
Mean girls

Jiyeon's POV

Walking out towards the fresh air of the outside world, I saw the gym courts. The jocks and cheerleaders were practicing for who knows what. Looking at the top of a small hill, I saw a small hand wave up from it. I glanced at the face and it was the short girl. What was her name again ? Bo-boo-boram ? Oh yeah, Boram.

Walking past the track field and soccer field, the damp grass made it hard for me to walk up the steep hill. "Oh my freaking god...." I felt the heel of my shoes almost slip.

Soyeon grabbed ahold of my arm and helped drag me up onto the top of where a tree blocked the blinding hot sun. "Thanks.." Taking off my bookbag, I plopped it down next to where those two left theirs.

Sitting down on the grass, Boram said in a "important" voice.

"Ok. Now, let me just say.. this school is a total lockdown, for us teens. Everywhere you go.. there is ALWAYS a clique nearby."

Soyeon jumped in "Yup, yup, and yup. There's the nerds, the cool asians, the jocks, the drama queens, the artistic, the unsociable, the wannabes, the emos, the queers, and lastly..." Soyeon glanced at Boram.

At the same time in one breath, they said "The Plastics."

Barbies ? Are they talking bout barbies ? I gave them a curious look.

"Okay.. let me just say. The Plastics is something you want to AVOID." Boram implied. Pointing her finger at the track fields, I looked downwards "You see those three girls ? Yeah, well. Those three are known as "The Plastics". There nothing, but dirty-mouthed s."

Soyeon giggled "Kekeke.. Yeah, I'm going to tell you about each of them, Jiyeon. Listen and learn."

I glanced back down to see three girls fooling with the guys.

"First is Lee Qri. She's one of The Plastics, but in reality, she's just one stupid airhead. 2+2 = Potatoes to her. 4-3 = Cucumbers to her. Let me just say, she's just a pretty ." Boram informed. She pointed at the smallest girl amongst the group who just got hit by the ball. ...

"Second is Ham Eunjung. She's second wing of the clique, but is just literally a follower. . Hoe. Douche. . She might be pretty, but she got a bad personality." Soyeon pointed out. Pointing at a tall girl with darkish medium length hair and a y look.

"Third and THE VERY LEAST is Park Hyomin. She's the leader. The most popular and wanted. NO ! She's just another acid-mouthed Queen Bee. I can't take her. She's a . A mothering ." Boram pointed at a girl with her middle finger. She has brown long hair, her water waves brushing past her fragile shoulders. Pretty she was, but a hoe inside.

Now I know The Plastics.

Great. Just great..

High School...

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Shinee_dream_gurl #1
Chapter 3: Lol Is Who's Damien??? Boram or Soyeon??
just want to say this..please update soon T^T
papabeary #3
oh my god I'm practically stalking you rn. hehehe. please update and maybe you should put more tags so that other people can read it :( your fics are really jjang
Are they the t-ara members who'll appear here? No Hwayoungie?