The Break Up Letter [One-Shot]




It was autumn 2009 when they first met. Kyuhyun was driving his car in a hurry from his recording, because Leeteuk is having a celebration for his first successful musical show held yesterday. He was in charge of picking up a cake for Leeteuk, but the downhill is he at picking things. Truthfully, KyuHyun never had interests in picking up delicious cakes, or picking up nice clothes. That’s why he has his own fashion designer. The reason he landed on picking up a cake is because it was the only left task for him in this group mates.

In the middle of the rush, he began thinking of the possible cake his hyung might like. Chocolates? But Leeteuk doesn’t like them because it’s full of calories. Blueberry? But KyuHyun haven’t seen him eating one. Strawberry? Nah, too girly. What should he but for him? Ideas and thoughts came flooding in his mind that he doesn’t know which of these he shall listen too, and he ended disregarding them all.

Few moments later, KyuHyun found the cake shop. He grabbed his brown, leather coat and parked his car on the empty slot near the shop. ‘With any luck, Leeteuk will like the cake I’ll be buying’ he told himself as he heaved a sigh and pushed the car door open. Then he went down, walking as fast as he could inside the shop. Upon entering, he was welcomed with cake displays beyond the glasses, of hundreds of flavors and designs to catch each consumer’s attention. There are a hundred cake displays! KyuHyun began panicking inside him, not knowing what to pick. All of them seem the same for KyuHyun, but he couldn’t resist the anxiety devouring his body.


What if I chose the worst cake for Leeteuk? He’ll never forgive me. Which shall I choose? Oh, next time I should volunteer for the party games. Atleast, that’s an easy task.


He stared at the cakes for a few moments, and from the corner of his eye, he realized the counter lady is coming for his order. He scanned the cakes one more, looking for a an eye-catching cake that might look tasty in his eyes.


But none of the cakes did he find eye-catching.


I’ll just leave and tell hyung I forgot. I think that’s better than having to choose a cake that he might not like and ruin his party. I know my hyungs, they can survive without a cake.


And when he was ready to turn around on his heels and leave, he heard a voice coming from beside him.


“You should pick the one on the left. It’s a delicious one, perfect as a gift for your girl.” A girl voice told him. He looked to her and she found a girl, probably her height is just up to his shoulders, wearing a white coat, black up-to-knee socks, her black, long, and shiny hair pulled up into a ponytail, and she was looking at him, anticipating for his reply. She was just like any other friendly costumer looking out for a cake. But what KyuHyun thought is she was a one-of-those-kind girl because of her strong approach at him. She caught his attention.


“Oh.” KyuHyun searched for words to reply, and scratched the back of his head.


“Actually,” He paused, still looking for words to say. Then, he smiled tightly at her.

“It’s not for any girl. It’s for my hyung, Leeteuk.” He continued, and looking back at the cake displays. She took a long look at him, and then all of the sudden, she gasped, like she had seen a ghost.


“Oh!” She exclaimed. “Right, I didn’t recognize you. Cho KyuHyun of… Super Junior?” She asked. A smile formed on his face, because at least he knows he’s known to everyone else.


“That’s right.”


“I’m sorry, it’s just that…” She trailed off when she looked back on the cakes. She was looking at them, biting her lower lip, and then out of the sudden, she snapped her fingers.


“Why don’t you buy that cake on the uppermost right? The cake looks freshly baked, appetizing and good for all occasions. Plus, I think Leeteuk will really like the cake. It’s the best seller for boys. ” She suggested, and as she looks at the cakes, her eyes glimmered with delight. KyuHyun was fascinated by her in a way he still doesn’t know. Then when she looked back at him, he quickly looked to the cake and motioned towards the counter to buy it. As soon as he has it on his hands, all packed, he walked towards the girl. She was exiting the shop, so he had to catch her.


“Hey,” KyuHyun called, and she stopped, turning to him.


“Thank you for the help. I owe you.” He told her. She shrugged her shoulders and smiled.


