First Night

Virtual Relationship

What the hell? MiJin and I get captured by five guys, well,  some of them were hot, they treat us to dinner only to have them lock us up in a room? Separate rooms to be precise. I guess they don't want us scheming up some sort of escape plan. The jokes on them, MiJin and I can't devise a plan to even save a rock's life, how the hell can we escape from five guys?

"I HAVE TO PEEEEEEE!" I shouted while throwing myself up against the room's rosemary door. Don't ask me why, but I just did. I just harmed myself just for the hell of it. Why the hell am I saying hell a lot? GAH! Stop! I'm just cookie deprived.

After no response for a very long minute, I sighed and shuffled off to sit on the bed in the square room. It feels so cramped but I guess it's just temporary. I was about to lay down to get some shut eye when the door swung open.

"Yah! Get up! You said you had to pee didn't you?" JiYong came barging in like a Mr.Bigshot. His hair was ruffled a bit, it looked like he just woke up.

"Did I wake you? I'm sorry." I meek out which seemed to calm down his sudden urgency.

"It's okay. Do you have to pee or not?" I nodded. "Then come on." I hesitantly get up off the bed and JiYong helps guide me toward the bathroom in the dark. I take my time to look myself over in the mirror and wash myself up a bit.  What the hell did we get ourselves into MiJin? I heaved a deep sigh and finally stepped out of the bathroom.

I found that JiYong was sound asleep leaned up against the wall. Should I wake him? Or should I sneak off and grab all the cookies? 

"Aish." I hate my nice self. I slump JiYong over my shoulder and shuffle my way all the way back to my room. Why must it be so darn forsaken dark? I can't see at all where I'm - "UFFF!" Gosh darn it! I slammed my face smack dead in a wall! Great, just great. I wish there was some sort of light switch around here. I search the wall with the tips of my fingers to find a light switch. After a few blind attempts, I finally found one. I switch it on to find that I'm in my room. Wow. If I would've known, I would've dumped dead weight here on the floor and crawled into bed.

I tuck JiYong into my bed and flip off the light switch and crawled into bed next to him. Maybe now I'll finally be able to get some sleep.


Holding onto the necklace Daesung gave me, I ran through options in my head because you know SoYeon can't even get her mind straight to let go of the past; so how in the hell is she going to think up options in the situation that we're in? I settled my mind on this, we can either stay here or get the the hell out of here. But we don't even know what's going on. What if we're the only ones left on Earth? What if we need to start a whole new population? I call dibs on Daesung! 

I sighed, Daesung, why are you so cute? You're chinky eyes don't scare me like wolves. What? It's like they're peering into your very soul. With Daesung, you barely see it, best part is if he goes out in the sun you won't see them at all. I can start calling him Brock from Pokemon! 

A soft knock on the door disrupted my train of thought. I wonder who it could be? I heard SoYeon a little bit ago, I just thought she was going through a cookie withdrawal.  The door creaked open and in came the chinky, Daesung. 

"Hey," He whispered. "Can I come in? I can't sleep." I nodded. Daesung looked a little awkward to be here. I wonder if he's still reeling for embarrassing himself earlier.

Daesung snuggled his way into the bed and soon feel asleep. Jeez, no goodnight? Humph.


The sun peeping through the curtains forced me to open up my weary eyes. Boy, I'm still tired. Oh wells, I can never sleep in anyways.

I looked up above me to find out I was snuggled against JiYong. KYAHHHH! Crap! He has no shirt on. His chest is marvel smooth. I just want to rub my hand up and down his chest all day. What? It's really smooth.

I wonder what we're going to cook for breakfast today. I hope we're cooking bacon. I love-

"YAHHHH!" I was shoved out of the bed! "WHAT THE HELL!" Gah! This jerk is going to feel the wrath of my fist after I untangle myself out of the covers!

"What the hell? The hell were you cuddling up against me for?!" JiYong shouted back at me. "Be ready in a half n hour, we're cooking breakfast." With that he slammed the door behind him as he left.

I sighed, what a jerk!

The door opened up again and in came T.O.P with shock and curiosity on his face.

"What happened? Are you okay?" T.O.P rushed over to my side and helped me untangle the covers.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks." T.O.P helped me up to my feet. "What's his problem anyways? One moment he's nice and the next it's like he has a stick up his ."

"Oh, don't mind him. I guess he's just not used to beautiful girls like you." Uhhhhh, okay. "Hey uhm, can I get your measurements?"


"Yeah, as in clothes. I'll make you something to wear."

"Sure. Knock yourself out."

A guy, making clothes? Boy, I wonder if he was a momma's boy. After he was done taking my measurements he went on his way but not before he bid me goodbye.


A/N: My wife wrote this :D

After five years of waiting, its finally done LOL xD


I think she did a good job :3

Thank you wife.... Oh, and what was in those biscuts yeaterday? My fingers were swelling up o.o


Okay, Im done, I  hope you guys enjoy this chapter (:

Thank you subscribers you are in here -> <3


enjoy :3

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As soon as my wife updates.. I have a few ideas... :DDD


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YEAH! What Sheena said..... this story is whack yo! XDDDD LOL XD I can't get over that xD
What the . This story is whack yo. LOOOOL. OMG WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?!
BAM! I bet Sheena is happy, she has T.O.P TT~TT Lucky bish...... LOL, but I have GD :3 It's so cute C: <3
ilikekpop #4
AWWWWW!! Update soon! <3
BWAHAHHAA. ok. I'm sitting here laughing. And laughing. andddd laughing. trololol. Woot. Yun is coming~ *wiggly eyebrows* YOU'RE NOT GONNA MAKE ME A BAD CHARACTER RIGHT?! RIGHT?!?!??!!?! Anywho. .I love you both. Mwahahaha.
KnightStar0146 #7
I find it messed up how SHINee goes to france but not to florida. I mean, we are almost as big as california. My mom said that she would take me to one of thier concerts (any kpop group) if they were in florida. but knowing my luck THE BASTARDS WILL NEVER COME DOWN D;
And that is the story of my life -_________________-
ilikekpop #9
If only they were flying to Florida...:P (hint hint, i live there lol)