
Virtual Relationship

Tayang = Blue

MiJin = Orange

SoYeon = Gold 


Walking through these woods was strange. Usually there would be the sound of animals. Not today. I looked through the trees at the intersection. Time was frozen on earth. It never changed. It was always daylight out. Even alarm clocks with batteries were frozen.

There were two people. We hadnt seen people since it happened. Since we have no way of keeping time, we dont know how long thats been. It could be anywhere between three months and three days. All I know is that I took over hunting. I couldnt tell you where we are. It probably wasnt in Seoul though. We wandered down in search of food.

Quietly, I stalked the girls. One of them, turned and saw me at the last second. She opened to scream, but then I hit her. I got the other one before she even noticed.

"Going somewhere?" I smiled. We havnt been pushed to canibalism yet. JiYoung might have an idea of what to do.




"GD~ I brought humans." I sang.

"What?" He asked rushing to me. It was pretty hard to believe. We constantly searched for people, but after a while figured out that we were alone. "Where were they?"

"In the intersection."

"This one's pretty." He replied, smiling as he her cheek. "Put them down. They should wake up soon. We dont hate them."

"Yet." I added, but I did as I was told.

"TaeYang, who are they?" DaeSung asked. His hair was ruffled and he had dirt on his face. When he smiled, he looked fierce. Not that he could fool any of us.

"I dont know."

"Where am I?" The one that GD said was cute looked up at me.

"Who are you?" GD asked impatiently. Two seconds ago, he was smiling at her like she was the greatest thing ever and now he was being a butthead? Hmm. What's going through your mind?

"My name is SoYeon." SoYeon introduced herself. He went to reach her hand up but found that she was tied. "Why am I tied up?"

I blushed. I was the one that tied them up.

"Why were you walking around the city? That's the real question here." T.O.P. entered the room. What the heck? He didnt even know what ws going on. Did he?

"Well my friend MiJin lives down the street from where we were. Why are we tied up and where is everyone. I didnt see any people. just a bunch of running cars. And a dog."

"SooooooYeeon?" MiJin said as she woke up. "Where are we? Someone hit us on the head and-" She stopped. "Where are we?"

"In our secret layer~" DaeSung sang. We all gave him and 'what is WRONG with you look'. "What? it's not like they wont know later anyways. We are either going to keep them or send them off on their own. To be honest, this isnt really even a secret hideout. Although, that would be soooo cool. You know if people werehereandthenwewouldhavethisplacealllllltoourse...." DaeSung was rambling. I tried my best to tune him out.

"Can you girls cook? O.o" I asked.

"ist much?!" MiJin shouted. SoYeon broke put in laughter.

"You only say that cause you cant cook. :'D" She laughed.

"You can?" JiYoung asked SoYeon. I think he had a BIT of a crush on her. I saw the way his eye lit up just now. The others probably didnt. GD was the cook here. If she joined him, they would have pleanty of alone time together ;D.

"Yes. Im not worlds greatest, but I can cook."

"Do you like to learn?"


"Then you can help me with dinner." He said and pulled out a knife. He smiled wickedly. She just glared at him.

"You going to cut the rope or stand there and look stupid all day? =.="

"Yeah. Cut. o.o" He said and awkwardly cut the ropes.

"Can she help me?" DaeSung asked. "I get lonely. :c"

"Alright. Alright." I said and cut the other girl, MiJin free. Here take her. Finish up your job and be back here for dinner. You know when that is."

"Okay :D"



I dont know what was going on. But I liked it. I had to cook with this really hot guy. I dont know his name yet.

"Do you have cookies?" I asked.


"Cookies... You know, chips Ahoy or Oreos...?"

"Oh, yeah. Why?"


"Okay, but only if you help me make dinner."

"Then I get a cookie?"

"Yeah. ;D"

He just winked at me. Holy cow, he's cute. And he can cook. I think that that makes him cuter. The only thing that I dont like is the way his hair is cut. Its all to the side. But he has the smoothest face. I wanna touch it. He also has these really gentle eyes.  I kept staring at him as we made dinner.

