
It's His Personality (Shinhwa)


Junjin’s POV

For the next two days I’ve spent my time with Hyesung at his workplace. Our relationships doesn’t seem to budge from this spot though. I’m not complaining that I get to kiss him a few times a day, but I want to take a step forward. I already took a shower so right now I’m waiting for him to finish his shower, just like the past few days. When will we be able to shower together?

“It’s been 4 days since we’ve started dating and I haven’t even seen his body yet’” I was thinking to myself.

“Please don’t say your thoughts out loud.” I heard Hyesung voice. I turned around and saw that he was already done with his shower.

“Oh you heard me?!” I was surprised.

‘I thought I only said in my head.’ I was so careless.

“Yes unfortunately.” He smiled.

“Well if you heard it then what’s your opinions about it?” I asked him as I walked over to him.

“I don’t see anything wrong with it besides you being a ert.” He scrunched his face.

“I’m not a that much of a ert! I mean it’s normal for lovers to get comfortable and…  you know see each other and-“

“And get in bed together …” Hyesung continued as I sat down beside him on the bed.

“Yeah!” I smiled widely and turned to him. He didn’t exactly look that happy. More like annoyed.

“Well excuse me Mr. ert, we’ve only been dating for 4 days. Other people are dating 4 years before they would do that!” He shouted.

“Some.” I added.

“Huhh~. When the time is right then I’ll be ready for that and so something tells me it will be a while.” He placed his hand on top of mines.

“One more day seems just about right.”  I said happily as I placed my other hand on top of his. He just glared at me with an annoyed face. He just pulled his hand away and went to the nightstand

“What should we have for dinner today.” He said pulling out the menu.

“I would like to have Hyesung.” I smirked.

“Well I want Junjin.” He smiled.

“What? Really?” I crawled over to him.

“No, I was lying.” His expression changed 180 degrees.

“Ehhh, don’t get my hopes up.” I lay down on my back.

“Well don’t easily believe in my words first off. Half of it is just sarcasm.” He giggled.

“So has ajusshi called you?” Hyesung asked me as he looked through the menu.

“No, well actually I’m not sure since it’s hard to get signal here.” I took out my phone.

“It’s just my workplace that’s hard to get connection, it’s perfectly fine here. He just has the wrong timing then.” He said as he skimmed the pages.

“Yeah, we’ll be back in 2 days either way.”

‘Where do couples usually go in Jeju Island?’ I began looking it up on my phone.

“What are you doing?”

“Eh? Uhh, nothing.”  I hid my phone.

“You were clearly doing something.” He crossed his arm.

“I was just playing a game.”

“If it was a game then you wouldn’t have lied.”

“I was just checking something.” I said hopefully he would stop asking.

“Huh~ Fine since I don’t want to be called nosy.” He walked away.

“That’s not nosy?” I said to myself.

‘Let’s see the results.’ I began scroll through the list. Most were just sights seeing, which I’m not interested in.

‘Oh, Love Land?  I’ve never heard of that place.’ I said in my head.

“Woah!” I was surprised when looking it up.

“What now?” Hyesung asked me.

“Pff~ nothing.” I held in my laugh. When I looked up Love Land it turns out to be an outdoor sculpture park.

‘So~ basically ness and is all over the place. Who in the world thought of this idea. There’s the play ground, then Disneyland, and then this. It’s practically a park!’ I smirked.

“Your smirk seems suspicious.” Hyesung said to me.

“Why would you say that?” I asked him.

“Whenever you smirk it means that something had caught your eye and it’s probably something I don’t like.” He smiled proudly.

“Possibly.” I giggled.

‘Oh but its for man and woman couples.’ I was a bit undecided now in going there.

“I plan on working a bit tomorrow, is that okay for you?” Hyesung said making me sit up.

“It’s not OKAY!” I shouted, which made him jump.

“W-Why?” He was confused.

“I’m planning something for us already!” I pouted.

