Chapter 7 - Getting Started *Part 4 - Final*


It was 7:00 A.M


Kris POV


*The Boys, The Boys, The Boys......*

The alarm started to play the music making me wake up.... I slowly opened my eyes and scratch them.....

I stand up and started to prepare myself for today's journey.... After 10 minutes I finnished washing my face and changing my clothes....

I get out my room... and walk to the cafeteria to get some breakfast... when I saw a tall girl... she has beautiful long brown hair,I  wondered if she was SooYoung when she turn around and sees me waving her hand with a cute smile... my heart started to beat fast *whats wrong with me* I ask to my self.... then I get closer to her and greet her... *Good Morning SooYoung* 

SooYoung : good morning Kris *smiling* ready for today?

Me : Ne, *nodding my head* this will be a great day....

We grab our food and got in a table... there was Donghae and Leeteuk.. we went to greet them...

SooYoung : Morning Donghae, Leeteuk.... are these seats occupied? 

Leeteuk : Ah, no *poiting the seats* take a sit 

Me : Thanks.... do you know each other from before?

Donghae : Ne, all my life *laughing* hahaha

SooYoung : Really? 

Leeteuk : Ne, I saw him grow up *smiling*

Donghae : Hyung please... *Glaring at Leeteuk*

Me : It might be that you 2 are brothers? *I ask with curiousity*

Donghae & Leeteuk : you are right my friend...

SooYoung : Whoaa.. thats cool....


we started to eat our breakfast....  

15 minutes later ...


After finnishing our breakfast we went to our classrooms.....



SooYoung and Kris entered the room and saw Yoona in her seat

they approached and greet her...

SooYoung : Yoona are you ok?

Yoona : Ne, Im ok now, thanks for visiting me yesterday, Ms. Park told me that you were there.... *smiling*

Kris : We are glad to hear that you are ok... 

Hyoyeon appears from nonewhere : Ne, I was scared to death....*poker face* that Tao is so fierce...

Everyone started to laugh... when Mr. Kim entered the Class with Tao following him...

Uncle Kim : Ok Guys... please everyone take your seat.... *takes out a paper and read it* now its time to give you your first mission.... you will work with your partner to complish this mission.... we have an extense area near our academy.... and we've capture some of the non so powerful Ragas... That means that you can beat them... Your mission is to capture them and bring them here....But dont worry some of the senior students will be there giving you a hand if you need it...

After saying this he gave each group a carpet with all the info about the Ragas.... 

SooYoung went to Kris...

SooYoung : are you ready for this?

Kris : Ne, Lets go....



Hello this is a short update xD

Im so lazy today , Im sorry x)

Next Episode will be the Hunting D:

hahaha see you soon <.<





Yeah Tallies D:


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giraffe_217 #1
Annyeong .. I'm new here but I like you're story .. You're the first Author that I subscrube and Comment .. I hope you can update soon ..

I've been reading this again and again before I got new account .. Update pleaaaassseeeeeee ..

I'm a hardcore SooKris shipper .. I'm waiting for your update ..
KamiliaBBC #2
getting interesting...can't wait for next chapter...update soon~~~
Hello hello!~~ I kinda got lost track here XDD hahaha! been reading so much SooKris lately xDDD HAHAHA :)) and yea, you're back!~~ I hope you'll update regularly now :DDDD

And how was your exam and the quiz thingy?? :DDD

Please update soon ^__^
Yeah horrible busy :( school work church everything T.R
Waaa~ what happened to you? Been busy lately? :) I missed your updates :D

Update soon please :)
Update soon miss Author! I really love your story soooo much!
Keep up the good work Unnie, I suppose? LOL. Hwaiting! :DD
Soohee approves of Kris! I love it! <3 SooKris~~~ :""">

Aaaaaand! Tao so cute! :3 crushing on Sulli~~~ :DDD I want Sulli to go that school too :)))

Chen and Victoria? hmm, I'm not reallt familiar with Toria, but I guess she's okay :)

Oh, that's okay~ :) Please focus more on your studies! And good luck on that contest! Hope you win!~ and if you're lucky enough-- meet EXO~~ waaaaah!! I envy you right now T^T I wanna go to Korea too~ :((

Anyway, update when you can ^_^ don't pressure your self :)
nice update.
good luck on your exam
@hyukjaee : hahahahah xD

@iamgianna: :D Thank You <3 Im not updating so much cuz Im in exams period >.< and Im in a quiz contest D: if I win I could go to Korea and be on a TV SHOW XDDD OMG!!!