Who remembers?

Triple Lee

Sungmin's POV

"WTF! Lee Hyukjae! What the hell are you doing here?"

I woke up then I found my brother sleeping beside me.

"Wake up! You! Monkey!" I yelled.

"Hyung.... I'm still sleepy..." He murmured.

"What are you doing here?!"

"Minheeshiii...... room..." he said.


"Minheeshii is in my room."



"Lee HYUKJAE!" I yelled again then push him at the edge of the bed. So that he will fall.


"Hyung! You didn't have to do that!" he said while holding his .

"Why is she sleeping in your room?"

"She doesn't want to stay with Donghaeshii in their room. That's why she invaded my room last night and made me leave and sleep here. Satisfied." he said then move back to my bed.



ring ring ring ring


"Yah! Minheeya! Wake up! I need my room."

"Jeezzzz. Oppa. You don't have to shout."

"Yah! yah! yah! Get up now!"

"Okay. Okay!" I said then get up and get Mr. Bunny and open the door.

"WTH!" Donghae is at the door.

"Good Morning!" He greet me and smile.

"What are you doing here?"

"Well I just want to know where did you sleep?" he asked.

"I slept here. Satisfied."

"Where's hyung?" he asked.

"he slept at Sungmin Oppa's room."

"ahhhhh..." he said then left.

----skip (Breakfast with Eunhyukshii)-------

"Young Miss...."


"Young Master Sungmin wants to see you outside." Hyorin said.

"Did he tell you why?"

"I'm sorry young Miss. He just ask me to tell you to meet him outside after you finish eating your breakfast."

"It's okay. Thank you Hyorinshii."

"what's with Sungmin Oppa?" I asked Eunhyuk oppa.

"I don't know." he said.

----skip---- (outside)

I went outside to find him talking someone on the phone.

"neh. Okay. I'll call you."

"Oppa." I called him. Then he immediately hides his phone.

"You're already here." he said then smile.

"Why did you ask me meet you here? You should've just talk to me....."

"I want to show you something." he  said.

"What is it?"

"Wait." he said then dialed unto his phone. Then talked to someone: "yes. You're here. Okay? Wait for us."

"what's going on?" I asked him.

He end the call and smile at me.

"let's go."


"trust me." he said then grab my hand.

We went outside.

“I heard someone stole your car the other night. So I thought of…..”

Then a red corvette is parked in front of me.



“it’s red.”

“yes it is.”

“it’s convertible.”

“yes. And It’s yours.”

“Oppa? You didn’t have to. I could.........”

“I know. But I really wanted to give you something. Sort of a gift.” He said.

“a gift? But it’s not my birthday.”

“It’s a wedding gift from me. I haven’t given any gift right?”

“But still. This is…..”

“It’s fine. I just made for sure that you will like my gift so I thought of giving you your favorite car.”

“Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. I was nervous because you might change your favorite car after 3 years but I’m glad you’re still very fond of convertible.”

“You know how much I love convertible car like this.”

“Yes. And you love them in red. Not just any red. You like them in your so called “DEVIL RED” color.”

“You even remember that.”

“You want to drive it around the town?”


“Okay. Here’s your key Miss.”

“Thank you.”

Donghae’s POV

“WTF. He really bought Minhee a car. I can’t believe it. And he doesn’t even bother to ask me what car I like. Like he got that idea from me. “ I heard Eunhyuk hyung murmuring while looking outside.

“Hyung! What are you looking at?”

“Oh! Sungmin Hyung bought Minhee a car.” He said.

“A car?!” I immediately went to the window. And I saw them laughing inside a red corvette.

“How I wish someone will also buy me a car?.” Eunhyuk hyung said.

I looked at him.

“WHAT?! I’m just saying. She’s lucky. Hyung bought her a car. I should demand hyung to buy me a car too. What should I ask him?” he said then left. Still thinking about what type of car he will ask.

What a cheap girl? Hyung just bought your favorite car and you’re now flirting with him. STUPID! CHEATER! What’s with the corvette? Why you like it so much? It’s not even nice. RED! What hell? You're favorite color are white and blue I really wonder why is that when it comes to car you want it red. Not just ordinary red you want it bright red or your so called DEVIL RED.


I still can't believe that he actually bought me a car. This is crazy. I enter our room to get ready to go to the studio then I found Donghae lying on our bed.

“SO?! How was the new car?” he asked.

“It’s nice.” I answered him.

“Did Hyung ask you something in return?”

“what are you talking about?”

“Well you know what I’m talking about just like when we’re still kids every time hyung give you something he will ask something in return; so what did he ask you? Did he asks you to divorce me?” He said.

“I don’t know what are you talking about?”

