Taken Too Seriously

It's His Personality (Shinhwa)


Hyesung’s POV

*cough- cough *

“Oh Hyesung are you okay?” Junjin asked me immediately.

“I’m fine. It’s because I ate too much ice cream and my throat is still cold.

“Are you sure? If you’re sick then I can drop by a pharmacy and get you some medicine.” He was being overly worried.

“Really?” He asked again.

“Yes.” I said loudly. I then stared at his face as we waited for a taxi.

‘He’s great and everything but…’ I said in my head.

“What is it?” He looked back at me.

“You are almost 100% perfect. Around 98%.” I said as I turned away and looked ahead.

“What’s the 2% that I’m lacking of?” He was curious. I turned and faced him with a smile.

“You are just too erted.” I said as I shook my head in disappointment.

“erted? Maybe just 1%.” He wanted to bargain.

“I don’t think so. After going to that park today?” I raise a brow at him.

“It was just for fun since we’re here at Jeju.” He answered happily.

“I think differently. You also always think erted too. Don’t you dare denying.”

“It’s not that I’m erted. I’m just curious.” He smiled shyly.

“Curious? Isn’t it just because you don’t want to admit in being a ert?” I said back.

“Well it’s just that I’m just curious if you would go to that extent with me like normal couples.” He said surprising me.

“How long have we been dating?” I asked him.

“I think it’s almost a week.”

“Exactly. It has only been a few days so why are you thinking so far.”

“I’m curious and well... anxious.” He giggled.

“Aish you. That will only happen after the wedding.” I said without thinking much.

“Wedding? You plan on getting married with me? That’s a good idea. I will ask for a custom made wedding dress just for you.”

“What are you saying?! We can’t even get marry so why are you already thinking about the clothes for the wedding. Also I’m a guy so why a wedding dress.” I said back.

“That’s why I said custom made. You’re going to be my wife.” He smirked. Before hugging me from behind.

“Idiot.” I said looking away.

“I’m not an idiot.” He argued back.

‘I seriously don’t know hoe your brain works.’ I said in my head.

“The hotel isn’t that far away. Let’s just walk.” I said leading the way.

“All right. I’ll get my head out of the gutter for you.”

“You seem to read my mind pretty good.” I smiled.

“I deserve a reward” He leaned his head over to me.

‘What is he doing?’ I was surprised.

“You want me to pat your head?” I asked him giggling. He nodded energetically.

“Okay.” I chuckled before patting his head.

“Hyesung, we’re leaving tomorrow right?” He asked me

“Yup. When we get home we should start packing so that we can leave early morning tomorrow.

“Ughhhh~ I don’t ant to go back to work.” He groaned.

“Well I don’t think you have a choice unless you retire early.” I joked.

“Should I?” He immediately asked me.

“I was just joking don’t take that as an option. Just do your best. I’ll be by your side.” I held up our intertwined hands.

“Why don’t you move in and live with me.” He said happily.

“First let’s see how it goes with me living in my own place.” I said with a smile hopefully he wouldn’t argue back.

“But that will be too much work for you; going back and forth as well as following me around because of my schedule.” He pouted.

“I was okay before so it should be fine.” I said back.

“If I see that you’re tired then you’re moving in with me. Just say that it’s for business purposes, the fans won’t mind.” He said.

“Okay” I smiled. We walked all the way back to the hotel and began packing our things.

“Why am I so itching?” Junjin scratched his back.

“Oh Junjin, we haven’t washed these yet so it must be why it’s itching you.” I just realized.

“Could that be why?” He continued scratching.

“How long has it been itching?” I asked him.

“Now that I think about it, I’ve been itching the entire week.” He said with a blank look.

“You bought all these clothes and wore it without washing them first?” I asked him hoping he would say no.

“Uh yeah aren’t they looked clean and so I just wore them.”

“Ahhh~ Junjin you know that you have a precious body so please take good care of yourself.”

“I do? Well I didn’t know. All I know was that I need clothes.” He giggled.

“Your manager told me about your sensitive skin. How is it that you don’t know yourself?” I was confused.

“I kind of remembered something along those lines.” He said trying to think.

“What do I do with you?” I sighed

“Should I take a shower?” He asked me.

“YES! As for me I will go down stairs and hand your tomorrow’s clothes to the laundry worker. As I will find you some medicine for your itching back.” I said

“Oh, thanks Hyesung you’re the best.” He reached over and gave me a big hug.

“It’s my job.” I couldn’t help but to smile. Junjin went and took a shower as I went downstairs for the little trip. Afterwards it was my turn to take a shower. When I came out I saw that he was still in the shower robe.

“Why aren’t you in your pajamas?” I asked him.

“Those aren’t washed either.” He pouted.

“Huhhh~” I let out a sigh.

“I don’t have any extra clothes for you and I can’t let you wear those.” I began thinking.

“It’s fine I already apply the cream you got for my itching. I’ll just wear the pajamas for one more night.”

“No you can’t.” I said back.

‘Guess the only options left are either he wears his old clothes, stay , or wear the shower robe.’ I said in my head.

“Why don’t you wear that to bed?” I pointed at the robe.

“You won’t mind?” He asked me.

“Better than being or wearing old clothes. Just kept your arms and legs to yourself.” I said.

“But I can’t sleep without hugging you.” He pouted.

“Then how did you sleep before coming here to Jeju Island?” I shouted back. He kept his head low and frowned.

“You can hug but keep your legs together and away.”

“I can’t really put my legs close together. Most men can’t. It get’s really uncomfortable. Don’t you understand?” He said back.

“I meant at a reasonable space!” I shouted.

“Yes sir!” He said passionately. I let out a sneer at him.

“Let’s order dinner.” I said walking over to the phone. After ordering dinner and eating it we went to bed. He stayed on his side and I stayed on my side. He can reach over but like I said before his waist to the tip of his toes must stay on his side.


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SoulDragon #1
Chapter 32: Thank you so much, author-nim! Wonderfull story, i really enjoyed it.
JisuJisu #2
Chapter 32: Omg omg omg .. This story is cute and chessy from the beginning till the end ;--;
what do u call when ur bias love you back and propose u .. It's call FANTASY *sobs* ...~
U did a really good job on this one author-nim ! Someone make this fanfic into a real life drama please ~~ i cannot .,. My feeling kyahhh
anurim #3
Chapter 32: thank you so much autornim!!!!! this was my first JINSYUNG fic I´ve read!!!!! I love it!!
I loved it so much thanks for writing it!! I will read more of your stories later on in te future I promise!!!
Thanks Again :)
feelgyo #5
Chapter 32: wow, actually it's really sweet. Love it very much. And the ending is cute >.< Thank you or your fic author-nim :)
Fighting!! ^0^)9
Chapter 32: :/ it's over?...already?!!!
I really, really! :D enjoyed this/your story!
It's also very, very cring worthy! :P
Galdy42 #7
Chapter 32: So adorable! Thank you so very much for this story ^.^ Cheesy at times but just right!
Samona #8
Chapter 32: Waaahhhh, love it. Can't believe it's over already.
I already know that I'll be rereading this again soon.
Chapter 32: Wahhh it's over?? :(
This is the first ever Shinhwa fic that I read! I can't believe it's over but thank you for the great story :)
Chapter 32: this is the first fanfic who bring me to AFF and I'm going to miss it!
Good Job!! that was really cute!!