Twenty plus Seven

Someone I Hadn't Planned on Living With

 I should be studying. But eh, who hasn't crammed before a test? It kinda works.



Soo Jin's P.O.V

Swivel. Swivel.

I tap my pencil against my white desk.


Hm...This chair is getting old. It doesn't swivel as well as it used to. I frown. I guess things just never stay the same.

 I toss my worn-to-the-nub pencil into a corner and glance proudly at my finished chemistry homework. I sigh out loud and tuck it neatly inside my folder for tomorrow's class.

I stand to stretch my back. Let me tell you, hunching over a thin sheet of paper for a while doesn't do good for your spine. 

I have some spare time... maybe I should visit Na Young at the hospital. I hope she's doing okay. I haven't seen her for a week. Maybe I'll drag Se Hun along with me, too.

I pull out my phone and send Se Hun a quick text. Actually, it's more like a 'get your to the hospital in five minuets or else I'm not helping you with your math homework anymore,' text. Heh. 

It's hard to imagine how close I've gotten with Se Hun. I've been here for two months, but it feels like I've spent a year here. 

We pretty much hang out with each other a lot now, too. With Na Young training vigorously, I was a bit lonely. I guess this is where Se Hun kinda stepped in. He claimed that he had a lot of free time now and that it was just the matter of filming all of the teasers. On the weekends, we would go out for ice cream, watch a movie, and one time I even dragged him to go shopping with me. It was nice. For once, I felt comfortable around someone other than Na Young. It felt almost as if he was my boyfriend- but without the kissy-touchy stuff that couples do.

Not saying that I would mind...

We were like an unofficial- official couple.

So I guess I kinda gave it away... I like the idiot. There, I said it. With all of the time I spent with him, how could I not fall for his dorky yet charming personality? Not to mention those slightly sleepy eyes, milky pale skin, and rosy lips. His tongue though, dang- I was prepared to chop it off if he did that 'subconscious lip ' thing one more time. Was he asking for me to ditch my dignity and pounce on him?

It leaves me wondering sometimes. Would he ever realize my feelings? I mean yeah, between all of the teasing and name calling- there were still feelings. I remember my first day at Na Young's school when Se Hun looked at me like I was some model-goddess who came straight down from runway Heaven. But now that he's seen all of my flaws and moody personalities, I bet he finds me unattractive and a bit repulsing. Poof. Especially with the way I scarf down ramen- I would be scarred, too.

He never made a move even when he had the chance. Oh, and I made sure that there were some chances. It made me realize how unwanted I was. It was clear that he wanted to stay in the 'friend zone,' as sad as it sounds. 

But for now, I just want to say that I like Oh Se Hun. Way more than I should.

In a few moments, my phone buzzes with his reply: 'I could always find another source for math, but since it's Na Young we're talking about, why not.'

I scoff while shoving my phone back into my pocket. This kid.

I toss on a fresh outfit and prepare to leave. Maybe I would bring along Na Young's favorite book. I ignore the silence that seems to ring throughout my apartment. Maybe I should get a pet.


"You take forever." A smile tugs at the edges of Se Hun's lips. He's leaning against the metal rail of the hospital entrance casually; wind slightly blowing through his honey-brown hair. He could pass for a model. No wonder why S.M recruited him. 

"Well, turns out I don't have teleportation powers so I'd shut up if I were you," I mutter, looking away. I didn't want him to notice my pink cheeks.

"I don't have teleportation powers..." Se Hun imitates me with a high pitched voice. I try to stifle a laugh, but end up failing. I seem to break out of my ice shell when I'm with him.

The automatic doors slide open, and we are greeted by the smell of baby powder and disinfectant.

We both walk to the front desk for our entrance passes. I can't help but notice Se Hun's legs brushing against mine. It feels warm, and the fabric of his jeans feels soft against my bare legs. Maybe today wasn't a good day for a skirt.

"Two visitor passes please," Se Hun requests breezily while leaning against the white table. He subconsciously his lips right after.

I scrunch my nose. Where's my knife?

The nurse opens slightly. It looks like she's about to say something. But instead, she just stares at Se Hun- like she's captivated by his angelic and dashingly handsome looks.

After what seems like eons, I in, "And can you tell us where Lee Na Young's room is?"

The nurse shakes her head a bit, clearing her head. Se Hun chuckles at her reaction. I bet he knew what he did to girls. Ugh. After all, girls at school would make s out of themselves to get his attention. Not saying that it's a bad thing or anything.

