Under the same sky

Under the same sky

With 20 missed calls from his parents Chen slowly staggered his way into the training room, he had made sure to evade the room during the rest of the day while people we’re still in there. He didn’t want them to ask questions about his current state simply because he himself didn’t want to talk about it. To him there was no point, the president’s word was final.  He slumped onto the floor whilst his body effortlessly fell towards the floor hitting his head against the polished surface along with the harsh reality that his dream of performing in Korea was now dead and a thing of the past.

Chen's eyes were wide open as he tried of thinking of how to explain such a thing to his parents, they were so proud, but he feared that his parents would take his dream away from him if he was to go to another country to fulfil his dreams because to them Kim JongDae was their little boy and mothers do not want their little boys to be flying away to another country away from mommy's sight. He felt as if his 3 years old hard work were a waste.

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