

Yunho rushes around his apartment, grabbing stray socks, shirts, and pieces of trash. Changmin steps out of the bathroom, a towel wrapped around his waist and droplets of water sliding down his hair.

"Hurry and get dressed Changmin, you need to help me clean up the house."

"Why should I?"

Yunho straightens up, and looks the maknae right in the eye, shooting down all traces of disobedience from the younger man. "Do you want Jaejoong to nag to no end when he sees this mess?"

Changmin backs down at the thought of Jaejoong having a fit and ducks into his room to change. Yunho continues to run around the house, occasionally glancing up at the clock and getting a mini-heart attack every time the hands inch closer to eleven.

Changmin pitches in, and Yunho runs off to get changed. He emerges from his room five minutes later, dressed in a blue plaid shirt and jeans.

"Changmin, is this outfit okay?"

Changmin doesn't spare Yunho a look, focusing on scrubbing a coffee stain on the sofa. "Yeah, it's good."

Yunho inspects himself in the full length mirror. "Maybe I should wear a grey shirt, I know Jae loves it when I wear grey."

"Hyung, it's fine."

Yunho sighs. "Yeah, you're right." He leans into a mirror and yanks at a strand of hair that has fallen out of place.

The sound of the doorbell resonates through the walls of the apartment, and Yunho and Changmin nearly jump out of their skin.

"Oh , we're not done cleaning."

"Just shove everything in a closet Minnie, and watch your mouth." Yunho proceeds to grab a rag and wipe everything down and runs to the door.

Lo and behold, in front of him stands the most beautiful man known to mankind. Yunho's lips pull up into a breathtaking smile and he pulls Jaejoong in for an embrace. 

Jaejoong leans in for a kiss and Changmin whips out a camera. Yoochun and Junsu would appreciate it.

Yunho breaks the kiss and turns back to look at Changmin. You can leave now.

Changmin smirks and decides to have his fun. "I want to stay here, hyung."

Yunho grits his teeth and glowers at the stubborn boy. It's been months since he's last seen Jaejoong and he has needs to take care of. "Changmin..."

Jaejoong laughs lightly. "Yoochun and Junsu are waiting for you downstairs, go hang out with them."

Changmin's eyes become mismatched as his face breaks into a smile. It's been almost a year since he's seen those two because of the lawsuit. He bounds out the door, waving to Jaejoong and Yunho. "I'll see you later."

"Not so fast," Jaejoong snaps. He grabs Changmin and pecks him on the cheek.

Changmin grimaces and wipes his cheek with the back of his hand in an attempt to rid himself of Jaejoong's saliva. 

Jaejoong reaches out to try and give him another kiss, but Changmin expertly ducks his advances and flies out the door, but not before giving his hyungs a piece of advice.

"Use protection!"

With that, he winks and slams the door behind him.

Yunho smiles and sweeps Jaejoong off his feet. A smile spreads over Jaejoong's doll-like features as he wraps his arms around Yunho's neck. 

Yunho gingerly lays Jaejoong on the sofa, his eyes briefly flashing to the coffee stain Changmin was trying to scrub out.

Good. It's gone. It would be atrocious if the mood gets ruined because Jae sees the stain.

He pins Jaejoong down and molds his lips to the shorter man's, running his hands through his hair.

Yunho stops abruptly and stares at Jaejoong.

"You dyed your hair."

Jaejoong half-smiles. "Took long enough for you to notice."

Yunho carefully scrutinizes Jaejoong's new look. "I liked your black hair better; it made you look more exotic."

Jaejoong frowns slightly. "But Yoochun said he likes it."

It's Yunho's turn to be dissatisfied. "Can't you dye it back to black?" 


"Aw Jae, please?" Yunho pleads, expanding his eyes ever so slightly to act cute. 

Jaejoong doesn't budge. "Nope."

Yunho decides to take a different appoach. "I'm not kissing you anymore then."

Jaejoong falters a little. "You wouldn't."

Yunho shrugs nonchalantly. "I don't kiss blondes. Go ask Yoochun to kiss you, since he likes it so much."

"You kissed me during the O.Jung.Ban.Hap promotions."

"That...was different."

"Fine," Jaejoong rises. "I'll go ask Yoochun then."

"Wait no," Yunho grabs Jaejoong's hand. "I can deal with this for the time being."

Jaejoong smiles blissfully. Yunho's fallen under his spell again.

They spend the day talking, cuddling, and doing what the YunJae couple does best. And as night falls, Jaejoong's eyelids grow heavy and he drifts off into a peaceful slumber in Yunho's arms.

Yunho watches Jaejoong's chest rise and fall and looks at his boyfriend's platinum blond hair. As much as he hates to admit it, it actually looks kind of y on Jaejoong. 

Nonetheless, Jaejoong emerges from a hair salon three days later, his hair dyed a deep shade of black again.


Just saw pictures of Jaejoong on twitter... noo he dyed his hair black again TT

I really liked his blonde hair... =___=

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Chapter 1: kyaaa! they are so sweet.!
Chapter 1: Awww... so cute....
Chapter 1: So,that is the reason why jj got black hair again at that time,,keke
So cute!!Jae is always handsome even with blonde hair, but he's hot with black hair! XD I think like YunHo lol
melfics #5
blonde or black i like jaejoong in any colour he dyes or anything he wears.ohh i love him so much!!but ur story blends so wel with the fact that jae dyed his hair black again.its really becoz of his dearest husband yunho.
koreankendi #7
너무 귀업다!