“Oh come on. I know you like him. And I know for the fact that you’re supposed to marry him 3 years ago but he left you. But you still love him and you’re still head over heels about him even though he left you and hurt you. You’re still happy to see him. And you want to be with him. So what's the used of denying it? Did he ask you to leave me?"


“Why do you want me to shut up? It’s because it’s true? It’s true isn’t it? You still like him. And you’re still willing to accept him even he hurt you so bad.”

“What is it? What is it to you? If he asks me to divorce you. Isn't great?! HUH?! Because I know for a fact that you want to divorce me but you can't."

"Oh yes. I really want that. So that I could get back to my life."

"Oh yeah! Well me too!"

"! I hate this life!"

"You know what! I can curse too! THIS LIFE! AND THIS MARRIAGE! I HATE YOU!"

"I HATE YOU TOO!" He said then leave.

How i hate him. Is this what's this marriage all about? Never in my life I feel so bad like this. How i hate what's happening to me? My parents made me marry a worst person. I hate this. I hate my life.

Eunhyuk's POV

Are they fighting again?

They are fighting again.

They are getting worse every day.

"Are they fighting again?" Sungmin hyung suddenly appears

"Neh. I think so. It's getting worse everyday."

"What is it now? Why they're fighting?"

"Who knows? BTW hyung. When are you going to buy me car? I mean you got the car idea from me. You should at least return the favor."

"Aniyo. It's my idea." 

"But I told you what car does Minhee likes. I can't believe you forgot everything about her."

"I didn't forget. I just can't remember."

"It's the same."

"But at least I remember her favorite color. RED."

"Not just any red. I told you. She specifically like 'DEVIL RED'.

"yeah. yeah. yeah."

"So when are you going to buy me a car?"

"In your dreams kiddo!"

In that afternoon

Minhee's POV

"Coming?" Eunhyuk oppa asked me.


"Ah.... I forgot you got a new car." He teased.

"Stop it! I'm not in the mood. And I didn't bring it."

"Waeyo? Donghaeshii? Don't let him ruin your day. Come on!"





"I told you no! I'll stay. I need to practice more."

"Okay. Just call me. If you need a lift."


"Last chance Minheeshiii!"

"Just go!" I said then he vanished.

I don't want to go home. I don't want to see that.... that! THAT BASTARD SPOILED BRAT! I don't to see him. I HATE HIM! I HATE YOU LEE DONGHAE!

I screamed in front of this big mirror just to let my anger out. I reall hate him.

ring ring ring ring ring ring ring


"Yubuseyo. Is this Kim Minhee?"

"neh. Who is this?"

"Minheeshiii.... Kyuhyun... This is Kyuhyun. Cho Kyuhyun."

"Kyu-hyun? Kyuhyun! Kyuhyunshiii.... WHY? I mean how did you get my number? I'm sorry I wasn't able to call."

"It's okay. I asked Mr. Yang for your number."

"Ah okay. So.... why did you call?"

"I just want to ask if....."


"Can we meet somewhere? If that's okay with you?"

"ah? Sure. When?"

"Ahm. If its okay. Can we meet today? If you're not busy?"

"ah.... okay. I'm actually at the dance studio."

"I can pick you up there."


"Okay. Where is it?"


"The dance studio."

"Ah. I'll text you the address."

"Okay. See you in an hour?."

"neh. See you."


Kyuhyun picked me up at the dance studio and we decided to stop by to a coffee shop.

"She's getting married?" I asked Kyuhyn once again.

He told me that his ex fiance' is getting married.

"You really have this habit of shouting when you're surprised." He said.

"Sorry. How did you know about it?" I asked him.

Then he gave me an invitation.

"It's an invitation for a engagement party." He said.

"She invites you. I can't believe her. She left you for some guy and expect you to come on her engagement party. What did you say to her?"

"I haven't seen her. It was just delivered to us this morning." He said.

"You haven't really talk to her since your.... Since she left?" 

I asked but he didn't answer.

"I'm sorry." The only thing that left for me to say hoping it could comfort him.

"I just want to ask her why? I just need to know the reason why did she left me." he said.


"Aish.... I guess this is what they call closure."

"I have an idea!" I said.



"What?! She could be here. With his new......"

"I get it." He said.

"We could go home if you don't like my idea...." I said.

"What's the use? We're here already." He said.

We parked the car near the G.I.G club. Yes. I brought him here. Because he told me before that his ex gf's current boyfriend is always here. So I bet she's here also. This is Kyuhyun's chance. I don't know why am I doing this; all I know is I want to help him. 

We made our way inside the crowded club.

"Just tell me if you see her." I whisper to him and he just nod.

"Hold my hand!" he said.


"Hold my hand. There's a lot of people. We might get separated." he said.

