First mission, or, Kim Kibum, meet Kim Jonghyun, good luck!

Like a box of Crayons


When Young Suk had told Kibum that Jonghyun would be joining him on the security detail mission, Kibum had first argued that he didn’t need back up for such a simple mission.

“Mr Kim, we are well aware of your prowess and skill, but company policy clearly states all security detail must be a two-man team.” Young Suk took a long drink from his half empty water bottle and screwed the lid back on before continuing.  “Also, as wonderfully skilled as you are, you don’t exactly present a…” Young Suk waved his hands in the air searching for the correct word.

“Dangerous?” Kibum supplied.

“Masculine…” Young Suk coughed and looked away. “-a masculine image, and well, Jonghyun… he-“

“Is four-foot nothing.”

“Has muscles…”

“They’re called steroids, they stunt your growth among other things.”

“Yes, well…” Young Suk coughed again and Kibum sneered. “Jonghyun looks the part, you are the part, and his addition is merely for appearances sake. We both know how useless he is in a real situation.” Kibum scoffed.




NOTHING had prepared him for this.

Jonghyun apparently had the brain to go with his stunted growth. Nothing shouts “’roid monster” like muscles and no brain cells, then again perhaps Jonghyun had simply been dropped three times too many as a baby.

But that wasn’t even the least of it. No.

Jonghyun had a habit, a very terrible habit that was conveniently labelled a “super power”. Jonghyun had the ‘ability’ to take the physical form of anything that he could think of.

Often enough Kibum had run into a Shin Se Kyun happily humming away in the locker room showers, or rolled over in bed to find a tree had suddenly sprouted from Jonghyun’s bed in the dorm. Once he’d even witnessed Jonghyun complete the training obstacle course completely in three toed sloth form.

Of course having the ability to turn into anything one can think of would be a perfectly respectable and possibly awesome super power, if the person who had the ability had the presence of mind to control it.

Or the presence of mind to do anything really.

Anything that wasn’t…whatever that was.

Jonghyun stood fourteen feet away, ‘stood’ was a…liberal term. He was flailing. Even that didn’t quite describe the frantic waving and twitching of his limbs.

Kibum pressed the button on his head piece. “Yah, retard.”

Jonghyun looked his way again; he looked startled but started his whole twitchy spazz-y fling-y …thing all over again.

Kibum just stared as Jonghyun ran through the whole two minute routine. When the older boy finally paused, Kibum reached up for the button on his head piece once again. “Are you trying to make me mad?”

Jonghyun winced and ducked a bit to the left, but simply blinked at Kibum.

Kibum cocked his head and eyebrow.

He felt a fit coming on when Jonghyun slowly began to move again, almost hesitantly. Kibum recognized the now redundant flailing pattern.

Kibum depressed the button on his ear piece again “What are you doing? Is that…” Kibum squinted, he was pretty sure Jonghyun was actually trying to tell him something with all the… the hand fling-y stuff.  “Bird…is that? Canoeing…canoeing? Jonghyun, I swear to all that you hold dear, stop the ing rain dance and just- uhg!” Kibum gave up.

He broke formation and stomped rather moodily across the fourteen feet of pavement between him and the air traffic control trainee Jonghyun seemed to think he was.

When he reached the older male he brought the finger of his left hand to Jonghyun’s head piece, and his right hand to his own and depressed both buttons at once.

“There is a button, on your head piece.” The words echoed eerily between both their mics and ear pieces. “All you have to do is press it,” he pushed a little harder at Jonghyun’s button, causing the older boy to wobble against the pressure. “And then you can speak.  Then.” Kibum drops his hands, “I most likely won’t have reason to strip your skin from your bones.”

“Unless, you know, you do something else stupid.”

Jonghyun had stars in his eyes for the split second before he suddenly appeared stark with every muscle and bone exposed for the whole street to gawk at.

Kibum rolled his eyes and walked back to his post. If Jonghyun wanted to stand stark in nothing but his muscles and bones, Kibum wouldn't have anything to do with it.

And if Jonghyun spent the next half hour flickering between a very buxom nurse and a terribly awkward looking chicken mascot Kibum will also claim innocence.

Even if the computer read out documenting their earpiece conversation does appear a tad suspicious..

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I really like this. Your plot is awesome!!! I hope you update soon.
I am actually really loving this - the Jinki chapter made me laugh xD Cant wait for the next update ;)