Fifty Plus Two

Someone I Hadn't Planned on Living With

Sehun's P.O.V

I gently lay Soo Jin's sleeping body onto the plush bed and pull off her sandals and thin denim jacket. Not once does she stir in her sleep. I figure that she's out cold from all of that alcohol. How may cups did I see in front of her, again? About ten, I recall. Dang. At least seven of those would've already had Kai out of his seat. I wonder  why the idiot next to her didn't even bother to say anything. But then I remember. He was trying to get into her pants. 

I feel my left eye twitch in anger. Calm down, Sehun. Calm.

I sigh as I tuck the blanket over her sleeping body. Once she wakes up, a proper confession and lecture on how drinking is not the way to solve misery, is in order. I make my way to the white door. My hand hovers over the gold door knob until..


Jinah's P.O.V

Just in time! Well, the total opposite actually, judging from the fact that I'm nearly three hours late to lock the stupid door. I rest my hands on my knees to catch my breath for a second before patting my pockets to look for a key. I slip the gold key that Soo Jin had me hold onto while she was getting ready, into the key hole and lock it with a satisfactory smile. Well, there. Accomplished. Feeling happy with myself, I skip into my room conveniently located next door and close the door. This called for a reward. A reward.. of sleep.


Sehun's P.O.V

And.. it's locked. I sigh, running a hand through my hair. 11 pm, the clock read. Great. It wasn't locked when I walked in. Then who was it? I mentally shake a fist at the sky as I stare at the ceiling. My eyes trail to Soo Jin's lying figure again. Well.. I suppose it wouldn't hurt if I stayed the night. Someone should look after her, anyway. I pull a chair to her side of the bed and sit by her sleeping body. Her brows are creased and full of worry. Before I know it, my own hand has reached out to relax it for her. She stirs slightly, a small smile on forming on her face.

I find myself smiling, too.

She would hate the hangover tomorrow morning. I'll be here, Soo Jin. Don't worry.


Soo Jin's P.O.V




My... head hurts. In fact, when I try to lift my limp head off the soft pillow, I lose control of everything. The lax neck muscles betray me and I sink, once again, into the pillow. I stifle a loud groan. Why did my body ache so much? I felt groggy and my limbs felt stiff. Well, this must be a hangover. I should really celebrate.

"You're awake.." A familiar voice emerges from the thick air around me.

I fight to open my eyes, but when I do, my vision is terribly blurry. All I see is auburn... hair. Sehun. A cold hand skims my forehead and cheek.

"S-Sehun? What are you doing here?" My voice is hoarse, like I had screamed the whole night before.

Sehun, who was currently standing by the balcony, turns to smile gently at me. I feel self conscious. I didn't want to show him such a gross side of me. I look away- but before I do, I notice how dark the sky behind him is.

"What time is it?" I ask in a near whisper.

Sehun sits by the bed again. "Around 4 am." 

I nod slowly. His stare is strong, connective... I begged internally for him to look away. Well. Here goes nothing. 

"Sehun-" I start, loving and hating the way his name rolled off my tongue. "I'm sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable yesterday. You can just forget about what I said. I must've been out of my mind, I-" In the middle of my half rant/apology Sehun interrupts me.

"What if I don't want to forget?" He asks, his face immensely close to mine. My own eyes widen at how close he was to me. 

"Trust me. You want to forget," I feel myself saying in a small whisper. It was unlike me. Unconfident, without spark, or ambition. That was who I was, though. I was someone who believed in second chances and miracles. Those beliefs didn't apply to me anymore. I had given up. Maybe a long time ago, too. Now, I was left with an unconfident shell who didn't know how to fill it out. I lost all hope.

Sehun backs me into the headboard. I crawl away to prevent us nearly meeting noses. Or lips. I really didn't know.

"I've been terrible to you, Soo Jin. I blame myself. I'm sorry. I've never been good at this, but..." He trails as a finger lifts my chin. "I love you. And don't tell me that I don't, because I do. I really do."

And even before I can comprehend what's going on. He kisses me. The nerve- I nearly push him back, but I don't. I'm too mesmerized by his soft lips and entrancing scent of mint.

"Don't cry," he whispers against my lips. Was I? I really am, I realize. Wet tears roll down my face as I hold back a sob. Could it really be?

I throw my arms over his neck and pull him close to me without a single thought of letting him go. He silently rubs my back as I let the uncontrollable tears run down my face. "I- I thought I ruined- *sob* Everything-" I choke.

He tells me to remain silent by kissing me again. 

"I'm sorry for making you wait for so long," He says quietly. Sehun wipes the remaining tears. 

"You better be," I grumble as I sniffle. Sehun chuckles, the vibrations from his chest ringing throughout my body. "It's okay. You'll just make up every second you weren't with me."

"Gladly," Sehun finishes with a smile.


ASDFGHJKL. Hello! How have you been? :D phew- this angst is gone. adaksja. 

Thanks to my beautiful subbies and commenters :) I hope you all had a good Thanksgiving (if you celebrate it) and I hope you have a nice day <3


P.S anyone else out there dying over Zelo from bap? D: I die every time...





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E on word :)


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AtifaJB #1
Chapter 61: Whaaaat? A dream all along...great story and thanks for the effort
snsd4ever2524 #2
how old is kai ????????? cuz it's srsly confusing me
Chapter 61: Just woah... Wow
Chapter 3: I'm reading this again, and I just realized that Lu Han wouldn't be Lu Han in America lol. He'd be Han Lu hahaha
vicky1999 #5
Chapter 19: woah......~
Chapter 60: dang it, just a dream :(
ChempakaCameliaa #7
Chapter 19: jikai is just so perfect hahahahahha bu seriously though jinah is just 13 years old but i guess when it comes to love, age is just a number so yeah and btw out of so many couples i love jikai the most like seriously ! it's a good story author him, i enjoy reading it !
wonderland3210 #8
Chapter 61: Such a great fic!! :)