A Good Start For Junjin

It's His Personality (Shinhwa)


Hyesung’s POV
After early morning’s incident I sent back to sleep peacefully in Junjin’s embrace. I think I was able to sleep even better because of his warmth. I was still sleeping but not deeply because I felt a weight on my lower stomach. It didn’t really help the fact that I needed to go to the bathroom. I just brush it off and continued sleeping since I’m going to wake up later. The weight began moving around and suddenly I felt it made contact with my bare stomach. I just pushed it away so that I can continue sleeping.

‘What was that?’ I said in my head. The weight then moved back up but this time all the way to my chest, in which I also felt a bit chilly. I was still so tired that I didn’t pay any attention to it. Just then it grazed against my hard , since my chest was getting cold.

“What-“ I opened my eyes to see that that my shirt was lifted up and Junjin’s hand was touching me.

“YAHH~!” I shouted as I kicked him away.

“Huh? ahh~!” He groaned before rolling off the bed.

Junjin’s POV

I was sleeping peacefully when suddenly I felt a sharp pain on my stomach. Before I knew I fell to the floor giving me more pain.

“Ahhh~” I groaned as I rolled to my side.

“What do you think you were doing?!” Hyesung shouted.

“Why did you do that!?” I groaned as I got up. I looked at him to see that he curled inside the blanket with his head sticking out along with his messy hair.

“You deserved it!” He pouted.

“That hurt you know! What did I do to deserve it?!” I shouted back.

“You should know best!” He said back.

“I seriously don’t know, I was sleeping!” I shouted.

Maybe it was because I slept on his bed…’ I thought. I crawled into the bed in the middle of the night secretly without him knowing.

“I was being nice and let you sleep on the bed but then you tried to take advantage of me! The things I get back for being nice!” He cried.

“Huh?” I wasn’t able to grasp what he was saying.

“Wait, you let me sleep with you?” I asked back. He then realized what he said and covered his mouth. With the blanket.

“T-that’s because it was cold and I didn’t want to cause a ruckus early morning.” He clearly made up an excuse.

“Hold on, you said I tried to take advantage of you?”. He just looked away with a slight blush.

‘Where did I touch him?’ I looked down to my hand.

“Ha~ I did?” I said smirking as I looked up. The moment I looked up a pillow hit me right in the face making me stumble backwards.

“Don’t smile!” he shouted.

‘He seems so hyped up, so did I touch his crotch or his chest?’ I continued thinking erted.

“Okay-okay, I’m sorry. I was asleep …” I apologized.

‘I wish I wasn’t asleep’ I said in my head before continue.

“...so I wasn’t aware of what I was doing. Let’s just let this slide?” I said making truce with him.

“You really didn’t do it on purpose?” He narrowed his eyes at me.

“Of course not!” I said putting the pillow back on the bed.

“Uh~. thanks for letting me sleep on the bed, it saved me from back pain.” I said stretching my back.

“Whatever, I’m going to go use the bathroom first.” He said getting off the bed.

“We can use it togeth-“

“NO!” He shouted as he stomped his way to the bathroom.

‘The moment I came to Jeju Island I’ve already decided to make you mine. Seems like I got a good start.’ I smirked to myself. I was going to sit down on the bed when the bathroom busted open. I was startle up to my feet as I stood there like a statue. Hyesung stepped out and looked at me weird.

“What’s with you?” He said walking over to the closet.

“Uh, you scared me~” I let out a small chuckle.

“Were you doing something bad then?” He glaced at me as he took some clothes out.

“Of course not, I need some clothes.” I said to him.

“How much money do you have let?” He asked me.

“Uhh~ like 60,000 won. Why?”  I asked him.

“How much pocket money did you put in your pants?” He hissed.

“You can go downstairs and buy some clothes with the hotel brand.

“I don’t like those.” I scratched my head as I sat down on the bed.

“Well are you going to wear you old clothes then?!” He shouted.

“Ah~ fine I’ll go buy some. But wait I can’t go looking like this. Can you buy it for me?” I gave him a big smile.

