Forty plus One

Someone I Hadn't Planned on Living With


To set le mood:

Na Young's P.O.V

So yes. I did what you probably thought I would- and I admit it, too. I was being irrationally stupid. What kind of person barely discharged out of a hospital runs after a bus?

Well, a person who didn't want to lose the one they loved.

Maybe I really am a fool. In fact, that girl he was kissing could've been a replacement for me. But... as foolish as I was feeling, I really loved him. I couldn't let go that easily. 

My feet pound against the sidewalk repeatedly, sending tiny shocks to my knees. The bus that looked far away, took off, slowly at first, but then to full speed. I pant, almost catching up to the stopping bus. God must have listented to my prayers because the bus soon stopped by the nearest red light. Thank goodness. I thought that my lungs would fall through my intestines. My vision clouded for a second, lumping the sidewalk and fire hydrant as one, but then cleared up. 

I catch up to the bus, miraculously. I waved my hands at the windows, scanning my eyes for him. The smell of gas filled my nose, causing me to cough. People were whispering and pointing. I bet it was going to be an interesting story to tell to their friends and family.

"Hey kids! There was a girl chasing our bus today..."

I finally spot Lu Han, but he was staring directly in front of him. I grit my teeth. I noticed two black buds stuck into his ears. Oh great.

I pound onto the window while panting like there was no tomorrow. He looks confused for a second, but then a lovely grandmother (thank you, by the way,) knocked the back of his head and shouted to look to his left. At least, that's what it looked like. I couldn't really hear what was going on.

Lu Han's eyes go wide as he finally notices me. Yeah, that's right. I chased a bus. As the light turned green, it took off at full speed, almost leaving me in the dust. 

He stands up abruptly, shouting something that looked a little like, 'stop the bus!' to the bus driver.

I clench my fists before jogging to board the bus. The bus driver proceeded to smack his gum before waving me to the back. I bite the inside of my cheek.

As people glanced at me curiously, I stomped all the way to the back, ignoring the odd buzzing sensation in my head.

"We-" I pull at Lu Han's collar. "Need to talk." I glare at him while he continues to look a bit shocked. My girp falters slightly. I didn't know why, but my fingertips and my knees felt like melting lead. My mouth felt dry, and my vision was getting a bit cloudy. What was going on?

I blink, trying to get myself back into a coherent state. Oh no- I couldn't pass out now. Not when...




"Don't leave me-" I manage to mutter.

Lu Han's big, blinking eyes were the last thing that I saw before I probably fell onto another person's seat.




I apologize in advance.


I'm soo sorry for not updating quickly! Please forgive me! :/ hahaa. School started last week and I've been getting adjusted to the workload and what not. HEheehe. I hope everyone is doing well :) Thanks to all of my new subbies <3 and I love reading comments. I have decided to reply to them on your wall and not in the chapters because they take quite a bit of room XD

Fall is almost here! WHOO!


P.S does anyone watch anime? Want to give me any reccomendations ^^

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E on word :)


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AtifaJB #1
Chapter 61: Whaaaat? A dream all along...great story and thanks for the effort
snsd4ever2524 #2
how old is kai ????????? cuz it's srsly confusing me
Chapter 61: Just woah... Wow
Chapter 3: I'm reading this again, and I just realized that Lu Han wouldn't be Lu Han in America lol. He'd be Han Lu hahaha
vicky1999 #5
Chapter 19: woah......~
Chapter 60: dang it, just a dream :(
ChempakaCameliaa #7
Chapter 19: jikai is just so perfect hahahahahha bu seriously though jinah is just 13 years old but i guess when it comes to love, age is just a number so yeah and btw out of so many couples i love jikai the most like seriously ! it's a good story author him, i enjoy reading it !
wonderland3210 #8
Chapter 61: Such a great fic!! :)