"ah okay." I hold his hand.

And made our way to the biggest crowd I ever see.

"Why there's a lot of people here?" I asked. As we settled to the bar.

"Dance Showdown!" The bar tender says.

"Dance Showdown?!" Kyuhyun asked.

"Neh." he answered.

"Would you know if her boyfriend will join the contest?" I asked.

"I don't have any idea."

"Just try to look around." I said.

"I saw her!" Kyuhyn said then zoomed! he quickly went to the crowd.

"YAH! YAH! Cho Kyuhyunshii!" I shout his name but he didn't turn back.

"CHO KYUHYUN!" I shout again.

But too late I can't see him. Everywhere I turn there's a lot of people. And thanks for my height I can't see anything. There's no use of jumping. I still can't see him. 

I look at the bar. I can't believe I am doing this.

"YAH! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" The bartender yells at me.

But still I climb on the top of the bar to look for Kyuhyun.

"YAH! YAH! Get down!" The bartender is still yelling.

"Can you wait! I'm looking for someone!"


I saw him.

"Thanks!" I told the bartender then jump down.

I move into the crowd to get to Kyuhyunshii.

I used my hands to move people.

"Kyuhyunshii!" I called him as i get near him.

I saw him standing in front of a tall guy and a girl behind.

"Kyuhyunshii!" I call him and went near to him.

"Who's this? You're supporter." They guy said.

"She's my friend." Kyuhyun said.

"You're friend? I didn't know her. Since when she became you're friend Oppa?" The girl said.

"Is she?" I whisper to Kyuhyun.

"yes." he answered.

"Look bro. Sooyoung is already mine now so mind your own business." The guy said.

I bet he's the new boyfriend of this Sooyoung.

"I just want to talk Sooyoung." Kyuhyun said.

"What's to talk about? I don't love you anymore. I told you it's end." Sooyoung said.

"But why did you send me an invitation to your engagement?" Kyuhyun said.

"I didn't. Maybe my mom send it. I would never send an invitation to you.I told you it's over. Why would I want to see you again?" She said

"But I love you. And I still love you."

"I don't. You just have to accept the fact that I don't love you anymore." She said.

"Sooyoung.... Don't do this please..." Kyuhyun was about to get Sooyoung hands when his boyfriend suddenly punch Kyuhyun.

Kyuhyun fell down.

"Kyuhyunshii. Gwenchana? Gwenchanaeyo?" I asked him I see blood on his nose.

"Oh gosh you're bleeding."

"I'm okay." He said.

"YAH! WHY DID YOU DO THAT!" I yelled at Sooyoung's boyfriend.

"Why midget? Want to be his protector?" he said.

"yeah! get this!" And slapped him.

"You ! Why the hell did you that?" Sooyoung shouts.

"Why not?! He's such a bastard. No wonder you love him because he's an and you're a !" Sooyoung was going to slap me when someone caught her hand.


"What the?! Hyung is that your wife?" Minho whisper to me then pointed at the girl who stands on the top of bar.

"What is she doing here?" He added.

"Hold this!" I gave Minho my glass of beer and went to the bar to get Minhee. But when I get there she's nowhere.

"Where the hell did that girl go?"

I shoved people to my right to look for her till I saw Doojoon punch someone. I went closer to see what's happening.


"Oh gosh you're bleeding." Minhee said as she try to help the guy.

"I'm okay." He said to her.

Then she stand up and shouts at Doojoon: "YAH! WHY DID YOU DO THAT!" 

"Why midget? Want to be his protector?" Doojoon yell at her.

"yeah! get this!" This girl can really hurt. She just slapped him. I bet Doojoon is pissed now.

"You ! Why the hell did you that?" Sooyoung suddenly gets into the argument.

"Why not?! He's such a bastard. No wonder you love him because he's an and you're a !" Minhee shouts at Sooyoung.

I saw Sooyoung hand turned into fist. And she's going to hit Minhee. Oh NO!

I immediately caught Sooyoung's hand before it hit Minhee's face.

"I bet you don't want to do that." I told her while still holding her hand.

Minhee looks surprise to what just happened.

"Oppa. That hit Doojoonshii." Sooyoung explained to me.

"But your boyfriend hit my friend first!" Minhee shouts.

"Oh yeah! Then take this!" Doojoon quickly went to Minhee but I'm faster than him. I punched him.

"I told you! You don't want to hurt her." I said to him.

"Why did you that?!" Doojoon said. "They're the one who's causing trouble here. Not us." he added.

"You want me to believe that?" I told him. Then went to Minhee who's currently helping her friend.

"Are you okay?" I ask Minhee.

"Neh. But Kyuhyunshii....." She looks at Kyuhyun.

"I'm okay." Kyuhyun said.

