty-first century, which hasn’t happened yet, at least not for you and I, but it has for brigadier general Thompson, he’s just visiting he’ll say, and then he’ll wink and tell you he’s “middling fifty, but still young enough for some fun in the sack if ye catch mah drift”, in a very non-continental English accent to boot.

In reality Jinki only has a small clue as to how old he is, because Jinki only remember when he is him, and honestly he’s spent almost half his life not being him, so he can really only tell you that he’s been aware of his existence since people built houses out of dirt, which really gives us no timeline, because my aunt lives in a dirt house, she built it herself, she says it keeps her cool, I think she’s a hippie; but enough about me or my aunt, back to Jinki.

Apart from his personality disorder, Jinki has a very special super power. His presence can boost or dampen the powers of nearby supers, so while he himself, apart from being seemingly immortal, really has no super strength, his purpose in SME is more to augment great teams or keep them from getting too crazy-hungry-power-trippy.

Jinki really needn’t put any effort into augmenting a power, he just simply does it, but unless he’s himself he can’t remember how to dampen a power so for all his great usefulness he sometimes just causes more trouble than not.

When the super villain you’re fighting has triple the strength (just like you suddenly do) and there is a Polynesian flight attendant screaming about her hair (while looking like Jinki) and throwing every object within reach at the both of you, winning can be quite the challenge.

Or when Jinki is Washington’s horse (and he will tell you so while burring as well as a human can) and he prances about, whinnying bloody murder at the reptilian super villain whose venom can kill a horse, and shouting for “Washington” (you) to “load the bloody musket already”, while you try and salvage the situation, it can be, frankly, quite tiresome really.

That’s why Lee Soo Man put Kim Kibum in charge of Jinki’s group.

No one beats a ninja…well except another ninja…. Or unless your name is Jonghyun and you turn into a rock to avoid defeat…then no one wins.

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I really like this. Your plot is awesome!!! I hope you update soon.
I am actually really loving this - the Jinki chapter made me laugh xD Cant wait for the next update ;)