“Why are you planning it all by yourself when the two of us are going?” He pouted back.

“B-because it’s a surprise!” I smiled.

“I don’t like surprises.” He frowned.

“Hyesung, this is the only break I have until we go back to Seoul. Can’t we just follow with my plans? I’ll make it up some other time. It’s a Sunday too, who works on Sundays~” I tried to act cute.

“Huh~ fine but I need to go visit my boss tomorrow morning for my pay check and to bid good bye to him.”

“Of course, I’ll go with you and then we can go on our date.”

“Hmm, something about it seems a bit fishy.”

“No, there’s not fish there.” I joked.

“Ha-ha~ you’re so childish.” He gave a sarcastic laugh.

“So where are we going? Should I be prepared?”

“I’m not so sure yet. I’m checking it right now.” I held up my phone but not the screen side.

‘So far this place seems interesting, hopefully Hyesung won’t turn straight.’ I said in my head. I glanced over to Hyesung to see him drinking banana milk.

‘Ha he’s up for a surprise. This will give him a real introduction into the adult life.’ I giggled.

“Yah, stop laughing to yourself!” Hyesung shouted.

“Is there a rule that I can’t laugh to myself?”

“Yes there is so don’t laugh to yourself.” He smiled. Just then there was a knock on the door.

“Eh? You already ordered food?” I was surprised.

“Yeah, You were too concentrated on your phone so I did everything myself.”

“So what are we eating?” I asked him.

“Jajangmyeon.” He smiled.

“Oh good, I like that!” I sat and rushed out to the living room. The worker placed the two bowls on the table, along with some side dishes, and left.

“Dinner~” I said happily as I sat down. We then began eating.

“Junjin, what is it that you like about me?” He asked me.

“Didn’t I already tell you?” I remember telling him sometime ago.

“Maybe, but can’t you say it again.” He smiled.

“Okay so where should I start?” I stared at him I can tell that he was getting shy.

“You’re character is cute as a whole. Uh, you are fun to be with, kind, is like a housewife.” I smirked at that one.

“That one is kindof…” He wasn’t sure what to say.

“Give opinions later, let me continue.” I stopped him.

“Let’s see~ Oh you have a nice figure! The list will continue on forever but to summarize most of it, it’s your personality that I love. You’re bossy and iffy, which makes it so hard understand you but I love that. It makes things challenging.” I explained to him.

“Is that so? Well umm, am I too challenging?” He asked with a bit of wariness.

“No, of course not. You’re just being yourself.”

“Really? I mean if I’m a bit you know self centered and harsh then just tell me. I know I can get a bit over the top.” He scratched the back of his neck.

“Are you worried for me?” I asked him as I tried to look into his eyes.

“Psh~ worried? Of course not.” He looked up and saw me staring at him.

“I should probably stop denying too, right?” He asked me.

“You don’t have to, I can tell when you’re lying.” I smiled widely. His cheeks turned pink right after.

“So, what do you like about me?” I asked him.

“Since you gave me your answer I guess I can give you mines.” He fine gave a big smile instead of a shy one.

“Ready and start!” I cued him as I took a big bite of noodles.

“I like everything about you. Done!” He said shortly and continued eating.

“Wait!” I said with a mouthful of noodles.

“That was too short! I want a list!” I pouted.

“Short and simple is easier.” He pouted back.

“I want a list. I gave you a list.” I threw a tantrum.

“Fine.” He finished chewing the noodles in his mouth and wiped his lips.

“Huhhh, what I like about you is that… you’re cool, a true man.” He whispered in which I was happy to hear.

“At first I only knew you through the Internet and news and so I just looked at you as a celebrity just like everyone else. You looks were appealing and your voice was soothing. After working with I saw another side of you. First of there’s that cuteness inside of you that hidden away from everyone else. You act like a complete child.” He wrinkled his nose and pointed at me.

