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Life for you ♥

--No One's POV--

18 years passed, Kiseop and Seumi's daughter, Seulmin, is now grown up, she is very beautiful, smart, cheerful, loving and kind. She already have a boyfriend and today, she will introduce her boyfriend to her parents.

--Kiseop's POV--

My Seulmin, oh my Seulmin, she's really an adult now and she's about to introduce her boyfriend to us, that guy will be a dead meat if he hurts my beloved princess.../sobbing like a kid/

--Seumi's POV-- 

My precious little girl is really matured, I can't wait to see her boyfriend, I hope that guy is a gentleman or else he'll die in Seulmin's father's hands... 

I heard a knock on the door and I guess it's Seulmin and her boyfriend already, I didn't open the door and just let Seulmin to enter, it's not that we're rude but we just can't stand to see who's this guy after all... 

As Kiseop and I turned around, it's obvious that we had the same `shocked expression on our face.

Because, the guy that our precious Seulmin loves is someone who resembles HIM.

He looked exactly like him and also his manners and voice, I can't explain how did this happen, 

I asked him what's his name and he said " Sunghyun " , that made me more shocked than ever because gosh, his name is also similar to HIS.

He looked like he is nervous because of our awkward behavior towards him, but we couldn't help it at all because he's just like HIM.

The person I love is standing in front of me, oh no, the person standing in front of US is the person who loves our daughter and the person that our daughter loves.

Kiseop spoke up and said " Nice meeting you, I'm telling you this as Seulmin's father, try to hurt her or you're dead meat."

I almost cracked because of what Kiseop said but I know that he's half serious and half joking because I knew him well, I know that he's seeing Sunghyun as his late bestfriend KEVIN.

and finally I got the chance to talk, and I only said "I'm at peace now because you're the person that will love our daughter."





A/N: SO FAST RIGHT? seems like no one cares at all so here we are. Sorry for the SHORT and lame 2 chapters at the end.

Thanks for reading! ^^

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Chapter 8: author-nim sequel maybe?
Poor Kevin ! ><
Thanks for the comments~ ♥ I finished this immediately because I thought nobody liked it :"( that's why there are lots of missing parts. again, Thank you! you can read my new fanfic entitled When Love Stops { }
heu :'( the ending...
omg~ i cried when i saw the first chp. HUAAAAAA~~~~~~~
this sound so sad =(
I can't think of an intro T.T I ~~ I already have my ending....... I'm weird..
Oh~This is not yet done, I started at the last part of the story..