“It was nothing. And you owe me, if you’ll ever see me again next time. I must go.” She told him with a smile and then she walked away. KyuHyun was puzzled – why didn’t she say things like ‘Can we take a picture together?’ or why isn’t she asking for his autograph? KyuHyun was curious, but he decided to ignore that and head to their dormitory.


Since that day, KyuHyun could not stop thinking of her. If he’s staring blankly, or thinking of something, her face would suddenly pop out of his head, invading his thoughts. The uncertainty of that 'attracted' feeling for her has been sort out in his mind, but he don't know any words to exactly describe it. Could it be... he likes...her?

Few days after, he was on his dormitory, with some of his group mates busy hanging out at the living room. He was sitting in front of his desk, with his laptop open. He was thinking of her again. He was thinking if she’s his fangirl, or he decided to Google her.


Cute girls in South Korea


Cute cake lovers Korean


Cake lovers in Seoul Girls


But he found nothing of her in the search. Only pictures of ulzzangs, holding cakes, and smiling brightly. She’s not even close to anyone of them. DongHae approached him and saw what he was doing.


“Why are you searching that?” He asked with a chuckle.

“Don’t bother me, okay? I’m pretty much pissed off.” KyuHyun told him, more like a warning.

“Okay, chill!” DongHae replied, holding both his hands up. “What’s the problem?” He asked. KyuHyun rested his arms on the space before him on the table and rested is cheeks on his arms.

Then, he pouted.


“I met this girl at the cake shop and I don’t know… it is magic! Her personality just stunned me. She looks cute, smiling at me and she’s really, really kind.. and I don’t know where on Earth will I find her… I just can’t stop thinking about her… it’s like every minute I want to see her. I’m curious about her…” KyuHyun sounded like he’s complaining, but he was not. DongHae shook his head and closed his laptop.


“Stop thinking about it, okay? If you’re really destined, you’ll meet again someday.” He told KyuHyun and headed back to the living room. KyuHyun heaved a sigh.



 Few months had pass, KyuHyun was finally convinced that he’ll not be seeing her again and that he should get over her. She’s just an ordinary girl, he told himself. Korea is too big to look for her. Besides, there are a lot of girls in Seoul he should watch out for.


And one night, he was on his way home with his car. It was raining, so it was difficult for him to see so he had to drive slowly. Just as he was driving, he saw this girl, running through the rain and all wet. Then by the pedestrian lane, she stopped and turned around to cross. KyuHyun couldn’t believe his eyes. She was the cake girl. DongHae was right, he told himself. If they were really meant to be together, they’d see each other again. So he stopped beside her and opened the window.


“Get in!” He yelled. He could see the gladness on her face when she saw him and she immediately went in the car. She was dripping wet that the seats were already drenched but KyuHyun didn’t care. She’s here again, near him. And he’s sure to himself he wants to take the first move.

“Hi,  KyuHyun. Nice seeing you again.” She uttered. KyuHyun somewhat felt warm hearing her voice again, and what she said.

“Yeah, you too. I guess this is the next time, remember?” He reminded her of the last thing she said when they met, and she laughed.

“I guess you don’t owe me anymore.” She replied, and KyuHyun smiled.

“Anyway, why are you running on the rain? You could get sick.” He asked, sounding concerned and worried.

“I was walking towards the train station when it started to rain. I had nowhere to go.” She told him. KyuHyun glanced at the rear-view mirror and he saw her looking outside the window. She looked calm and happy… and there goes his heart, beating twice fast than normal. From that angle, she really looks pretty. But then she glanced on the mirror and before she could catch him looking at her, he had looked to his front, focusing back to his driving.

“Where do you live? I will take you home.” He offered.



Soon, they arrived her home. The rain had stopped few minutes ago. She went down after KyuHyun opened the car door for her. As soon as she got out, she held her right hand out for a handshake.

“Hi. I’m Moon Ga Il.” She introduced. KyuHyun responded to her.

