Getting ready

May I?

// AT HOME \\

 (Umma’s POV)

Umma: Oh! You two look gorgeous!

Yuri, Yoona: Thank you.

Yoona: Umma, I love this dress so much!

Yuri: And this mask looks good with the dress!

Umma: Of course, I designed the whole thing.

Yoona kisses her umma’s cheek.

Yoona: Umma, saranghae~

Umma: But… um… do you really need to wear mask? It just blocks my babies’ pretty face. =(

Yoona: Umma… how can you not wear a mask for a masquerade?

Yuri: Yea and I feel better with a mask.

Umma: Aiish…

Amber enters the living room.

Umma: Hey! Amber, what takes you so long?

Amber: I just feel uncomfortable… It’s so not me!

Yoona: WOW! Amber you looks like a girl!

Amber: I am a GIRL! I don’t need to “look like” one…

Umma: Maknae, you are pretty! I have totally forgotten how you look like in a dress.

[The last time she wore a dress (not counting school uniform)… she was six years old]

Yuri: Yes you are pretty.

Yoona: But… your boyish haircut with this girly dress… looks a little… weird…

Umma throws a wig to Amber.

Umma: That’s why I prepared this. Oh! I am so smart.

Yuri, Yoona: Haha~ Umma you are so smart. Who will wear a wig to a prom! Hahahahaha….

Amber: Stop laughing please…

Amber wore the wig.

Yuri: Haha. You look good in long hair!

Yoona: Haha. Looks much better now!

Umma: Okay stop the laughing. Wear your shoes and go now! Hey! Amber what are you doing?

Amber: What? I am wearing my shoes.

Yuri: Huh!? So you are wearing your pair of torn out Nike with this dress? That’s super weird.

Amber: Hey! I thought you said I just need to wear a dress to the prom. You didn’t say I need to wear a pair of high heels.

Umma throws a box to Amber.

Umma: I know this will happen… wear this if you really want to wear a pair of Nike…

Amber: Wow! A nice pair of Nike!

Yoona: It still looks weird with the dress…

Umma: I know… but we can do nothing…

Umma: Okay. Girls have fun~ Bye bye!



 (no one’s POV)

Girl: Welcome ladies~ All of you look great tonight.

Yuri, Yoona, Amber: Thank you.

The girl pointed to the box next to her.

Girl: So pick your name from this box.

Yuri: What do you mean by pick my name?

Girl: Oh! Girls are going to pick a name from this box (which contains all the name of girl participants in this prom) and using that name for the whole night. It’s like one of the rules in this prom.

Yuri: Oh I see.

Yuri picked her name.

Girl: So you are Christine.

Yoona picked hers.

Girl: You are Jaclyn.

Amber picked hers.

Girl: And you are Amber.

Yuri, Yoona: Hahahahahaha…

Yuri: The probability of picking her own name…hahaha

Yoona: Maybe it’s 1/760. Hahahaha

Amber: Hey stop that!

Girl: Enjoy your night ladies~ Bye bye




Yuri: This place is huge.

Amber: Yes it is.

Yuri: It’s so crowded here… Not really like a prom.

Amber: More like a market.

Yuri: Yes!

Yoona: I heard that the top five most handsome guys from our school and those from the other school are attending this prom. It’s so crowded because all their fans are attracted to join this prom.

Yuri: I see.

Yoona: Hey… um… let’s separate now. Maybe we can meet outside at 2330?

Yuri, Amber: Okay.

Yoona: Have fun. Bye~

Amber: I think I saw someone I know over there. Gotta go and say hi.

Yuri: Okay. Have fun.




 (no one’s POV)

Girl: Welcome gentlemen~ Both of you look handsome tonight.

Jonghyun: I am always handsome not only tonight.

Minho: Urgh… stop that…

Girl: Okay, each boy gets one rose.

Jonghyun and Minho get the roses.

Minho: What’s that for?

Girl: It’s one of the rules. Boys are not allowed to tell their name to the girls. He can only tell the girl who gets his rose his name. Please bear in mind that each boy will only have ONE rose!

Jonghyun: Bwoh!? Whose idea? I wasn’t informed!

Jonghyun: So the girls will do the same? Like… I cannot get her name unless she gives me her rose?!

Girl: Haha. No. You can know the girl’s name, but that name may not be her real name. Um… It can be her real name but… the probability is 1/760.

Jonghyun: HUH!? Then why are we coming?

Minho: Just go.

Minho pushes Jonghyun to the ballroom.

Girl: Have fun guys~ Enjoy your night!

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nicki95 #1
i'm wait for next update!! and i hope it will be a long chapter. :)
nice fic~! update soon
update soon
myjojoz #4
update update update update!please please please
i was right.<br />
it was Krystal and i know 'my oppa' is Minho. huhu.<br />
i wish Krystal will not ruin the closeness MinYul will be.
Khunpeeh #6
cool ^^ pls... update soon
i love how amber revealed it to key.<br />
it's right to tell it today than later.<br />
i mean it will only build so much pain and depression. ^^<br />
<br />
and who is the unknown girl?<br />
could it be Krystal?<br />
her reason of coming here is because of Minho. haha. <br />
and her sister is Jessica?<br />
my mind is so active right now. ^^<br />
<br />
and for Yoona, is it Yesung who she dance with in the party?<br />
and their together now? nice. ^^<br />
<br />
for Yul, i'm happy for both of them.<br />
i wish they will know that they already spent time together. ^^<br />
i love MinYul.<br />
Fighting!~<br />
<br />
i really waited for your update so much!<br />
and i'm happy that you can update.<br />
i hope you can update more than usual. ^^
awww. Yuri was supposed to get 2 roses. poor her.<br />
<br />
i think the one Donghae gave his rose is Yoona.<br />
<br />
i LOVE your story.<br />
please update soon. ^^
Minyul4eva #9
aaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwww but minho was gonna give her one........i think donghae is like yoonas bf or something. idk... aw well new reader btw. update asap :D