Thirty plus Nine

Someone I Hadn't Planned on Living With

Jinah's P.O.V

"Yes!" I smile, not regretting the words that flew out of my mouth. Kai softly brings me into a hug. I can feel his smile against my back.

"Under one condition though," I start. "No one should know about this... I'm pretty sure that Na Young still dislikes you to the fullest extent." I flinch at my brutally honest words. "Act as you usually do around girls." 

I regretted those words as soon as they left my mouth. What if he went around flirting with other girls?

"I know," Kai grins innocently. "I figured you would say that." He takes my hand in his and kisses the top lightly. His cold lips on my warm skin remind me of something.

"You're still freezing, aren't you?!" I panic. It was still fairly chilly outside and his ultra-thin v-neck (as extremely attractive as it looked) was not going to cut it in this weather.

Kai chuckles. I never noticed how deep his voice was. 

"You baby me too much. Trust me, I've been through worse." He grins. 

"Well it's not my fault I wear the pants in this relationship." I wink.


Na Young's P.O.V


So as my little sister runs off to who-knows-where, I was stuck in my bedroom crying my eyeballs out. If that was possible, that is. I guess, as ridiculous as it sounded, I cried whenever I had a problem. Okay- when I put it like that I sound like a total brat who does nothing but cry. It was weird, though. I always felt better when I cried about things. It really felt like I was shedding away my problems and starting anew. It didn't always solve my problems... but I always felt better about it afterward.


It's like a mini therapy session with yourself.


As soon as I ran out of tissues, I figured it was enough crying for today. I breathe in and out for awhile until I can catch my breath once again.

I wonder how mom was doing right now. Since it was her mother that passed away, I could imagine her completely devastated. Dad would be pretty upset, too. I wonder what Lu Han's parents' reactions would be. They knew grandma pretty well, too. 

My eyes droop naturally as my head unconsciously hits my wall that I was leaning against. Before I knew it, I was fast asleep.


"Na Young..." a hand shakes my shoulder gently. "Na Young..."

"Huh?" I bolt awake. But to my dismay, my vision is clouded heavily and my head spins. Great. As my vision slowly clears, I notice that my father is sitting at the corner of my bed.

"Good morning, Honey." He flashes a small smile. I can tell that he barely got any sleep last night from his obvious dark circles and pale face. 

I smile before hugging him gently. "Is Mom alright? Did you get any sleep? Is.. Is Lu Han back yet?" 

My father chuckles while patting my knee. "Mom's okay. Just quieter than usual. Me? Barely. And I think he's back." 

I sigh. "Naps are available," I try to smile. 

"Don't worry. I'll be taking one as soon as the funeral plans are over." He flinches at the word 'funeral.' I do too. I couldn't help but notice the eerily quiet house. Usually Jinah was running around everywhere doing one of her morning exercise routines, but today was unusually silent.

"By the way, looks like we have to fly in next week for the funeral. You know, with your cousins and whatnot." He says, running a hand through his hair. He seems stressed.

Ah but- "I was supposed to go to Hawaii with Soo Jin next week." I bite my lip. "That's okay. I'd rather go see Grandma anyway." I smile a bit. It was the last chance I had. No way was I going to pass it up.

"Hawaii? Sounds fun." He complentates for a while. "You know, if you take your sister along, you can take a connecting flight there. It's closer from California anyway."

I gasp. That would be amazing! "Thank you, Dad." I grin. "I'll be sure to bring you back a couple of stamps for you." For his stamp collection, that is.



As I head downstairs, I wonder about a few things. Why was Lu Han back so late yesterday? I mean, I didn't hear him come in or anything...

He was probably making out with his new girfr-

Oh no.


I forgot.




Our meeting at the park! I-I was supposed to- oh great. He couldn't have possibly waited that long out there, right? I bit my lip, wishing that he hadn't. 

I guess I was too bummed out about him smackin' on another girl that I forgot that we were supposed to actually meet!

Curse my pea sized hippocampus.


I slowly made my way to the kitchen as quietly as possible. Slowly and silently...-

"Good morning, Na Young!" Ginger welcomed loudly. Well there goes my cover.

Jinah's side and Lu Han's back were facing towards me, so luckily they couldn't see anything. I catch Jinah's eye as she stuffs waffles into . She doesn't say anything, and dart her eyes away. Hm.. odd.

I head to Ginger and give her a quick kiss on the cheek while grabbing a freshly stack of waffles from her. The kitchen staff bustled around, making a huge breakfast. It was probably because of the news last night.

"Good morning, Lu Han," I say quietly as I sit next to him. I hope he wasn't annoyed in any way. But unfortunately, he doesn't respond. "Nice weather today, eh?" I try again.

His honey-blond hair shades his eyes, keeping them distant.

I had figured it out soon enough. He was giving me the silent treatment. I sigh inwardly. He wouldn't even cast a glance my way. Jinah noticed the tension between the both of us, but kept quiet.

"Thanks, Ginger." Lu Han places his dish in the sink as he waves Ginger goodbye. I noticed that he was all ready for the day and not stuck in his pajamas like Jinah- or hospital gown, like me. Before I knew it, he was out the door.

I bit the inside of my cheek. 

"Oooh girl, you better chase your man down." Jinah waves a piece of waffle in the air. 

She was right.

And before I even had the consciousness to decide what I was going to do, I ran out the door, leaving my perfectly stacked waffles behind. 

I ignored the odd buzzing sensation in my ears as I scanned the street for Lu Han's figure. I needed to talk to him and set things straight. Not just about his kissing scene or me forgetting about our date, but about grandmother, too.

Finally, I see him on the intersection of the main road and our street. He's getting on a bus to who know's where. This means one thing.








I love you my subbies and commenters <3


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E on word :)


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AtifaJB #1
Chapter 61: Whaaaat? A dream all along...great story and thanks for the effort
snsd4ever2524 #2
how old is kai ????????? cuz it's srsly confusing me
Chapter 61: Just woah... Wow
Chapter 3: I'm reading this again, and I just realized that Lu Han wouldn't be Lu Han in America lol. He'd be Han Lu hahaha
vicky1999 #5
Chapter 19: woah......~
Chapter 60: dang it, just a dream :(
ChempakaCameliaa #7
Chapter 19: jikai is just so perfect hahahahahha bu seriously though jinah is just 13 years old but i guess when it comes to love, age is just a number so yeah and btw out of so many couples i love jikai the most like seriously ! it's a good story author him, i enjoy reading it !
wonderland3210 #8
Chapter 61: Such a great fic!! :)