“Nice to meet you. So… you live here?” He asked as he looked around. It was an old-fashioned Bungalow, which looked like it had stayed since 90s. He thought it was nice, since he’s been used to modern houses he see everywhere in Seoul.

“Yeah. For a really long time.” She replied, emphasizing on the word really. KyuHyun glanced at  her with a brief laugh.

“So tell me… aren’t you going to take pictures of me or… brag your friends that we met?” KyuHyun asked out of his curiosity. Since earlier, he has been bugged by his pride on why she isn’t taking pictures of him, or calling his fangirl friends to come over and hang out with him. Well, he’d be willing to know her friends and anyone who’s part of her life.

But she shook her head, which gave KyuHyun that mini-heart attack.

“To be honest, I’m not really interested in artists. I had to finish school with no distractions. I use the internet seldom and if it wasn’t for my friend who is your fan, I wouldn’t have known you.” She replied. Now that makes sense why she didn’t recognize him on the first place. KyuHyun was shocked and he couldn’t help exclaiming. How could there be such a girl like her? For all he knew, Super Junior is very famous in Korea. Everyone likes them… but her? She… the one he likes…isn’t his fangirl? He couldn’t control himself, so he had to cough.

“Something wrong?” She asked, while tapping his back. He raised a hand up to tell her he‘s okay.

“Nothing! Nothing…” And once KyuHyun had recovered his composure, he began acting casually.

“So… tell me about yourself.” 

She looked a little bit surprised, but then she decided to answer his question as she leaned on the hood of the car.

“Well, first of all I’m a middle-class person, not like you, a celebrity. Cooking is my passion, and in cooking, baking is my favorite. In our generation, most of us are bakers, so I decided I want to be one too.” She started off.

“That’s why you knew so many things about cakes.”



And then, it began. KyuHyun told her about his dream to become a famous Superstar, and trying different fields in acting. They shared about their families, in which she is an orphan and living with her grandparents in the bungalow. She’s a graduating student in culinary art, but then she don’t know if she can still continue her course because of financial problems. On the other hand, KyuHyun told her about her sister in America, and his family being teachers. And ofcourse, his biggest achievement in life, being a Super Junior member. And that little talk turned them into friends, with KyuHyun smiling as he left.



Few months had passed again. KyuHyun was happy with their state --- they frequently see each other, they go out thrice a week for a dinner, and Super Junior had met her. He is already rising on his career, since he’s set to do a musical next month. And the next, next month, he’ll be a DJ on radio with Hee Chul. They will also be releasing another song by the end of the year, and somehow, amid the busy schedules, he still hasn’t forgotten seeing her. Their feelings developed into something more than friends. They would also go out at the park, and KyuHyun would stay at her place if he has nothing to do. Ofcourse, Super Junior is happy for him. And meanwhile, she’s still going to school to finish her course.


When he got home from a variety show, he found DongHae and EunHyuk on the living room. He took his bag off and joined them.

“So, where is she?” EunHyuk asked upon KyuHyun sitting in between them and diving his hand on the bag of chips.

“I’ll be meeting her later.”

“Another date?” DongHae asked, sounding defiant. “You should definitely ask her to be your girlfriend.”

“You think so?

“Yeah. It’s been  months since you’ve known each other. If you really like her, then do it.” EunHyuk told him.

“But I’m afraid.” KyuHyun stood up faced them. “What if… she rejects me and never talk to me again? She told me once that her studies are her priority. ” He reasoned out.

“But really, you should risk your friendship to see if you’re really meant to be.” EunHyuk told him, sounding like he’s joking.

“Aish, don’t listen to EunHyuk. He gives the worst advices. Just think about it, okay?” DongHae added. KyuHyun scratched the back of his head.

“I think I need to be alone.” He muttered and left. EunHyuk yelled at DongHae for what he said and then they ended up bickering like the usual, but it was nothing serious.



