My annoying husband.

Triple Lee


I took a cab. On the way home I keep on cursing and shouting because I am so furious on what Donghae did. I can take all his actions but no this he actually make me a fool in front of the .



“Ahm. Miss. Are you okay?” the taxi driver said.

“Do I look okay to you? Mind your own business. MIND THE ROAD WILL YOU!”

“uh. Sorry.” He said.

“I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to shout at you. It’s just that….”

“Bad day?” He complete my sentence.

“Yeah. Sort of.”

“It’s okay. A lot people really shout when they are having a bad day. It’s their way of releasing their stress. Trust me there are some who are worst than you. They even try to break my window because they were so angry.”

“Mianhamnida Ajussii.”

“It’s okay kid. Let me tell you whatever your problem is it’ll be gone. All you have to do is to stay strong every day.”

“Kumapsumnida Ajussi.”

“Munje Eopseo.” He said then smiled at me on the rear view mirrow.

After 30 minutes I made it home. I waved the taxi driver good bye as he left. I felt really sorry for shouting at him. How could I do that to someone who didn’t do anything bad to me? I must me really angry.

Ring. Ring. Ring. Ring.

“Yubeseyo?” “Umma”

“Minheeshii. I heard that Donghaeshii met an accident. Where is he now?” my mom said.

“He’s okay. Got a broken leg some bruises but the doctor says he’s going to be fine.”

“I see. Your father and I felt bad because we have to leave Seoul after your wedding.”

“It’s okay mom. I know it’s for the business. How’s Appa by the way?”

“He’s okay. We just came back from New York last night, we’re here at L.A. Your dad wants to check something first before going back there.”

“I see. Tell him I said hi.”

“Surely my princess.”

“I miss you umma.”

“I miss you too baby.”

“Tell appa I miss him too.”

“Yes baby. I will. BTW I already ask Mr. Park to take your car to the Lee’s. It’s probably there already.”

“Thanks mom.”

“You’re welcome princess.”

“I love you.”

“I love you too baby. But I have to go now.”

“Okay. Bye umma. Take care.”

“You too princess. Take care. Call us if you need anything. Or there’s any problem.”

“yes mom.”



Call them. If there’s a problem; I have one my husband. He actually made me leave the room so that he and his can do something stupid.

“Young Miss; you’re here. I thought you’ll be spending your whole day at the hospital.” Mrs. Hwang said.

“Neh. I thought so too. But someone changes his mind and made me leave.” I said.

“I see. Ahm. Young Miss. Mr. Park brought your car here earlier.”

“Yeah. Umma told me about it. Is Oemonim here?”

“I’m afraid she’s not here. Your Oemonim went to visit her store.”

“I see. How about Eunhyuk Oppa?”

“Young master is probably sleeping on his room.”


“Would you like to eat something young miss?”

“Maybe later; I want to take a nap first.”

“Okay. Young Miss.”

“Thank you Mrs. Hwang.”

I went up to our room. Took a bath then change my clothes then slammed myself to my bed. I can’t believe how tired I am. My eyes are getting heavy.

Ring. Ring. Ring. Ring.

I try to ignore it by putting a pillow to cover my head.

Ring. Ring. Ring. Ring. Ring.


I look at the number. It says unknown.


“Yubuseyo. Is Ms. Kim Minhee’s Phone?”

“Neh. I am Kim Minhee. May I know who’s this?”

“Ah. Ms Kim. I’m nurse Sungyu from Naiel Hospital. Your husband asks me to call you. Can you wait for a second as I connect you to him?”

As if I have a choice. What does he wants now?

“Yeah. Sure.” I said.

Then after a minute.

“Yubuseyo! Kim Minhee!” he said.

“What do you want?”

“Where the hell are you?”

“I’m at home. Where else could I be?” I said.

“Why did you go home? Did I tell you to go home? I just told you to leave the room.”

“What do you want me to do? Wait outside until your girlfriend leaves.”