"Let's go!" I told them.

Minhee and I help Kyuhyun to stand. And to leave the club.

"Why are you protecting her? Who is she?!" Sooyoung yell.

I suddenly stop. And turn to Sooyoung.

"She's my wife! So if anyone try to hurt her. I will make sure. You won't be Seoul by tomorrow. Got that?!" I said went to Minhee and Kyuhyun again. Both of them are staing at me.


"nothing... " They both said in unison.


We went back to where Kyuhyun park his car. His nose stop bleeding already. By I'm still worried that it maybe broke or something.

"Kyuhyunshii. Are you sure you're okay?" I asked him again.

"I am. Don't worry." he said.

"pfft! That's way far on his heart. He won't die." Donghae said.

"Gumowo." Kyuhyun said then offered his hand to Donghae.

"Next time. Don't drag my wife in your trouble." Donghae said.

"He didn't. I was the one who brought him here." I said.

"He stiil drag you because he went to Sooyoung in confront her!" Donghae said.

"This is my idea. He doesn't have anything to do...."

"It's okay Minheeshii. He's right. When I saw Sooyoung; I quickly went to her I didn't even remember that I was with you. I'm sorry if I drag you into this mess."

"no. no. Don't say that. Don't listen to him. Kyuhyunshii. You're my friend and I wanted to help you. But I guess I did it the wrong way." I said.

'It's okay." he said then smile. "Would you like to go home now?" he asked.

"Neh. Let's go home." i said.

"WAIT!" Donghae suddenly grabbed my hand. "I should bring her home. Don't you think. She's my wife. I should be the one who bring her home." he told Kyuhyun.

"Ah. Okay. I'll be going then." Kyuhyun said. "Bye Minheeshii."

"See you tomorrow?" I asked him.

"Neh. I'll see you tomorrow." He said then get unto his car.

"Call me." I said.

Then off he goes.

"YAH! Are you flirting with him?!" Donghae said.

"What are you talking about? He's my friend." I told him.

"Who knows what you guys have been up to?"

"Hello we just had fight with his ex fiance' and you're saying that we like each other. Are you crazy? Kyuhyunshii still love that Sooyoung." I said then started to walk away from him.

"Yah! Where are you going?"

"Home. I'm going home. There's no need for me to stay here." I said.


"What?" I stop walking.

"Come with me." he said then drag me again.

"YO! Mingi-ah! Can I borrow your car?" Donghae shouted at the man waiting outside the club.

"Sure. Here's the key!" The man throw the key to Donghae.

"Thanks." he said.

We went to the man's car. 

"Get in!" he said after opening the driver's door.


"You will drive. I still can't drive." he said.

"yeah right!" I said then get in the car.


We're supposed to go home but he made me stop at coffee shop.

"here!" he said then place 2 cups and 2 slice of blueberry cheesecake on the table.

"What's these?"

"Coffee. Cake. eat!" he said.

I get the other cup and took a sip.

"That's not yours!" he said then gave me the other cup. "This is yours."

I look at him.

"what's the difference its the same?" i said as I grabbed the cup on his hand.

"No its not. That's chocolate mocha. This is cappucino. You don't like coffee." he said.

"Since when did you put attention to what I like?" i asked.

He didn't bother to answer me. He was busy removing all the blueberries on top of the cheesecake.

"You don't like coffee. You don't like blueberries." He said. " Sorry they don't have any other cheese cake aside from this." he said then gave me the slice cheesecake without the blueberries on top.

"Huh? Kumowo."

"Gwenchana. Eat now." he said.


I can die if Jungsoo will do this to me. Scraping all the blueberries before giving it to me because he knows I don't like them. Kyaaaaaaa! :D












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sjismylife #1
I hope you update soon :) I love the story so much!!!
@yanHae15 I'll try to update this weekend if my trip won't push... Hopefully. Don't wanna go to that trip... T_T
160 streak #3
Aaaah~ finally! An update! :)

I missed this FF! Will u update soon eonni???
I wanna know what will happen next.....
Sorry If I took so long to update.... T_T
160 streak #5
Aish, donghaeya! Why did you listen to her? Wae?? Wae??
You're being pabo! :((
Don't be so immature. U know that minhee loves u! Why do u still have to doubt her or yourself?!?!? :((
Donghae, baboyah!
160 streak #7
Duh!!! Don't listen to her donghae oppa!! She's a big assh*le!!!!!! :((
errr yeah. jiyeon won't do any good, donghae. pfft! just trust your wife.
160 streak #9
Hahaha....funny hae!!!! Why does hae have to be so cute and naughty all the time?!?!? Geez!!! Hahaha :DDD<br />
<br />
Goodluck mr. Lee :)