"If you mix these leaves with the turkey, then they taste amazing. I havnt found a name for it yet, but the boys love it. Here, try." He said smiling as he held out the spoon for me. He just fed me o.o. Does he like me? Nah, he's probably just being nice.

"Mmmmm." I say. It's really good. The leaves have a sugary taste. But it's not everly sweet. We quicky finish dinner and set up the table for everyone else. As Im setting out the last napkin, I trip over something on the floor. "Ahh"

JiYoung catches me before I hit the floor. Holding me in his arms and looking at me with concern. "Are you okay? TaeYang might have hit you too hard on the head." He pulls us both into a standing position and pushes my hair out of the way. Then hes standing really close to me. My nose is barley touching his cheek as he examines my head.

Then out of nowhere he presses his lips to my forehead. It lasts for only a second, but it makes my heart beat wildly.

"You have a slight fever." He mutters and then walks away. Leaving me alone to blush. He comes back two seconds later with MiJin who looks a little flushed and 4 other boys. "Enjoy your dinner."

Before dinner, Daesung took me out to the shopping mall. "This is where I spend all of my time." He explains. My hand is in his. All of the lights are off so I can barley make out his features. But I know that he's very handsome.

And he's holding my hand. "Why?" I ask, stepping over something wet.

"I scavenge." He replies, holding up a diamond necklace with a D on it. "Here. It's the only one that was left." He blushes and puts it around my neck. Then he tucks it into my shirt."Dont let the others see. Im pretty sure that if the others knew the stuff that was still in here they would take my job from me. They say that I dont understand valuables. But I do."

He looks so adorable. Even though he is upset. "I think you do." I smile.

"This is my favorite spot." He says pulling me into a room and shutting the door behind me. Now it's totally dark. I can tell that the room is small. I can feel Daesung aginst me in the tight space.


"Shh" He puts a finger on my lips and then takes my hand to lead me down a stair case.

We end up in a room with a bunch of cards in it. I know because all of the headlights have been . "I work here most of the day. The others never come in here. I learned to make the lights voice activated." At that, they turned off. "I can do a whole bunch of things with them. Watch." He said and let go of my hand.

"But a part of me sometimes wants
That one person to look out for my heart
And that one person to be you
Yes, that’s how I feel"

He sings in the most beautiful voice. Then the lights dim and then romantic music starts playing. Although by the way he sang that, I dont think that is was a love song.

"Crap!" He shouts. All of the lights turn off and he takes my hand. Soon we are flying upstairs. Literally and are near the entrance to the mall.

"How did you....?"

"Shhh, it's time for dinner." He smiles and leads me to the hideout.




"Dinner's over." TaeYang announces.

"Lock them up." GD says absently as he collects the plates and carries them to the kitchen.

"What?" We shout together.

"We cant have you running away." Seungri smiles.

"I'll get SoYeon." TaeYang announces.

"I'll take MiJin." DaeSung glares at me.






A/N: Okay.. What do you think? I dont think that GD was mean enough :(

Oh well, more is coming next chapter.

Dont forget to comment (:

Talkitive readers are appreciated >:{D

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As soon as my wife updates.. I have a few ideas... :DDD


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YEAH! What Sheena said..... this story is whack yo! XDDDD LOL XD I can't get over that xD
What the . This story is whack yo. LOOOOL. OMG WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?!
BAM! I bet Sheena is happy, she has T.O.P TT~TT Lucky bish...... LOL, but I have GD :3 It's so cute C: <3
ilikekpop #4
AWWWWW!! Update soon! <3
BWAHAHHAA. ok. I'm sitting here laughing. And laughing. andddd laughing. trololol. Woot. Yun is coming~ *wiggly eyebrows* YOU'RE NOT GONNA MAKE ME A BAD CHARACTER RIGHT?! RIGHT?!?!??!!?! Anywho. .I love you both. Mwahahaha.
KnightStar0146 #7
I find it messed up how SHINee goes to france but not to florida. I mean, we are almost as big as california. My mom said that she would take me to one of thier concerts (any kpop group) if they were in florida. but knowing my luck THE BASTARDS WILL NEVER COME DOWN D;
And that is the story of my life -_________________-
ilikekpop #9
If only they were flying to Florida...:P (hint hint, i live there lol)