A fight for Love

Triple Lee

"I won't give her up." Sungmin told his brother as soon as they reach the veranda.

"I know. But I won't give her up too. Now that she told me that she loves me. I won't let her go." Donghae said.

"You know who were talking about right? It's Minhee."

"yeah. I know. What? You can't believe it. You won't believe it. She actually said the she loves me. She surprised me at the university."

"Don't try to make up stories. We know who she really loves."

"yeah. And its not you. Stop your illusions hyung. She's over you. So try to deal with. She's with me. She's my wife."

"do you think I'll back down because she's your wife now. NO. I won't. She's mine eversince. And I will get her back."

"You just can't accept it do you?"

"accept what?"

"That Minhee and I are together now. And you really can't do anything to ruin us again."

"ruin? you and her. AGAIN?!"

"Oh come on hyung! You knew ever since we were kids that I like her but you just keep getting on my way. Because you're jealous that she's closer to me than to you. You even stole my plan for her birthday."

"Oh Donghae-ah. You just won't grow up until now you're still thinking that I actually steal your plan. That I ruined your plan of confessing to her."

"Yes hyung. Because i can't get over the fact that my own brother betrayed me!"

"Look who's talking you're the one who betrayed me. You marry her!"

"It's not my fault. Don't you ever blame me on anything that happened to you and her. I let her go before for you but now I will never let her go again. I will fight for her. And I'll promise you I won't back down this time!" Donghae said then left Sungmin.

"It's Minhee?!"

Sungmin turned around to see who is it and found Jiyeon.


Minhee is on her way back to Jiyeon but she found out that Jiyeon is not in her room she just went to her and found Donghae near the window.

"You okay?" Minhee asks her as soon as she went inside the room.

"Neh." Donghae said the sits on their and notion his wife to come closer.

Minhee did sit next to him.

"where's Jiyeon?" he asks her.

"I went to get a glass of water for her but when I came she's not in her room."

"She maybe went out."

"You think?"





"What do you think about going somewhere?"

"going somewhere? like having  a vacation?"

"mmm.... like living somewhere....?"

Minhee faced Donghae with a 'are you kidding look?'

"That ofcourse if you like to?"

"Are you for real? I'm already at my last stage in the audition. I'm still studying. You're also studying and you want us to leave?"

"I'm just........."

"Can we do it after my audition?" Minhee said then look at Donghae.

"You mean. You're okay with us. Leaving?"


"You sure?"


Then Donghae hug Minhee.

"But we really need to plan everything like our studies. I don't want neither of us stops. And living abroad is a serious business."

"I know. I know. We will plan it together. Every detail of our plan."

Minhee smiled at him and asks: "Okay. So where are you planning to go?"


"Are you serious?!


"Its her! It's Minhee! You're inlove with your brother's wife! You're sick!" Jiyeon said.

"You call it whatever you want. I love her. I'm in love with her. And I know that she loves me too."

"You're delusional! Look how happy she is with your brother. She doesn't love you."

"She love me before and she will love me again."

"Oh great. Such a stupid beliefs. Sungmin-ah. Get over with it! She doesn't love! Why don't you accept it."

"And what?! And love you instead. I can't do that! You're not her. And you can never be her. Do you understand?"

"You're such an idiot telling me to go find another man and here you are pushing yourself to the person who doesn't love you. Who's more pathetic?"

"Shut up Jiyeon! No matter what you say. It will never change what i feel for her."

"No. You shut up! No matter what you do she will never love you. She already moved on and there's nothing you can do. You can't make her love you again."

"And I will never give up until I make her love me again."

"And I won't let you do anything. If you don't want me to do anything to her. Stop your illusions once and for all." Jiyeon then left.

SKIP (back to Donghae and Minhee)

"Yah! Do you even how to speak french?"


"Then why did you choose France. Can't we go english speaking country like Canada, Australia or US?"

"it's too normal. And France is place for lovers and couples like us."

"I think Paris is the place not the whole France."

"It's the same. Paris is located in France."

"And when did you come up with this idea of going to France and staying there for good?"

"just now."

"You're really unpredictable."

"smart right?"








"then what?"

"cute." Minhee said then pinch Donghae's cheeks.

"Awwww. Awwww. Awwwwwwww....... Aish...... YAH!"

Then Minhee stands up but Donghae quicky pulled her back to their bed. He then quickly trapped Minhee under him.

"YAH! Lee Donghae-ah! What do you think you're doing?"

"hahahahahahahahahaha! Do you think you'll scare me?"

"YAH! Get off!"

"nope. Not until I get what I want."


"not until you grant my wish."


"kiss me. Please." Donghae said with pleading eyes.

"aissshhhhhh......." Minhee tries to push him but he didn't move.

"hahahahahahaha. You can't go anywhere."

Minhee glare at him then think for a while then smiles. Then she notion Donghae to come closer.

Donghae excited move his face closer to her.

"You fool!" Minhee then push him to her sides then run to the bathroom to hide.

"mehrong!" she said before closing the door.

"yah! Minhee-ah. That's not fair!" Donghae said outside the bathroom.


"It's not fair!" Donghae said.

Then Minhee slowly opens the door and saw her husband still standing outside the bathroom. She tap Donghae and quickly kiss him on his lips. 

"Fair now?" She asks after they kiss.

Donghae just nod at her. And notion if he can get another one.

"yah! Lee Donghae....."




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sjismylife #1
I hope you update soon :) I love the story so much!!!
@yanHae15 I'll try to update this weekend if my trip won't push... Hopefully. Don't wanna go to that trip... T_T
160 streak #3
Aaaah~ finally! An update! :)

I missed this FF! Will u update soon eonni???
I wanna know what will happen next.....
Sorry If I took so long to update.... T_T
160 streak #5
Aish, donghaeya! Why did you listen to her? Wae?? Wae??
You're being pabo! :((
Don't be so immature. U know that minhee loves u! Why do u still have to doubt her or yourself?!?!? :((
Donghae, baboyah!
160 streak #7
Duh!!! Don't listen to her donghae oppa!! She's a big assh*le!!!!!! :((
errr yeah. jiyeon won't do any good, donghae. pfft! just trust your wife.
160 streak #9
Hahaha....funny hae!!!! Why does hae have to be so cute and naughty all the time?!?!? Geez!!! Hahaha :DDD<br />
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Goodluck mr. Lee :)