It was around 4 PM that same day, and KyuHyun fetched her from her house. They are going to the Namsan tower, for KyuHyun had finally decided to propose to her. It’s just that he can’t lose her, and if she’s not ready for any commitment, he’s ready to wait. He never met anyone like her before in his whole life, and he couldn’t afford to stay away from her. 


And when they arrived at the Namsan tower, he proposed. He had set up fireworks and the rooftop date for he rented the tower for them on that night. He knelt down with a ring, with a promise that only death would make him stay away from her. She gladly accepted, and the next thing that happened was their first kiss. It turned out to be that she likes him too. The kiss lasted for a brief moment, and KyuHyun wanting more. The butterflies in stomach were there, the sparks, the euphoria that surrounds the aura. Nothing else KyuHyun would wish for. His life is complete.



And then, the next months came. KyuHyun became really busy, and their dates reduced to once a week. But she kept on being optimistic. At least they are still seeing each other, right? And they are on their way of fulfilling their dreams. They are going to be happy in the end.


Until that day, when the news surfaced the internet. The news of KyuHyun having a girlfriend, and his fans began thorough researches. KyuHyun found out her pictures, doodled with some words like ‘die!’ and ‘ugly’, with huge devil horns and vampire fans drawn on every pictures of Ga Il they could find on the internet, though they are few. He was angered with this and commanded his fans to stop, but then it was only made worse. They even bashed the poor Ga Il who did nothing to them. Some of them even threatened to suicide of he didn’t break up with her.


Ofcourse, Ga Il knew about this through her friend. She was determined to fight, to ignore and just be happy. They are just jealous, she told herself. It was the last thing she needs to worry about. Bu when she went to her school the next day, and after she entered in the classroom, all of the girls threw rotten eggs and flour and anything they could find inside the classroom, which is in a kitchen set-up. She ended up running to the bathroom and calling KyuHyun. She was already crying, and she was tired of all the sufferings she had faced in life. She had already suffered so much for having to work in order to study when she was a child, when her grandparents still haven’t found a work that will pay huge enough. And now, when she thought she’s going to be happy, another set of sufferings are here again. But what could KyuHyun do? He is in the middle of the show recording and the director won’t just let him leave. Plus, it will get real messy of he’ll come there. Isn’t there anyway to escape this? KyuHyun ended up crying because he was pity for her, and it was because of him she's in trouble. And when his Leeteuk hyung, who was in the recording with him, asked what’s wrong, KyuHyun shook his head. He wanted to shoulder this problem by himself, because he had brought it. Though his hyungs knew about it and had told the fans to stop, they won’t listen. Why… is it wrong for him to love? Is it wrong for him to be happy?


Not only those had happened, on the following days and weeks, discrimination with Ga Il began. Everyday, she was bashed in school, embarrassed in public and hurt by these jealous and envious fan girls. But she chose to ignore it. With KyuHyun, the bashing on the internet continued that he had to temporarily close down his sites, and even his cafeworld. They couldn’t see each other. They couldn’t go out like they used to do. It would make the situation worse. And it kills him. It kills him that there is nothing for him to do but wait. Every move is risky. One mistake and she will be suffering. But waiting makes him angry. He wanted to stand up to her, to protect her like any boyfriend would do. But he couldn’t do anything. The last thing he wishes is that she would hold on tightly to him.


His Super Junior members noticed his weird behavior recently, but they chose to cheer him up for they knew KyuHyun can get out of this catastrophe.



And a month later, a news surfaced through the TV. When KyuHyun’s sites were turned back, numerous fans left him, unsubscribing, not supporting and leaving. But not only him, but to the other members as well.

“KyuHyun, we’re willing to lose our popularity if it means you’ll be happy with her.” Leeteuk went in his room as KyuHyun was browsing the news, and then the other members followed and came in too.

“Yeah. They’re just fans. You’re our brother. You’re important to us.” Ye Sung uttered. KyuHyun turned to them with a tight smile, not wanting to show any signs of sadness. Even though clouds of pessimistic thoughts cover his mind.