“Yes. Coz that’s what a good wife does?  And she’s not my girlfriend.”

“yeah right. What do you want?”

“I want you to go back here.”

“Oh did that left you all alone there. Well guess what I’m not going back there!”

“Kim Minhee. You get yourself here now.” He said.

“NO. Why should I? You made me leave in the first place. So Bye.” I said then end the call.

I took out the battery from my cellphone then off to sleep.

But after 30 minutes; there’s a knock on the door.

“what now?!”

I dragged myself to open the door.

“I’m sorry young Miss. But there’s call from the hospital. There something happened to young master Donghae.”


I immediately change clothes then drive my way to the hospital. I told Mrs. Hwang to woke up Eunyuk oppa and tell Oemonim and Aboenim about it.

When I get to the hospital I rushed myself to Donghae’s room only to find him laughing while watching television.

“What the hell?!”

He quickly turns off the television.

“You’re here. That was fast.” He said.

“Fast?! Is that all that you can say? I was fast because I drove really fast to get here immediately. Because someone called and told us something bad has happened to you.” I said I as get near him.

“That one. I’m afraid that was me. It works. I made you come back here.”

“You mean you just made that out!”

“Yeah. Don’t tell me you fly all the way here? Don’t tell me you love me now because you’re worried about me.”

“SHUT UP! I don’t love you! I don’t like you! Because you’re the worst person I ever met! I HATE YOU!” I said then get out and slammed the door behind me.

I was on my first step out when I heard a big thud from Donghae’s room. I immediately opened the door again. And found him on the floor.

“What are you thinking?” I quickly went to him and help him go back to his bed.

“You can’t just go and walk. You have a broken leg. Remember.” I said.

“I just don’t want you to leave.” He said.

“I won’t. Just stop moving around and acting like you don’t have a broken leg.” I said.

He didn’t answer me back instead he just smiled at me.

I never see him smile like this since we were in grade school. His perfect smiles that can make you melt and blushed at the same time.

Wah! Minhee. What are you talking about? He’s probably smiling because he won; he gets you to stay with him. 


I'm on my way back to the hospital. I'm worried about Minhee. Donghae is probably treating her bad right now. If you ask me if I got some sleep. NO. Knowing that my girl is with my worst brother i can't get any sleep.

I park my car and quickly went my way to the elevator lift. If only I could make this lift get faster I would do it.

I got into Donghae's room. I am imagining my brother making Minhee cry.

But when I opened the door. I hear Donghae's laughing. Then I saw Minhee feeding Donghae. She's slicing some apples and put it on Donghae's mouth while my brother is laughing at Minhee.

"You want me to slice that face. You're annoying me." Minhee said.

"Sorry. Can't help to laugh at your annoyed face. You're really pissed. Aren't you?" Donghae said.

"Yes. I am. So stop annoying me." Minhee said.

"Aigoo. I used to annoy you even more when we're kids." he said.

"Yes. And you even eat the chocolates that Sungmin Oppa gave me. You finished it all you didn't even bother to leave some for me."

"But you offered it to me so i thought you don't like it." He said.

"I offered it to you but I didn't say finish the whole box." Minhee said.

"Well I'm hungry back then."

"yeah right."

Then Donghae laughs again this time Minhee laugh with him. I took a step back to leave them alone since I was wrong. It seems that Minhee is having a good time.

"OH. Mr. Lee!" Dr Choi said after seeing me at the door.

"What are you doing there? Why don't you come inside?" He added.


"Sungminshiii?" Minhee is now looking at us.

"Dr. Choi, Sungminshii. Come in please."

I have no choice but to come inside with Dr. Choi.

"How are you feeling Donghaeshii?" Dr. Choi asked Donghae.

"I feel better than yesterday. I guess but I still feel pain." Donghae answered.

"I see. I guess your wife is doing a great job taking care of you." Dr. Choi said.

"Yes. I guess." he said then grabbed Minhee's hand and glares at me.

