Chapter 1

I died and became a death god

Do you believe in supernatural creatures? Monsters, vampires, and ghosts. Sure they can be scary and scare you anytime. But do you think they like to scare people and make them go away? Do you know the feeling of being lonely because people are scared of you? Well, I experience that feeling everyday, for 16  years already. That's because, I'm one of the people who died from that incident 16 years ago, and I can't seem to go to the other world unless I find the one thing that is bothering me. But I can't find it. It's there somewhere. Waiting for me to find it. Can someone help me?


"Ya! Lee Hong Ki! Stop dazing off and help here!" I looked behind me and I saw my manager screaming his lungs out. He was holding a ladle and was swaying it non stop. "I'm coming..." I puffed my cheeks and went there lazily. People told me I can be childish sometimes, but I don't care at all. I walked slowly towards there but when I was about to enter the building, I saw a young girl with long black hair covering her face.


"Please ahjussi, don't go inside." she said, tugging my shirt, not allowing me to enter my workplace "It's too dangerous". 'Ahjussi?"  I smiled from what she said and I bent lower to her height and patted her head "I know my manager is scary, but don't worry. I can calm him down, just like always". I patted her head again before going inside my workplace. "Ahjussi!" the little girl screamed "I'm coming with you!" and went inside with me. I know it's not allowed to bring other people because an accident might occur, but it rarely happens, so who cares? They won't know a thing.


"Sshh, stay quiet" I put my index finger on my lips and both of us tip-toed towards my assigned room inside my workplace. I'm working as a trainee idol, but I at dancing. That's why my manager is so angry whenever I skip dance class. I'm thinking of being a singer instead. Like heck that will happen. "Is someone here?" "I don't know, let's check" voices can be heard outside. What the, I never heard these voices before.  "Psst, little lady, hide here" I signaled to my new friend to go inside the vent on the ceiling. I helped her go inside the vent to hide for a moment and then help her go down again after the people outside go away. "Stay quiet ok? And if something happens, I'll turn off the lights and you go outside quickly okay? Remember, if something happens, run away quickly and never look back" she nodded and I put back the cover of the vent with lines to let air pass through.


I smiled again to her one last time before she closing it. I have a feeling that something bad will happen. When I was about to peek through the door, I heard an unfamiliar sound. It sounded like a party popper going off. I looked at the slit on the bottom of the door and I saw a guy lying, with crimson red liquid flowing from his head. It's blood! I flinched from what I saw and I accidentally knocked over the vase beside me, and it fell, breaking into pieces and creating that noise that people outside can hear. "Who's there!?" someone asked, but it sounded like he was telling me to show myself. I thought that the something bad thing I was thinking earlier is what’s happening to me now. I quickly turned off the lights in my room to make it look like no one is inside my room, and so that the little lady can run away from this big trouble I caused.


I quickly locked my door when I turned off the lights and I hid behind the sofa incase they break open the door. And just as I thought, the guys outside tried to open the door. But since it's locked and the lights are off, they thought no one was inside. I smiled and let out a sigh of relief, finally, I can rest now. I stood up and stretched my arms "Ahhh! I'm safe!" I screamed, but not loud enough for people outside can hear. But I froze up when I looked on the floor, beside the door. I saw shadows just below the door, and it's coming from the other side of my door. "It can't be..." I mumbled just before the people outside broke down the door. I tried to fight back and I successfully knocked down unconscious one of the guys, but when I was about to fight the other one, BANG. I looked behind me and there was another guy, smirking while holding a gun. I looked at my shirt and blood came oozing out. I tried to fight back but I was getting weaker. My vision was fading and all I can see is white light. I fell on the floor and looked at the ceiling. I was about to close my eyes but I saw a young girl crying, trying to keep her screams. I smiled again before closing my eyes. "Run away" I said before I left the human world.

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Hanna27 #1
Chapter 3: great story!!!
authornim, please update this story!!!!!!
melryn05 #2
i really like this story very much!! please update!! I really feel excited~
i died and became a ___ god
luhans-vaqina #5
wtfelicia #7
omo! I can picture everything in my head. I feel so sad for him. I wonder who the little girl is. she kinda warned him and tried to stop him from going in right? hmm.. btw, new reader! update soon please!
pls. update....<br />
i like this kind of story..<br />
that they died at the beginning but i can hardly find one these days.<br />
Duckie_Bites #9
awww , HongKi don't be sad :( update soon :)
Stikboi #10
Oh chapter 3 is up =3 kekekek xD thank you ^^ I want to see the interesting bit! when will life as a death god start occurring ^^ the pace isnt too bad but I just wanna go faster xD