“Thanks guys, but you don’t need to sacrifice everything.” KyuHyun uttered and after he stood up, he hugged every member. Then, he left. He was thinking of leaving Super Junior, leaving his hyungs, and running away from Korea with Ga Il, if it means the only to escape this reality. He haven’t told anyone this plan yet, but he need to still think about it. He’s willing to give up everything for her.


And after a few moments, just as KyuHyun was getting inside his car, the CEO called KyuHun.



“KyuHyun, I need to talk to you.”

“I’ll be busy, I’m sorry. What is it that you’re gonna say?”

“I want you to break up with your girlfriend.”


If there was one thing KyuHyun couldn’t do, it is this. Why does the CEO want him to break up with her? Doesn’t he have a wife, or someone he treasure deeply? Why can’t he feel the same sympathy? Why can’t he understand that she is his happiness?


“I’m sorry but---“

“I don’t want to hear your apologies. If you don’t fix this and if you won’t break up with her, I don’t have any other choice but to—“


KyuHyun hung up, even if it means disrespecting the CEO. He is sticking to his plan, and by this evening, he shall decide if he’ll be running away with her.



And on the other hand, Ga Il knew about the news. She was already crying. He is suffering because of her. And if it was her who is the problem, she’s willing to leave him --- if  it’s the right choice. And also because the CEO had called her. She doesn’t know how the CEO of SM entertainment knew about her phone number, but he did call. He asked her to break up with him, because if she didn’t, Super Junior is going downhill. And she was no one that Super Junior should sacrifice for. She had to do something. She wants KyuHyun to be happy, even if it means leaving him. But she doesn't want leave him. She loves him. She couldn’t live without him. So she dried up her tears and phoned her friend. She made up her mind.


“Hello. This is Ga Il.”

“Oh, hey. What’s wrong? You seemed to be crying.” Her friend responded.

“It’s…” She couldn’t look for more words to say.

“If it’s about those bullies, forget about them. Skip school for a few days and see if they forget, okay?” Her friend advised, sounding concerned. “I’ll help you catch up with your notes. ” She added.

“No… it’s just… I’m planning to drop out and run away tonight. I don’t want KyuHyun to suffer anymore. The next day, I’ll call my Auntie to come and take me to US. You know, she’s wanted to make me study there for a better future in culinary arts.” She told her.  Her friend was silenced, but then after a few moments, she spoke.

“That’s fine… if you want that… but I’m going to miss you.” She sounded disappointed, but it was the only way to escape. Ga Il didn’t want to break up with KyuHyun, for once he learned she wants to break up with him, she knew he’ll never let her go. And she will never let him go if destiny will allow. But their situation is different. They have to be apart for their own sakes.

“I’ll be missing you too. But I promise to keep contact, okay? I called you for a favor.”

“What is it then? I’ll be willing to help.”

“I want you to help me run away tonight. My grandparents will send the school my drop out papers so you shall not worry. But I will still talk to them about this, I know they’ll allow.”

“Okay. See you tonight.”


And they both hung up. And then Ga Il motioned towards her desk and started scribbling on a paper with a blue-ink ball pen.



It was already dusk, and KyuHyun was sure about his plan to runaway. He hasn’t told his group mates yet, for he was planning to leave at midnight sharp. He’s carefully planning his escape, and he will let her know one hour before midnight to make sure she can’t say no.


He had arrived home earlier and was already at his room, alone. KyuHyun was already packing his things when he forgot to lock the door and DongHae got in. Ofcourse, he was his roommate.


“What are you doing?” DongHae asked, and it was obvious he knew what KyuHyun was planning. There’s no point of lying now and KyuHyun knew it, so he had to confess.


“I’m going to run away.” He admitted, refusing to look back at DongHae. He sat down beside KyuHyun as he sighed.

“You sure about this?” He asked. KyuHyun glanced at him.

“Please don’t tell anybody.” KyuHyun pleaded, and because DongHae understands, he agreed.