I look at Minhee and i noticed that she blushed but she took her hands from Donghae.

"Honey you know I don't like PDA." Minhee said then smile to Donghae.

"Oh really since when?" Donghae said then grabbed Minhee's hand again.

"Eversince before we got married baby." Minhee said.

"It's okay. Mrs. Lee." Dr. Choi said.

"See. It's okay." Donghae said as he hold Minhee's hand with both of his hands.

What the hell are you trying to do now Donghae? Are you trying to make me jealous?

"I'll leave you. I still have to check on other patients." Dr. Choi said.

"Thank you Doc." Minhee said.

Then Dr. Choi leaves. It's just the three of us in the room.

"What brings you here?" Donghae said.

"I thought of checking on you again." I said.

"Checking me? Or trying to check if I did something to Minhee?" He said.

"Donghaeshiii." Minhee said; trying to stop her husband.

"It's okay Minhee." I told her.

"What is it to you if I am checking on Minhee? You might do something to her again." I told him.

"Why do you care? I own her." He said.

"You don't own her." I said.

"YES I DO. SHE'S MY WIFE!" He said.

"She's your wife but it doesn't mean that you own her."

"Enough! Will you please stop!" Minhee cut both of us. "Donghaeshii if you don't want me to leave stop arguing with your hyung. Sungminshii if you want me to call you Oppa again stop arguing with Donghae." She added.

"But he started it." Donghae said.

But Minhee glares at him.

"Okay. Quiet now." Donghae said then gets a slice of apple.

"Sorry Minhee." I said.

"Just try to ignore him next time." she said.

"Try to remind to ignore him next time." I said.

"I will."

"Aren't you supposed to go back to US?" Donghae said.

"I still have some important things to fix here." I said.

"ahhhhh.... Why don't you start fixing it now; instead of staying here doing nothing."

"Donghaeshiii." Minhee glares at him.

"I'm just saying...." Donghae said while holding both of his hands up.

"It's okay. I'll leave now." I said then went to the door but Minhee followed me.

"Oppa." She called.

"You call me oppa?"

She nodded.

I tapped her head and she smiled at me.

"You take care huh?" I told her.

"Neh. I will."

Then I leave.


I closed the door and looked at Donghae who's still busy eating the slice apple.

"WHAT?!" he said.

"You just made him leave." I said.

"Isn't it good. You got me all by yourself?" he said.

"SHUT UP! If you keep doing this I will leave."

"Then I'll call Jessica." He said.

"Oh yeah! Then call her." I said.

"wooooohooooo. Wifey jealous. I've seen that reaction before when we were kids.... Aha! When I told you that I like Haerine. Our classmate back we were second grader."

"Duh?! I'm not jealous. And I didn't get jealous back then because you told me you like her. No way!"

"hahahahahahahaha. Jealous much!" he said.

"SHUT UP! Okay!"

"jealous much!"

"no way."

"yes way."

"Stop it!"




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sjismylife #1
I hope you update soon :) I love the story so much!!!
@yanHae15 I'll try to update this weekend if my trip won't push... Hopefully. Don't wanna go to that trip... T_T
168 streak #3
Aaaah~ finally! An update! :)

I missed this FF! Will u update soon eonni???
I wanna know what will happen next.....
Sorry If I took so long to update.... T_T
168 streak #5
Aish, donghaeya! Why did you listen to her? Wae?? Wae??
You're being pabo! :((
Don't be so immature. U know that minhee loves u! Why do u still have to doubt her or yourself?!?!? :((
Donghae, baboyah!
168 streak #7
Duh!!! Don't listen to her donghae oppa!! She's a big assh*le!!!!!! :((
errr yeah. jiyeon won't do any good, donghae. pfft! just trust your wife.
168 streak #9
Hahaha....funny hae!!!! Why does hae have to be so cute and naughty all the time?!?!? Geez!!! Hahaha :DDD<br />
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Goodluck mr. Lee :)