The Fight

Forever With You

Previously on "Forever with You"

    "Why am I crying like this. They did nothing wrong right? Taeyang didn't cheat on me, didn't kiss Sunny," Tiffany said to herself trying to comfort herself. But it didn't work. She kept crying and crying until her eyes were red. 

  "Fany-ah," a voice said. Tiffany was staring at the city on the rooftop when she heard the voice. The thing is, it wasn't the voice she wanted to hear. She turned around and to her surprise, it was Siwon. 
  "Oppa," Tiffanny said with a soft voice. "Why are you here?" She asked wiping her tears. 
  "That's not important right now. Why are you crying?" Siwon said while walking to Tiffany. Tiffany was feeling it again. Siwon was always there to comfort Tiffany. 
  Meanwhile Taeyang and Jessica were searching for Tiffany everywhere. They finally looked the the rooftop ans saw two people standing there. Tiffany and Siwon. 
  "Siwon oppa, I know that I can get really jealous but I just can't hanle myself. I saw Youngbae oppa and Sunny teasing each other and being close. I mean it looks like their a couple," Tiffany said while crying. "It hurt to see that!" 
  "Its okay Fany. Everything is gonna be okay," Siwon said comforting Tiffany. He then approached Tiffany and gave her a hug. Tiffany didn't stop it because she was hurt and felt comforted by Siwon. She hugged Siwon back and put her arms around his waist. Taeyang was looking at all this and when they hugged his heart sank. It hurt even more when Tiffany didn't stop the hug. Jessica saw Taeyag in pain so she was about to march at Tiffany and break up the hug but Taeyang stopped her. 
  "Don't, at least not yet," Taeyang said. Jessica looked at him and obeyed. Siwon broke the hug and wiped Tiffany's tears with his thumb. 
  "Do you love him this much that you would cry like this?" Siwon asked. Taeyang wanted to hear Tiffany's answer. She never told him in his face that she loved him. 
  "I... I don't know,"Tiffany said. She wasn't sure what she felt. She had feellings for Taeyang but Siwon always was there to comfort her and they dated once. 
  "Its okay Fanny. I know you don't love him like you love me," Siwon said and hugged Tiffany again. Taeyang and Jessica just stood there silently. They were listening to the whole conversation made by Siwon and Tiffany. 
  "Oppa.." Tiffany said. She didn't know what to say. She just continued to cry. Siwon broke the hug and looked at Tiffany's face. Tiffany looked back with red eyes and tears still coming down. 
  "I love you, Miyoung," Siwon said. He said that and then leaned into Tiffany for a kiss. Tiffany was surprised and didn't know what to do. Taeyang was looking at the whole thing wide eyed and hurt but didn't say anything. Jessica looked at Taeyang and nudged him. 
  "Oppa do something. YOur girl is about to get taken right in front of your eyes," Jessica whispered. But Taeyang still didn't do anything. He just stood there emotionless and hurt with what was going on right in front of his eyes. Meanwhile Tiffany was letting Siwon go in for the kiss because she felt really comfortable with him and wanted a kiss. So she just closed her eyes and waited for his lips to toouch hers. Jessica was going crazy and didn't know what to do. She then shouted Tiffany's name as loud as she can. 
  "FANY! wHAT ARE YOU DOING!!" Jessica shouted. This cause Tiffany to open her eyes and stop Siwon from kissing her. She looked to where the voice was coming from. She turned to her left and saw Jessica. But not only that, she saw Taeyang looking straight at her with a really hurt expression. 
  "Youngbae oppa," Tiffany said softly. Taeyang continued to stare at her with a broken heart. Siwon looked at Taeyang and smirked. "Oppa!" Tiffany said and ran to Taeyang. 
  "Fany how can you do this! Didn't you say that you have feelings for Youngbae oppa!" Jessica said. 
  "Oppa mianhe. I am so sorry I didn't mean that," Tiffany said and started crying again. Taeyang didn't look at her and just looked sommewhere else while staying quiet. Tiffany lifted his chin so they were staring at each other. "Oppa!"
  "Fany.." Taeyang started to say. 
  "Oppa, please I can explian everything," Tiffany said with red eyes. 
  "Fany I don't know what to do anymore. I love you so much and care about you," Taeyang started to say. "I tell you that I love you and acacept the fact that you won't say it back yet. I care for you so much and now I see you hugging and about t kiss this guy!? You weren't even going to stop him if it wasn't for Jessica!" 
  "Oppa please don't say that, I didn't mean any of it. Let's go and talk," Tiffany said and grabbed her hand to lead him somewhere else but Taeyang let go of her hand. 
  ""Fany, I don't know what to do now. I want to be with you because I love you so much, but I just end up getting hurt like this," Taeyang coldly said. 
  "Oppa!" Tiffany cried and more tears started to come down her chin. Taeyang looked at her and sighed. He felt really guilty for making her cry like this but he was steaming mad! He turned around and walked back down to the apartment. "Oppa!" Tiffany saidand started to run to Taeyang. Siwon was hurt seeing this because this proved that Tiffanny really did love Taeyang more then him. He ran to Tiffany and stopped her from going to Taeyang.
  'Fany stop just stop. Stay with me," Siwon said. Tiffany struggled to get out Of Siwon's arms but he was too stronng. 
  "Oppa! Stop this is all your fault," Fany cried. "Now Youngbae oppa won't ever talk to me!" She finally got out of Siwon's grasp and ran dowstairs. Jessica followed her. 
  Meanwhile, Taeyang went to the apartment not saying a aword. 
  "Hyung, whats wrong?" Daesung asked. 
  "Jiyong, when their ready to go home, you send them home," Taeyang said and slammed his room door and locked it. Just then Tiffany came down with red eyes and crying. 
  "Where is Youngbae oppa!?" Tifafnny shouted. 
  "Fany, whats wrong?" Top asaked her concerned. 
  'Where is oppa!" Tiffany shouted even louder. 
  "he is in the room and locked the door," GD said. Tiffany ran to the and tried to open the door but it was locked. She started to bang on the door and yelled. 
  "Fany-ah stop it. This is not your dorm," Sunny said. 
  "I don't care I want to speak to Youngbae oppa!" She shouted. "Oppa! Open the door!"
  "Fany what happened to you and Youngbae oppa?" Sunny asked. The BB members were also curious so she told the whole story until the end. 
  "Omo how can you do that?" Sunny asked frustrated at Tiffany. 
  "I was really jealous with you and oppa," Tiffany said. 
  "Still, we weren't even flirting!" Sunny said. "I can see why Youngbae oppa is upset."
  "Fany, I Think its best if you let Youngbae think, he will come around soon," GD said. 
  "Neh, we should go now," Jessica said. "We're so sorry." 
  "Its okay," GD said. I'll drive you guys back home." Tiffany was quiet the whole ride and kept thinking about Taeyang. She started tearing when she rememered the hurt fae Taeyang show on his face. "I'm so  sorry oppa, please forgive me," Tiffany thought to herself. 
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Snakeeyes3599 #1
Chapter 29: Hello Author-nim,This story was so soo good but sadly you left it hiatus so I would like to ask for your permission to continue this story(I'm having lots of interesting ideas about this soshibang-oriented fic) .
So is it ok for me to continue this story??
Tks again and fighting ~~
Chapter 78: good luck with this fic!
thane5001 #3
Chapter 77: Chapter 77: Like simplYBe said below, you don't have to say sorry to us. Do whatever you want haha