“Why are you such a burden?!!!” He shouted crazily. As he walked to the bathroom with his clothes.

“So is that a yes?” I asked softly. Before he slammed the bathroom door.

“I guess I just have to do it!!!” He shouted inside the bathroom.

“Hey wait, can’t I just call the downstairs and ask them to buy it for me?” I said to myself as I scooted over to the phone on the night table. Thanks to my clever mind it was possible. I just told them my size and they’ll bring it up in a few minutes.

“I could have done this last night for the toothbrush.” I sighed. By the time the worker came up with my new pair of clothes Hyesung was done with the bathroom.

“Thanks!” I said to the worker as I closed the door.

“Why do you keep doing things before asking me, this is my room after all!” Hyesung pouted.

“Don’t worry, I paid it with my own money and look you didn’t have to go yourself.” I showed him my clothes.

“Huh~” He just let out a sigh. I then made my way into the bathroom.

‘Ahh, I need an underwear.’ I realized that was the thing I needed.

“Aish, guess, I’ll just wear my old one until I go buy new ones.” I said before going to brush my teeth. After getting refresh from head to toe and changed my clothes. I went out to see Hyesung sitting on the chair waiting for me.

“Waited long~” I smiled.

“Yes, now let’s go.” He said getting up with the room key.

“So are you going to be working with me again?” He asked me.

“Maybe.” I wasn’t sure what I was going to do today.

“Let’s go eat breakfast downstairs in the restaurant.” I suggested.

“We can just buy something at the food court, it’ll be cheaper.”

“But that’s not a proper meal!” I frowned.

“Well it’s going to keep me full. Plus I don’t have a lot of money left due to last night’s fancy dinner.” He crossed his arms.

“It wasn’t fancy, it was just ex-” I looked to see that he had a mad facial expression.

“…pen-sive…” I finished my sentence as I looked away. I then fumbled to get the things I needed.

“Let’s just go check it out, maybe they have something cheap.” I said opening the door.

“Fine but if there’s nothing under the limit then we are leaving, not to mention you will be leeching off of me for the next few days.” Hyesung groaned as he walked out.

“My manager is going to come soon and pay you back so don’t worry.” I place my arm over his shoulder after I closed the door but he shrugged it off.

“Uncle better pay me back.” He said under his breath. I just let out a giggle secretly behind him.

He’s cute when he’s mad.’ I thought. We went into the elevator with a few other women who were apparently my fan.

“Can we have you signature?!” They shrieked.

“Uh, sure.” I said. They then dug into their purse and got out a pen along with anything that I could sign on. When we arrived at the first floor, we all emptied the elevator. I was busy giving out my signature but Hyesung decided to just walk away.

“H-hyesung!” I shouted but he kept on walking.

“Aish~!” I hurriedly sign the papers and when to catch up with him.

“Why didn’t you wait?” I asked him with heavy breaths.

“You were busy.” He said shortly.

‘Is he mad?’ I wondered. We then arrived at the restaurant and sat down at a couple’s table. The waitress came by and gave each of us a menu and left for the time being. My eyes immediately landed on the steak with sunny side up eggs.

“Oh let’s have steak with sunny side up eggs!” I said happily.

“Are you crazy? That’s like the most expensive one here!” He shouted softly.

“Aww~” I frowned.

‘But I really want to eat that.’ I said in my head. I then had an idea.

“I’m going to go ask them something, okay.” I said getting up. Hyesung didn’t seem to pay much attention so I just freely walked over to the counter where the waitress was.

“Excuse but can you tell a lie for me?” I said smirking.

“Huh?” She seemed confused.

“Well I want you to tell me friend there that he’s today’s lucky winner and that the breakfast he ordered will be 75% off. Of course I will pay the rest secretly.” I whispered.

“Umm, I’m not sure if that will be alright.” She gave a shy smile.

“I’ll give you a big tip and an autograph too.” I said taking my sunglasses off.

“Oh, Junjin~” She smiled.

“So, it’s alright?” I said putting my sunglasses back on.

“I would love to help but I don’t think my manager would let me.” She said disappointed.

