I'm the new girl

Mean girls

Jiyeon's POV

Hey. My name is Park Jiyeon and I'm a 16 year old homeschooled daughter of zoologist parents. I just recently moved from Africa to Seoul, South Korea.I know what you're thinking.. Home schooled kids are freaks or just awkwardly religious. Nope, not me. I'm totally unprepared from what's going to happen next. Never been to a high school. Never actually made friends beside a giraffe. North Shore High School is gonna  be one hell of the school years..

Pshh.. I'm just one of those typical girls. Those girls you won't ever notice in the halls and class, unless something big happens. I bet my new nickname for this high school will be "Corner Feeder Jiyeon"....

High School.. here I come.

*North Shore High School*

My parents drove all the way to the school, just to see me walk inside for the first time. I gave them a o.k. sign with my hands and nodded my head telling them "It's okay. I'm all good." Stepping off the curb and still looking at my parents, I heard the loud blasting beep of the bus. 


The bus zoomed passed me, as I swiftly pulled my feet back onto the pavement. Looking at my dumbfounded parents, I waved a small goodbye and headed across to the front of the school.

Holy . This place is like an asylum for teenagers.

I could see everybody talking to somebody. Even the nerds and losers gathered up together and made nasily laughs. All the jocks playing football on the front of the school entrance. The ball almost even hit me. Tightening my bookbag straps around my closed fists, I walked into the neverending halls of reality.

Gripping on my program card, I hurridly walked down to my class and grabbed upon an empty seat. Dashing my eyes back and forth, I saw the kids flopping their heavy textbooks and bookbags down. Awkward. Just awkward. I'm just sitting in the back with my arms upon my lap.

Few minutes after a forever alone session, while everyone was talking to somebody, the principal and I think the teacher of the class came inside. Closing the wooden door shut, the principal said in a cheery voice "Hello students ! Well, I'm just here to inform that we have a new student. Her name is Jiyeon Park and she came here all the way from Africa !"

The teacher looked at the back and spread her arms out in welcome.

"Welcome, Jiyeon !"

Except she wasn't looking at me. She was looking at the black girl next to me.

"I'm from Michigan..." She looked at the teacher.

Giving an awkward look, she looked at me and said "Great !" Oh lord, she doesn't even know her own students..

Hours later of class, it was soon lunch.

God, I'm starving. I walked downstairs through the busy halls, to the filled cafeteria. I watched as everyone put their lunch trays down and sat next to somebody. Grabbing my floppy tray, I sat in the far corner. The loud uproar of the teens laughing and talking, made me forever alone.

I swirled the mashed potatoes with my spoon, until I heard a slight clink on the table. Looking up I saw a short girl settle her lunch tray in front of me. Another metallic clink was heard and I looked to my right to see another girl drag her seat to sit. FRIENDS ?!

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Shinee_dream_gurl #1
Chapter 3: Lol Is Who's Damien??? Boram or Soyeon??
just want to say this..please update soon T^T
papabeary #3
oh my god I'm practically stalking you rn. hehehe. please update and maybe you should put more tags so that other people can read it :( your fics are really jjang
Are they the t-ara members who'll appear here? No Hwayoungie?