Working it out

The Magical Force of Bang Cheolyong

So I leant in and kissed him...

I felt Mir's eyes widen as his eyelashes flicked my face, but after his moment of shock was over - and my moment of fear - he leant into the kiss. I felt myself smile a little as I pulled him in closer...Eventually Mir pulled away and looked up at me.

"You said you were straight..." He sounded sad and happy at the same time, strange...I sat up and grabbed him by the shoulders, looking straight into his eyes I told him "I thought I was straight...I was convinced I was straight, if you hadn't said anything to me I would have continued to believe it, but I'm not." He smiled a little at that, which made me a little happier too.

"...What about your girlfriend?" he asked, the smile dropping from his face. Oh...I'd forgotten about her already, just shows how much she meant to me... "Consider it over Mir, today all I've thought about was you, this is the first time I thought of her. I forgot all about her today, Mir, I want to be with you!" Mir wasn't smiling, he wasn't even looking at me...what had I done? Did he think I was lying? 

Then from nowhere I was knocked on my back, Mir was sitting on top of me laughing. What was going on?

"Mir?" I asked, looking up at him confused. "What's going on?" He looked down, and looked me straight in the eye "If you do like me, then prove it." He smirked, looking like he was up to no good. Prove it? Oh I'd prove it alright...

I took Mir by surprise, flipping him round so I was on top. "You want me to prove it?" It was me who smirked this time. "Just watch." I quickly whipped out my phone and phoned a number in my phone book. "Hello?" The person replied cheerily. I continued, "Look, I know I shouldn't do this over the phone...but I'm a little busy right now. I don't think this is going to work." That's right, I was dumping my girlfriend, who even Mir could hear whining for me to give her another chance on the other end of the phone. Of course, I wasn't going to, I couldn't. Afterall I didn't really love her...I loved Mir. "No, I'm not cheating on you. But I have found someone else..." "No I'm not telling you who, but I will tell you that they are the best person that I've ever met." That made Mir grin, despite previously being crushed by me. "Look, I'm not getting back with you okay? I love someone else. Goodbye, and don't call me." Job done.

I slapped my phone shut and looked at Mir."Need more proof?" I smiled evily, thinking of what more 'proof' I could be giving. Mir raised his eyebrows, smirked and gulped in anticipation. 

I pulled him up from underneath me so he was sitting up again, and leant in, grabbed his shirt and pulled him into another kiss. I smirked mid-kiss thinking of Mir's upcoming reaction. I slid my tongue into the kiss "Mmmf!" Mir's eyes shot wide open. I put my hand on the back of his head and pulled him even closer. He relaxed into the kiss, hugging me close. Completely lost into each other for the next half an hour we didn't notice the impending disaster. 

We could hear voices arguing, but continued as it was probably G.O and Cheondung. We didn't notice the door open or someone walk in. We were engulfed in the kiss. And then...

"JOON! WHAT IS THIS?!" An all too familar voice shrieked, forcing us to pull apart back to reality. I felt my face burn and I could see that Mir's face was as red as I felt mine was. We looked at each other and gulped, what was going to happen now? 

"I...umm..." I couldn't find the words to say, luckily - or not so luckily - my ex had plenty to say..."Why were you kissing Mir?! Hmm? Talk to me NOW!" Her voice grated on my ears, I began to wonder what I ever saw in her...

"I..." Mir looked at me, curious to what I'd tell her. "I...I told you I found someone else okay? What gives you the right to be here anyway? Answer that!" I felt my anger rising. Mir took my hand, and then I felt my confidence rise a little too, I needed that support. I squeezed his hand, waiting on my ex's response. "Well?" I pushed.

"I-I didn't think you meant a guy! And I came here to win you back!" She looked close to tears, to think a month ago that sight would have made me almost cry myself, but now it just made me angry. How things could change in a day!

"Win me back? I dumped you! That means I didn't want to be with you anymore, how the hell did you think you could win me back?!" I snapped, I couldn't take any more of her whining, she was not only annoying me, but offending Mir. She looked shattered by what I said, and being honest, it made me happy. I wasn't having her offending me or Mir like that.

"I thought you'd had a bad day..." It wasn't going to be until she showed up...

"Had a bad day? That gives you the right to storm into my home, argue with my friends, insult me and the one I love, does it? No it does not! Get out of my house and leave us alone, and if you even think of publicising this, just remember; you were never supposed to be here. Now get out!" I pointed at the door to emphasise my point, then I got up and pushed her in the direction of the door.

"Seungho?" I called "Make sure she leaves." I said, staring at her. Seungho came in, took her by the arm and led her away. Good riddance.

I sat back down with Mir "Are you okay?" I asked, squeezing his hand. I wish he didn't have to see that, it wasn't fair at all. He looked up at me smiling, "Do you really love me?" He asked, almost whispering. I flashed my trademark smile and said without any doubt for the first time that day, "Of course I do!" I hugged him tight, not wanting to let go. I could feel him smiling into my chest, I heard him mumble "I love you too." As he hugged me back even tighter. It was the happiest I'd felt in a long time!

There was a knock at the door, it was Seungho, clearly back from his bouncer duties. "I see you two have worked it out then?" He smirked, peeking his head round the door. 

The response he recieved was a unanimous "Mmmhmm..." Neither of us wanted to move, we were happy just as we were.

"I'll just leave you then..." Seungho coughed, smiling as he closed the door behind him.

Ahhh, I love you 'Magical Forces'...


Finished uploading, sequels on the way after I update other fics :D

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alaska #1
this is really good :))) looking forward to your next update!
Regret #2
Look after Joon will you? LOL Seungho! Funny! :3
Regret #3
I like it! Can't wait for the next part~ <3
MelonCandy #4
OMG Joon, you're so dense -__-