“I will not. But are you sure you’ll not be regretting this?” DongHae asked. KyuHyun paused to think, hesitation bothering his mind. But he also knows that with Ga Il, he will be happy.

“Never in my whole life.”

“The suit yourself. I wish you good luck.” DongHae pat his back and left the room, and locking the door after him. Then, he continued packing.


After he packed, he stuffed his bag inside the cabinet and went out to join his hyungs for the dinner. An hour had already passed, and the clock is ticking. It’s nearing to midnight. But as soon as he got out, Hee Chul handed out a white envelope at him.


“What’s this?” KyuHyun asked.

“I don’t know.” Hee Chul shrugged. “But it’s from Ga Il. It was brought down earlier by a girl I don’t know, but I think she’s Ga Il’s friend. DongHae told us not to bother you, so I had to give it now.” Hee Chul explained and exited the living room to the kitchen. I went back to my room and closed the door. I walked towards my bed and sat down. On the back of the envelope had her name on handwriting, and then he flipped to the other side to open it, wondering what it could possibly be. Was something wrong?

It was a letter. It was unlike any of those fan letters he had received. It was from someone so special to him. And he began reading it.


My Cho KyuHyun,


            I wrote this letter not because I want to hurt you, or make you feel bad. I wrote this with all my heart because I care for you. I know you had read so many fan letters, and this may seem like one of them to you. But I beg you to please listen to my heart before anything else.


            You know the days I’m with you were the happiest in my life. It was lucky for me to had found you, my other half. But in life, we had to let go of some precious things to us in order to become the happiest.


            I am already tired, KyuHyun. Recently, I’ve felt that we weren’t meant to be together; that it was wrong for me to love you. Our relationship was full of obstacles --- always obstacles. Are you also getting tired? I want you to be already happy, and not facing such chaos because of a complete fool like me.


            After today, let’s part ways. After you read this letter, we’ll be strangers again. Let’s pretend we didn’t meet; we didn’t love each other; that I’m not the girl you’re looking for. Let’s forget and never see each other again. After today, let’s follow our paths to be happy ---- the path in which I shall continue my dreams and you’ll be the most famous singer like you told me. Cool, right?


            Don’t be sad, KyuHyun. Who knows, maybe if we’re really meant for each other, we’ll bump across each other again! Destiny will find his way for us to meet again. But now, it would be better this way. Don’t even look for me again. I’m saying my last words to you as your girlfriend. I love you. This is our way to break up.


                                                                                                                        --- GA IL





For a superstar like him, a letter was absolutely nothing important.


Every day, KyuHyun receives letters from all over his fans in the whole world. The letters say almost the same – they love him, they miss him, they care for him, they ask, they are happy for me. He was already used to being sent with letters from different persons, who knew him but are strangers to him. Why should he care about letters? They are just words scribbled to a piece of paper to make the recipient feel good, feel cared.


But this one letter changed his views. He realized that they are not just words scribbled to papers. Letters have feelings and truths hidden in every word that may seem like nothing. Senders have their hearts on it, in which he ignores.


He never thought she was getting tired, that she was tired with too much suffering. And he didn’t realize all of them until it was already too late.


It was all because of Ga Il’s break up letter.


But who knows, maybe they’ll see each other again.



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Thank you to all who commented and supported this one-shot! To let you all know, this made me qualified for the next round of the contest :) Thank you again!


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Beautifully written!!! ㅠㅠ Sequel please??
nice story
memoire- #3
The ending is so saddening but it is a nice story Dx. I wish there is a sequel to this xI Can you write one?
Amazing. I was searching for Dear John , the novel? I was craving for something like it after I read the Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins, but Im pretty much sure no book store is open at 11 in the evening here. Then I was just stunned with this one shot. Its like, "I'm sorry, I just can't help but put everything I feel here, I even cried, it's so Amazing. Much more tgan that actually."

Nice T-T keep it up! I cant believe I'd find it here.
awwww...i really like it~!i hope it wasn't just a oneshot
anyway i hope you win~!^^