Broken Legs

A Move to Korea

Soon we arrived at the spot where I had last seen Jonghyun, but there was no sign of him. Key tried calling him on his cell phone, but there was no answer. All of the sudden Minho took off with me still in his arms. I was bounced up and down until he slowed to a walk, looking around in some bushes. Minho bent down and picked up what had caught his eye; Jonghyun’s sunglasses. He delved deeper into the bushes and came out with Jonghyun leaning on him for support. They limped along to a bench, making a very odd couple. I could see immediately that Jjong was in a ton of pain. Onew hurried over to a nearby first aid stand and brought back a guy with bandages to take a look at him.

After a few minutes of examination, he pronounced, “you have either a broken or fractured bone there in your left leg. How did this happen?”

We all looked around at each other, not wanting to reveal SHINee’s identities.

 Then Jonghyun spoke up, “I was by a pack of people rushing to get somewhere. I tripped and fell into the bushes and twisted my leg awkwardly.”

We nodded in agreement with the partial lie he had told.

“Well I recommend you get to the hospital soon, before you hurt that leg more. We can get a stretcher for you if needed.”

“No, that’s fine. You can walk, right Jjong?” Taemin said, wisely trying to avoid attracting more attention.

We got up and Jonghyun leaned on Onew and Key for support. Taemin helped me along, as I had, had a long run from where I last saw Jonghyun, to where I met up with SHINee again.

We made slow progress back to the car, with Jonghyun having to stop frequently to rest his leg. Finally making it to the car, we hurried off to a private hospital, where SM had made the doctors sign a privacy agreement, so there would be no trouble in having our arrival be flooded with fans.

When the car pulled up to the hospital, I hopped out and ran inside the emergency room entrance to get help, so Jonghyun wouldn’t have to hop all the way to the doors. I found a nurse and told her who we were, and of the situation, and was immediately surrounded by a flurry of activity. Doctors and nurses rushed all around preparing a private room for him.

                All of SHINee was soon inside and sitting around Jonghyun, well the doctors took x-rays of his leg. Onew had called SM to tell them what had happened. They would keep in contact with the hospital, to find out x-ray results, and how much time would be needed for Jonghyun to heal.

His leg was soon set in a cast and we were on our way back to the dorms. SHINee would get a three day break, because it would be hard to practice if a member was missing, but after that they would go back to work while I stayed home with Jonghyun.

Back at the dorms, Jonghyun went to lay down on the couch, after a exhausting day. They guys went out to get food for the next week and I was left only with Jonghyun for the first time. 

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Chapter 11: Nice story!
It was such a cute story~!
kekekeke....ya im jealous of jina rite now X)
This is such an adorable fic. I love the whole family idea! Please....I need updates!
i know you wish it was you in his arms....
ME AND MINHO ME AND MINHO ME AND MINHO!!!!! kekekeke adorableness X)
imelfsized #7
soo cute. ADD MORE!!!!!!!!!!!
ADORABLE!!!!! aawww familyness!!!