
Time at the Park

Jinki smiled as he fixed the tie of his suit, thinking about how he would soon be at his senior prom with his girlfriend. He smirked when he heard the pitter patter of little feet enter his room, hearing his baby brother climb onto his bed. He quickly turned around, tickling the toddler and pulling him into a hug.

He laughed as Taemin giggled, the toddler attempting to push his big brother away.

"No, Onew hyung!" Taemin laughed.

"You have to tell Onew hyung that he's the best~" Jinki chuckled, teasing his brother.

"Onew hyung is the bestest!" The toddler grinned.

Jinki stopped tickling him, and Taemin grinned, hugging Jinki around his neck.

"Onew hyung play with Taeminnie?" Taemin tilted his head, his big eyes closing into little crescents as he smiled.

"Not now, munchkin. Onew hyung is going to take pictures with his date for prom. But you're going to come to living room with us to take pictures, okay?" Jinki laughed at the pout on the boy's face.

"Taeminnie take pictures?" Taemin smiled.

"Neh, you can take pictures with your camera, Taeminnie." Jinki laughed, picking the boy up and walking into the toddler's room across the hall.

He found the fake camera that the boy had, handing it to him. Taemin grinned, clicking the button multiple times. Jinki chuckled, bringing him into the living room where he and his friends would be taking pictures before prom.

He put Taemin down, and the toddler went running to their umma. Jinki turned around when he heard his girlfriend giggling. He smiled, hugging her.

"When did you get here? And what's so funny?" His girlfriend, Luna, smiled, fixing his hair.

"I only got here about five minutes ago, don't worry. And your baby brother is just adorable, Jinki oppa~"

Jinki smiled as he watched his brother take pictures of things with his toy camera. "Neh, he is, isn't he?"

"Onew hyung!" Jinki and Luna turned, both of them smiling when Taemin came toddling over.

Jinki picked him up, "What's up?"

"Taeminnie took pictures!" The little boy held up the toy camera, and Jinki smiled.

"That's great, Taeminnie! You'll have to show hyung later, neh?" Taemin nodded, and Jinki put him down to run around.

Jinki and his friends had finished taking pictures, and he could tell something was up with his baby brother.

Taemin came running over to him and Luna, holding his arms up for his Onew hyung to hold him.

"I'm sorry, Taeminnie, but Onew hyung has to go now." He knelt down, smiling sadly at the toddler.

Taemin pouted, his lower lip trembling. "No," Taemin grabbed Jinki's hand, pulling it. "My Onew hyung."

Luna smiled at the little boy, "You can share your Onew hyung just for one night, right, Taemin?"

Taemin shook his head, "No! My Onew hyung!"

Taemin started crying. Out of all the things Jinki disliked, he especially hated seeing his baby brother cry. And to know that he was the cause of his brother's tears, it filled Jinki's heart with guilt.

Jinki picked the little boy up, Taemin's head resting on his shoulder. "It's okay, Taeminnie. Hyung will be home before you know it."

The toddler sobbed, tears rolling down his cheeks. "No! Stay with Taeminnie!"

"Jinki, we have to go, or we'll be late." Sometimes Jinki wondered how his girlfriend could be so patient with him.

"Jinki, he's going to ruin your suit," Jinki and Taemin's mother came over to them, taking hold of Taemin and resting him on her hip. "Come on, Taeminnie. It's time for someone to go to bed."

"No! Want Onew hyung!" Taemin struggled to get out of his umma's hold.

"You go ahead, Jinki. Have fun." Their father smiled at Jinki as their mother took Taemin to his bedroom.

"Okay, bye." Jinki linked his arm with Luna's, walking to the limo. He felt so bad, leaving his baby brother to cry because of him.


Jinki didn't get home until about three in the morning, and the first thing he did was shower and change into pajamas. Once he was done, he walked into his baby brother's room quietly. The toddler was in his crib, sleeping as a pacifier hang loosely from his lips.

He ran his fingers lightly through Taemin's soft hair, noting the tear stains on his cheeks. Taemin stirred lightly, his eyes fluttering open. He sat up, rubbing his left eye as he looked up to see who disturbed his sleep.

He put his arms up when he saw his hyung, wanting to be held. Jinki smiled softly, picking the toddler up, bringing Taemin into his room.

He sat down on the bed with his baby brother, holding Taemin close. Taemin snuggled into his hyung's chest, lightly on the pacifier in his mouth. He closed his eyes, falling asleep.

Jinki smiled softly, lying down and going to sleep as well.


A/N: I just really felt like writing more brotherly Ontae fluff ^_^" I hope you like it~

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Chapter 2: That was the cutest
Chapter 2: oh my gosh, this was so fluffy omg i can't. I thought it was so cute how Tae was like wanting his onew hyung so bad and then him crying about it broke my heart. I felt the pain. But i loved how Jinki brought Taeminnie into his room to snuggle with him. *bursting with ontae feelz at the moment* please write more stories like this, so cute~
Chapter 2: Trequel?? Idk lol but I want more
Chapter 2: omgg make more, its so cute~
Heavenchara #5
Chapter 2: Please let there be a sequel
SHINeeFever_95 #6
Chapter 2: awwwwww!! I'm in love!! That's so cute!!! *spazzes*
I want a big brother like Jinki *_* and I little Taeminie as well xD
KpopJujuBee #7
Chapter 2: Aww to cute can u please wright more ontae stories :)
Chapter 2: Aw.. that was just so sweet... I got a toothache. hehe
luhans-vaqina #9
So cute and squishy I think IMA DIE<333