Personally, any pairing with Taeyang is good with me so you pick! :D
TYYB1988 #4
Glad to see you back on! This story was one of the first ones I read on the site. Hmm... In terms of which Apink member to choose from, if you're aiming to somewhat base it off of reality, I would pick Chorong, Bomi or Eunji since they have more going on for them in terms of dramas, variety shows, etc...

Anyways, can't wait to see another updates, whether it's this story or a new one. And thanks for subscribing to my own story as well!
Chapter 77: No need to apologize! Do what makes you happy!

I just think it's interesting how people are getting so much more interested in APink now. I see more and more stories with YB and them. I've seen YB paired with Chorong ad Eunji so it'd be nice to see him with someone else. But of course, it's always up to you!
Chapter 77: I say, do what you think will be best in order to keep your interest in a story going. If it means moving onto a different girl group such as Apink, go for it. I did the same thing, moving on from Taeyang x SNSD ships to others, even making a couple Taeyang x Apink stories at the moment!

I will miss this story if you decide to stop updating, but that definitely won't stop me from re-reading it every once in a while!

As for the Apink member to be chosen, another writer and I have both started writing stories with Taeyang and Chorong, so seeing another writer's take on the ship would be cool. But there haven't been any Namjoo (or Bomi) stories, so that would be nice too. Overall, I think that any Apink member you choose, it should be the one that you can probably show better through imagery made by your words.

Anyways, long comment done. Good luck on starting on a new story! I will gladly sub and uproot first thing! :)
Chapter 76: Too bad you stopped updating this fic. It's really good. I hope you'll find the motivation to continue.
Chapter 3: woah~ they look super close fast and the kiss was pretty quick.
Freddy1 #9
Chapter 76: Thanks for the update! Do you like taeyangs new album? I love it !!!!
taeyangtiffany123 #10
Chapter 76: Updateeeee ! But kinda short though :( please do update soon ....
And I'm super excited about taeyangs new album tomorrow !!!! Anyone else with me ?