How It Began

My Wild Life With You


After staring skeptically at the boy for hours , she finally understood , no -realized- why she let him in so randomly. Without any I'd verification, or a name. Just a simple look in the eye.

 It was because he strangely resembled her first love. Look wise ofcourse, they were almost identical. However behavior wise...not in a million years will that be same

My first love , he was kind , loving ,had the most adorable laugh and had really high behavioral standards and was courteous ….even if he did that to me he was still amazing, yet this guy...

"YAH! HOW MUCH TIMES DO I NEED TO TELL YOU I'm younger than you! “she said flicking a finger hard on his forehead.

"and to answer your second question , NO you shall have no more milk till you memorize your lines that I threw ages ago at you" 

"But I just came home and I'm tired" he whined.

"Don’t care, no lines no milk " she said shrugging as she happily skipped away from him the corner of her eyes never leaving him.

"OKAY OKAY" he shouted at her slowly fading back, nervous by how she suddenly left.

"I'll memorize you damned lines" 
He said growling while grabbing the paper causing her to came back laughing a laugh of victory.

"Oh and btw what’s your name?" she whispered. Feeling stupid she hadn’t asked earlier.

He paused for a while then muttered "Jiyong...Kwon Jiyong"

"Jiyong" she muttered the edges of her lips gently rising.

"That won't do! , you’re a wild child now, so now I shall name you JINGYO! Cool right? Sounds cute" she squeals laughing missing his expression.

As soon as the name left , His body stiffened and he directly gapes at her, as he felt a slight rush of heat wash across his face. Quickly he looked back at the papers


 "w..whatever its okay" He mum bled back coughing. This was the first time somebody gave him a nickname, and it was strangley exciting, he thought resisting the annoying urge to smile. NO! Wait it isn’t! It's nothing! He quickly rethinks shaking his head hoping these embarrassing thoughts would just fall away.

"I told you my name, so what’s yours?" he asked catching her off-guard by his sudden soft tone.

"Chaerin, lee chaerin" she replies a wide smile drawn on her face, her fingers lingering on her hair strands.

"Chaerin huh?" he thought. Weird that's the same name as someone he knew. His Hunchae. She even sort-of resembles her to. He smiled at the memory. 

"oh why are you smiling?" chaerin asks sheepishly smiling.
"Nothing" he replies he voice still clearly amused as he refocused on the sheets thrown in front.

“I was raised by the wildlife, squirrels, cats, foxes hell anything that saw me was my father or mother I mean even camel-

“Aish no!” chaerin interrupted throwing her arms in the air.

“What now?!” he yelled back frustrated by the millions of times he had to repeat the phrase.

"jingyo You are supposed to sound formal! How am I going to explain your curse words, sloppy accent and inaccuracy to describe what wildlife you were raised by?” she replied pointing at the sheet in my hands.

“Remind me again WHY you want me to act like you found me on the streets, were I was raised by animals?” He said folding my arms as He looked back at her.

“Cause I DID find you on the streets and it’s none of your business why I want you to act like a wild child you already agreed to do it” she retorted pouting.

Aish really the guts of this stranger, even if she gave me a home, can someone please remind me why the hell I said yes?

He thought, helplessly pouting as He returned back to memorize his script.

"........and lastly this is how I am, and nobody can change me" he said sighing surge last words of the script left his lips.

"is this fine now?!" he asks looking back at the laser focused girl who was examining him.

"I guuueesss" she hums, her eyes still squinted. He sighs, seems like she never gets tired.

"You could have done better-" she starts only to get cut by his glare.

"okay okay you were good! jeez" she rolls her eyes as she pushes a glass of milk at the thirsty boy and plops right next to him a spoon in her hand.

"so tell me about you?" she nervously asks stuffing the spoon in his mouth. She didn't want to get too involved with her stranger pet but her curiosity was killing her.


 "AND I CAN FEED MYSELF, THANK YOU VERY MUCH!" he wailed trying to tear the spoon away from her, but failing. God it was like someone plastered it in her hands.


“fine! I’m a wild child raised by-“he started reading out his lines.


“No! Not my lines who YOU really are” she replied a glimmer shining in her eyes.


Hearing the question his body quickly stiffened, a expression of shock pending on his face for a mild second before he regained his calm stature.

"Oh me" he murmured, the food chaerin stuffed sticking out his mouth

but before he could continue he was interrupted by a large thump on the door.

"LEE CHAERIN! MS LEE CHAERIN YOUR  DEMANDED TO OPEN THE DOOR" booms a outsized voice echoing through the spacious house as faces of shock rippled between the pet and his master.

(developments~~ xO ill introduce new characters next chapter :P so how was it? 

btw. thank you for everyone that subscribed!! xD)

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Can anyone perhaps design a poster for me? :/ or does anyone know someone who can? thanks xx :D


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babyda #1
Chapter 5: Human as 'pet' ?! Weird..hmm sO rare. Haha ^^
DidiSkydragonLover #2
Chapter 5: Really good and interesting !!!!!!
Update ♥!!!!!!!!!!!!
ra21ah #3
Update soon ^^
I realy want to know my answers sooooon(^__^)
ra21ah #4
I HAVE a lot of question chae and ji known each other from the past?
2.what's with this I need a wild child and pet? chaerin friands already have pets?
4.Is ji a real poor guy?who doesnt have home?
If I wanted to write all of my ? It would be a long fic!!!LOL
Update soon ^^and sorry for asking a lot of questions.
So jingyo and tabi know each other huh? Gonna wait for more skydragon next chapter. :)
Vrisbogh #6
yay jiyong so cuteeee heree haha and who is his hunchae? is she chaerin?
Yaayy update! ♥ so curious about what happens next!
cl_jiD #8
haha curious as to why she's looking for a wild child><