
Life for you ♥

--Seumi's POV--

Today, I will go to places that are very memorable to me and Kevin, I want to reminisce the memories of us, together.

Kiseop offered me his time, to walk with me and bring me to the places where I wanted to go, Kiseop is very kind and sweet.

No wonder why Kevin became his bestfriend.

Whenever I'll talk to him, he'll just agree with the things I say, and he'll always smile to me.

His smile is very cute, I thought.

I told him to bring me to Lotte World, where Kevin and I kills time always, enjoying each other's company.

Kiseop agreed and brought me to Lotte World.

--Kiseop's POV--

Seumi asked me to bring her to Lotte world, where she always spends her time with Kevin when he's still alive,

I can feel Seumi's joy but somehow with sadness, I feel bad for her, trying to enjoy herself without the person she loves,

How I wish I could do something for her, I want her to feel like she's with Kevin, wait, how? it couldn't be me because Kevin and I are not the same,

pfff, not a great idea and what the heck am I thinking? I wouldn't do Kevin's last wish to me, EVER, and I know, she wouldn't agree anyways...

I asked Seumi if she want something to eat, she did say Yes, and she want an Ice cream, oh~ how adorable...

Maybe she and Kevin always eat ice cream, I ordered 2 Banana splits for her and for me coz it is her favorite, I knew it because Kevin always tell things

to me about her, so I knew some things about her.

We sat on the chairs provided by the Ice cream kiosk and putted our orders on the table w/ umbrella, 

I looked at her and I know that she's enjoying her favorite, a LOT.

She's so cute when she's eating while smiling, I feel happy because somehow, I can make her happy too.

After eating our ice creams, She told me that she wants to ride the roller coaster...

I paused for a while and said YES with hesitation on my voice,

but HELL NO! I'm afraid of it! But of course, I shouldn't let her down right now,

I need to put myself together and be a daredevil to ride that freaking thing, even though I know it will scare the hell out of me!

Phew~ I need to be the MAN he knows I am, or else, she'll tease me that a guy named LEE KISEOP is afraid of Roller Coasters , crying like a baby... NO! 

--Seumi's POV--

I know that Kiseop is afraid of roller coasters, I just wanna know if he'll take the risk to ride on a roller coaster just to make me happy,

I wish he won't do it, I want him to admit it to me.

It's our turn to ride the roller coaster,

and I looked at him with a worried face, but he just smiled back, but I know he is scared.

I told him, "You can back out, if you're scared"

He shouted "W-what? I'm n-not s-s-scared"

He is stuttering, he is nervous and I know he's lying, I chuckled and gave him a cheeky look,

He had his eyes wide-open while breathing hard...

Poor Kiseop~ I thought.

Well, we already hopped in and the ride is about to move,

he had his eyes shut, tight grip on the handle and he's biting his lips...

I wanna laugh so loud but he'll be embarrassed if I do so, so I didn't.

Everybody were screaming already, and Kiseop is still the same, trying to not scream like a girl, hahaha~

I grabbed his hands to tell him that everything will be fine, he opened his eyes and stared at me, confused and startled because of what I'm doing~

well, I'm a friend who's trying to comfort a friend, I remember, Kevin always hold my hands when we're riding a roller coaster,

Kevin and I are just friends, we didn't have a relationship at all, it's just, mutual understanding I can say.

--Kiseop's POV--

She held my hands, now I feel better, I don't know why, but I feel kinda bad because I looked like I'm the girl ... *sigh*

but I can see through her eyes that she's thinking deeply, and I'm sure she's having a flashback together with Kevin.



A/N: That's it for now! Please wait for the part 2~ >< I can't finish it like today because I'm still waiting for the DORADORA M/V and there are lot of things that kept on bugging me, so please COMMENT and SUBSCRIBE! ♥

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Chapter 8: author-nim sequel maybe?
Poor Kevin ! ><
Thanks for the comments~ ♥ I finished this immediately because I thought nobody liked it :"( that's why there are lots of missing parts. again, Thank you! you can read my new fanfic entitled When Love Stops { }
heu :'( the ending...
omg~ i cried when i saw the first chp. HUAAAAAA~~~~~~~
this sound so sad =(
I can't think of an intro T.T I ~~ I already have my ending....... I'm weird..
Oh~This is not yet done, I started at the last part of the story..