“Hyesunggie~” I said cutely.

“As I got to know you, as in recently when we started dating, I saw that you’re very kind and thoughtful. At times you are annoying and troublesome but I enjoy it. It’s meaningful and leaves a big impression of you in my memory. To summarize the rest... I also like your personality.” I said cutely.

“Awww~ thank you.” I thank him as I asked for his hand.

“It’s a gift in return.” He placed his hand in mine’s. We finished eating and got ready for bed. We turned off the lights and limb into bed.

“Good night Junjin.” He gave me a kiss on the cheek.

“Good night Hyesunggie~” I returned his kiss. I closed my eyes and was about to fall asleep, since I was tired, Hyesung called out to me.

“Junjin.” He shook me slightly.

“Hmm? What?” I looked over to him.

“Did you really think I was a girl?” He asked me out of nowhere.

“Why are you asking no of all times?” I was really tired.

“I’m just curious.” He was definitely pouting.

“Yes… I did….” I was even tired from speaking.

“Why?” He was persistent.

“Because I was watching too much dramas, okay? You were being all suspicious and all the cross-dressing storylines got to me. If someone else were in my place they would have thought the same. I mean look at you, you’re all skin and bones.” I held his arm up as I kept my eyes closed.

“I wanted to go to the gym for some work out but you were keeping me on my toes with all the work.” He said back.

“Now that I answered you out of the blue question it’s my turn. When will you do the crab dance for me.” I smiled.

“When you are asleep or knocked out.” He chuckled.

“I prefer seeing it when I’m wide awake.” He pulled him closed as I lay on his shoulder.

“When I need to bribe you then I’ll do it.” He patted my head.

“Okay, I’ll be wai-huhhh~ -ting.” I yawned.

“Sweet dreams.” He hugged me in his arms. It should have been the other way around but this way was fine too.





Oh the next chapter will be interesting. Love Land.... it actually exist  in Jeju Island..

Wondering what it's like? Well if you are +18 then you can go look it up on the internet.

If you're under then just stick with you imagination.

Actually you probably shouldn't be reading the next chapter since you're underage.

But hey, who am I kidding, who's going to stop you? Who's going to know?

Just do whatever you want I know most of you are probably around the teens age and are reading stories that are rated M.

Or actual you guys/girl might actually be older since it's Shinhwa fanfic.

Anyways thanks for reading~! ^-^

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SoulDragon #1
Chapter 32: Thank you so much, author-nim! Wonderfull story, i really enjoyed it.
JisuJisu #2
Chapter 32: Omg omg omg .. This story is cute and chessy from the beginning till the end ;--;
what do u call when ur bias love you back and propose u .. It's call FANTASY *sobs* ...~
U did a really good job on this one author-nim ! Someone make this fanfic into a real life drama please ~~ i cannot .,. My feeling kyahhh
anurim #3
Chapter 32: thank you so much autornim!!!!! this was my first JINSYUNG fic I´ve read!!!!! I love it!!
I loved it so much thanks for writing it!! I will read more of your stories later on in te future I promise!!!
Thanks Again :)
feelgyo #5
Chapter 32: wow, actually it's really sweet. Love it very much. And the ending is cute >.< Thank you or your fic author-nim :)
Fighting!! ^0^)9
Chapter 32: :/ it's over?...already?!!!
I really, really! :D enjoyed this/your story!
It's also very, very cring worthy! :P
Galdy42 #7
Chapter 32: So adorable! Thank you so very much for this story ^.^ Cheesy at times but just right!
Samona #8
Chapter 32: Waaahhhh, love it. Can't believe it's over already.
I already know that I'll be rereading this again soon.
Chapter 32: Wahhh it's over?? :(
This is the first ever Shinhwa fic that I read! I can't believe it's over but thank you for the great story :)
Chapter 32: this is the first fanfic who bring me to AFF and I'm going to miss it!
Good Job!! that was really cute!!