The Beginning

The Magical Force of Bang Cheolyong

I wandered through the dorm, looking for Mir. Where had he disappeared to? We had to leave soon and he needed to be with us. I peered round each door into the rooms, quickly scanning for his presence. He wasn't in any of the rooms, where the hell was he? Then I thought of his favourite place; the roof.

I ran up the stairs, making my way to the roof. We didn't have much time left until we were going to be late, he had to be found! Bursting the rooftop door open I called out "Mir! Are you up here?". Then I saw him, sitting alone in the corner, he looked oddly sad. I called out again "Mir what are you doing? We'll be late!". He turned to face me, his eyes were swollen from tears and his stage make up ruined. What was wrong with him?

"Mir? What's wrong?" I asked him, putting a hand on his shoulder. He finally spoke up "I'm lonely Joon..." Lonely? It didn't make any sense, surely you couldn't feel alone in a dorm as crazy as ours. "What do you mean? There's me, the rest of the band and the whole staff team!" Mir looked me straight in the eye and spoke, "You have a girlfriend, Cheondung doesn't care, and Seungho and G.O don't think we should have relationships whilst we are promoting, and you're all too busy to spend time with me. I want a relationship Joon!" How did he know about my girlfriend? "How did you know? Please tell me you haven't told Seungho! Besides, what has me even having a girlfriend got to do with anything?" I stood up, my features contorted in confusion and Mir followed suit albeit with a sad and pained expression, he turned to face me directly, I could see the hurt in his eyes, "I saw you with her, and it upset me okay?"

I just stared at him for a second, so it upset him because he doesn't have a girlfriend? At this rate Mir was raising more questions that he was answering, something seemed off about the whole situation, it didn't quite fit together. I shot him one of my charming smiles and said half teasingly, "Are you jealous because I have a girlfriend and you don't?" He looked down at his feet and then at me, his eyes were filling with tears. There definitely wasn't something right about this, Mir would never cry over something so trivial. "No, it's because I like you!" he spluttered. That couldn't be true, the Mir he knew was always the ladies charmer, capturing the hearts of many women with his goofy ways, he couldn't like guys, it wasn't possible. "What do you mean you like me? You're straight." I said raising my voice. At this rate people would be making noise complaints and we'll be late. "No Joon, I'm not straight, I never have been. I'm gay and I like you, okay? Happy now?" I was stunned, I couldn't say anything. I didn't want to hurt him, but I had to set him straight, pardon the pun. I started to panic and said something I would always regret, "Well that's not the way I swing, so we'll never be together so, um, leave me alone!" I shouted childishly as I stormed down the stairs to the waiting van. Mir followed shortly out of necessity.

I got in the van and slammed the door, threw myself into my seat and shoved my belt into the clip angrily, as my thoughts sank in I suddenly felt betrayed, I gave him my trust, care and affection and now this has happened? How dare he try and ruin the band. He knew my feelings and uality. I am not and cannot be gay, and I have always liked girls. G.O. just looked at me and said "Are you okay?" Am I okay? Am I okay!? No! Our bandmate just ruined everything, because he had to tell me he liked me even though he knew I was straight..."I'm fine." I snapped.

I saw Mir approaching the van, realising that the only spare seat was next to me, I quickly concoted a plan to move seats, "Seungho Hyung? I'm not feeling well can we switch seats so I'm in the front by the window?" He craned his neck round to see me, "Yeah sure, hope you feel better by the time we get to the interview." I gave him a small smile and got out the van as Mir got to it. He looked at me sadly and longingly and I couldn't help feel a pang of guilt...but he should know I'm not gay! He had no right to ruin everything like that, all this time and I thought that every hug and kiss was meant like family, not romantically. It made me wonder if it would affect the way I was with the other members too, maybe Cheondung secretly fancied me too. A shudder quickly swept that disturbing thought out of my mind and I climbed in the front seat only to shiver this time, how weird.

As the journey began I could hear the others in the back asking Mir what was wrong. If only they knew, I'm sure they wouldn't be so sympathetic if they realised that MBLAQ could have ended today. If I had taken Mir's confession badly it would have been over, I haven't even thought to tell anyone, it didn't mean I took his confession in a good way though, I'm not gay. Putting on headphones I tried to block them out and just spaced out of the window at the blur of passing scenery. My mind began to churn again. He knows I'm not gay. I can't be gay, I even have a girlfriend and have only dated girls! Why did he even have to do that? The constant chorus of Mir's confession and 'I'm not gay' started to give me a headache, now I really was feeling ill.

Around twenty minutes later we arrived at the studio for the interview, I almost flew out of the van. I wanted to get away from Mir as soon as possible and perhaps get a little fresh air - at least for a moment - before having to put on a mask and tell the world how close myself and fellow bandmate Bang Cheolyong, also known as Mir, were. It was only yesterday that would it have actually been the truth.

Just thinking about Mir and what he said made my face feel red hot and my stomach queasy. Anger doesn't feel all too great, especially with a stomach of nachos. "Joonie!" Cheondung called, snapping me back to reality. I couldn't tell which was worse, my thoughts or reality, both seemed to contain far too heavy a dosage of Mir for my liking. I took one last deep breath of the cool fresh air that was currently keeping my sane and followed him into the studio.

It was the most horrible schedule I'd ever had, it seemed like the world was truly against me today. When we got our make up and hair done, I was next to Mir. When they were preparing mics, I had to help Mir. When we got into places for the interview, I was also - you guessed it - next to Mir. The whole time my face was burning, I would have thought I could have kept my anger under better control than that, but it was understandable I guess. I spent the entire embarrassed - especially when I had to help him put his mic on. The others joked about as usual, but this time it was bitterly ironic, "Aww Joonie you two look like a couple!" I could feel my face grow redder, in something that wasn't quite anger, I decided it was embarrassment, although it wasn't quite the same. But it's not like I have feelings for him, besides anger right now.

The set was like a traditional Korean room, we each had a pillow on the floor, including the hosts. We were on one side and they were on the other, almost like a circle. We weren't told what questions we were going to be asked, they wanted us to give honest, unscripted answers. Great. And for the icing on the cake, we were all 'magically' squished so close, and because of this, every move Mir made he brushed against me making heat rise through my body, even my body was angry at him evidently.

3, 2, 1.

"Welcome to All Idols, here's MBLAQ!" Said the first MC, she then smiled at the second MC who then continued "So, first question of today! Joon, what is your relationship with the other members like?" The world was indeed against me today.



Chapter one is over! That took longer to upload than it should have, since it was finished and all, but I ended up editing it a lot and improving it :P I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and will continue reading! Comments and subscriptions are most appreciated ^^ <3

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alaska #1
this is really good :))) looking forward to your next update!
Regret #2
Look after Joon will you? LOL Seungho! Funny! :3
Regret #3
I like it! Can't wait for the next part~ <3
MelonCandy #4
OMG Joon, you're so dense -__-