“Your boss doesn’t have to know. Besides I’m going to pay the rest completely.” I said softly.

“Umm, okay. Can I get your signature?” She said smiling widely.

“Of course.” I said. She then took out a notebook and a pen for me to sign. After giving my signature I went back and sat down.

“Flirting with the waitress huh?” He said with a poker face.

“I wasn’t, just want a signature.” I giggled.

“Why are you jealous?” I joked. His face then went flustered.

Eh? Was I right?’ I stared at him.

“Of course not!” He shouted.

“Then why is your face all red?” I snickered.

“I-it’s because it’s hot in here.” He said pulling the collar of his shirt.

“Everything here is expensive. Let’s go!” He said closing the menu. Right at that moment the waitress came and did what I told her to. Hyesung didn’t believe it at first but there was nothing for him to be suspicious of. We ended up ordering two steaks with sunny side up eggs. When the food came out the two of us ate it happily. Hyesung seemed really happy.

“Isn’t it good?” I asked him.

“Yeah, I actually wanted to try this a long time ago but I never could afford it. I guess I’m lucky today since we can have a discount on this.” He smiled widely. I saw that on the corner of his lip there was some egg yolk. I let out a giggle as I grabbed a napkin.

“You don’t have to rush so eat slowly and enjoy it, you’ve got some egg yolk on the corner of your lip.” I said wiping it off for him.

“Oh, thanks.” He said looking down as he his lips. The two of us finished the meal entirely with smiles on our face. Hyesung looked cute when he’s all happy. He then went to pay for the bill that was little that it was impossible for the price of two meals not to mention steak. When he was done it was my turn to pay for the rest.

“Hyesung, uh they want my signature so you can go on ahead I’ll catch up later.” I said in which he did without protest.

“For once it’s a good thing you leave me.” I said chuckling.

“Here’s my credit card and who else want’s my signature?” I said looking at all the waitress. Truthfully speaking I had my credit with me the entire time but I didn’t want to use it. I wanted to be with Hyesung so I kept it a secret. If he knew I had it then he wouldn’t had let me shared a room with him. And then I wouldn’t have been able to sleep with him not to mention touch him. I let out a smirk to myself. After giving out my signature and signed the bill. I ran off to look for Hyesung and we walked to his work place.


Ehhh~ naughty Junjin. He had his credit card all along but never used it. Wonder how Hyesung is going to find out~. Well you'll know how in the next chapter! He's going to find a big surprise waiting for him after work! Thanks for reading~! ^-^

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SoulDragon #1
Chapter 32: Thank you so much, author-nim! Wonderfull story, i really enjoyed it.
JisuJisu #2
Chapter 32: Omg omg omg .. This story is cute and chessy from the beginning till the end ;--;
what do u call when ur bias love you back and propose u .. It's call FANTASY *sobs* ...~
U did a really good job on this one author-nim ! Someone make this fanfic into a real life drama please ~~ i cannot .,. My feeling kyahhh
anurim #3
Chapter 32: thank you so much autornim!!!!! this was my first JINSYUNG fic I´ve read!!!!! I love it!!
I loved it so much thanks for writing it!! I will read more of your stories later on in te future I promise!!!
Thanks Again :)
feelgyo #5
Chapter 32: wow, actually it's really sweet. Love it very much. And the ending is cute >.< Thank you or your fic author-nim :)
Fighting!! ^0^)9
Chapter 32: :/ it's over?...already?!!!
I really, really! :D enjoyed this/your story!
It's also very, very cring worthy! :P
Galdy42 #7
Chapter 32: So adorable! Thank you so very much for this story ^.^ Cheesy at times but just right!
Samona #8
Chapter 32: Waaahhhh, love it. Can't believe it's over already.
I already know that I'll be rereading this again soon.
Chapter 32: Wahhh it's over?? :(
This is the first ever Shinhwa fic that I read! I can't believe it's over but thank you for the great story :)
Chapter 32: this is the first fanfic who bring me to AFF and I'm going to miss it!
Good Job!! that was really cute!!