"S-she's been relocated to room 409," the nurse says after she checks her computer. I notice the teal hospital outfit that she was wearing. It seemed to compliment her skin tone. Pretty.

The blushing nurse shakily hands us two visitor pass stickers to place on our shirts. I take them and smile. It wasn't the poor nurse's fault for swooning over Se Hun's looks. It was the idiot's fault. And maybe his mother's.

"Thank you," Se Hun says as he takes the passes out of her hand. His fingers purposely brush against hers. I study the nurse's reaction. She seems quite flustered. How innocent.

"N-no problem."

After placing both stickers on our own shirts, we try to find room 409. It was in the 'Intensive care' wing of the hospital. I would be lying if I said that I wasn't worried.

As we walk down hallways, the number of people seem to decrease rapidly. Soon, we are the only two walking down the cold and quiet hallway.

"You seriously have to stop doing that," I say while turning to Se Hun. He looks up to me in surprise. Don't act all innocent with me here.

"Doing what?"

"Stop acting like you don't know what I'm talking about."

He gives me a look. "Jin, I don't know-"

"Don't make me say it," I warn while waggling a finger dangerously close to his face. He glances down at my hand and places it by my side gently. My thoughts waver for a second. That little finger touch sent my heart racing. I hated it.

"It can't be that bad, can it?" His voice seems hushed now. Deeper, and more alluring. 

I come out straightforwardly, lifting my head with confidence. This is for the nurse, and all of those girls out there who fall under Se Hun's annoying little spell.

"Did you see what you did to that poor nurse over there? She looked like she was about to have a heart attack." I clamp my lips together.

"Me? I didn't do anything." Se Hun smiles mischievously, but it's that kind of smile that says, 'Oh, I know exactly what you're talking about.'

I frown. "Then what was with all of that hand brushing-" I pause and exaggerate his hand brushing midair- "and lip ?"

"Ah..." He says after awhile. Se Hun looks up at me with an amused expression. He takes a step forward, forcing me to step back. Another step, and another step, and I'm pressed against the cold wall. My eyes widen. Why isn't anyone around when you need them?

Se Hun looks into my eyes with the same smile on his face. "I can't help how women fall for my charm."

I blink a few times. What did he just say? I'm sorry, I was concentrating on his flawless skin. It was better than mine. I need to start wearing those cucumber- yogurt masks again.

"Charm? As if," I scoff, trying to inch away from the closeness. Why was he being like this all of a sudden? I could feel his warm breath on my cheek. He was close enough to be able to kiss me. That... would be nice.

"Oh, don't act like it doesn't affect you." He smiles again. His eyes sparkled with amusement. Those brown eyes... I think I could stare into those forever. 

"Are you kidding? I'm like a rock. Rocks aren't affected by charm." 

I've never told a worser lie.

"Hm," He mutters while moving in closer. Was it even possible? The space between us seemed  to be mere centimeters.

"So... you're not affected by this?" Se Hun whispers, his warm breath tickling against my ear. My stomach flips. I clench my skirt with my left hand. 

"Or this?" He moves lower, his soft lips brushing against my neck. My eyes widen.

What the heck was he trying to do? I was prepared to first-degree murder him. But for now, I was enjoy what I could. After all, he was just teasing me, right? 

I bet this is the closest I'll get to him before he debuts. My neck tingles.

I gulp. I guess I forgot that he could see it, after all, his face was right at my neck. He chuckles victoriously before looking into my eyes again. 

"See? Looks like rocks are affected."

Se Hun's gaze flickers at my lips, before looking into my eyes once again. My lips tingle eagerly.  Was he planning to..?

The door behind the both of us screeches open, and a surprised nurse stands there with hanging open.

I shove Se Hun's chest, pushing him away from me. But, it's too late. The nurse's cheeks grow red before scurrying away with her metal tray.

I take gulps of air, trying to get a hold of myself. 

"What the hell is your problem?" I hiss, straightening my skirt and t-shirt. Se Hun just stands there laughing at the turn of events.

My shoulders deflate a bit as I realize that he didn't kiss me. Remember what I said before? He looks at me like a friend. Maybe even a guy. Definitely not some girl worth considering to date... or possibly attractive.

Once people get to know me, they see how I really am. 

My eyes cast downward before I notice the opened door. The sign reads room 409. Hey, that's-

"You guys!" Na Young calls cheerfully before coughing a bit. From the corner of the room, I spot her sitting upright in her bed. A mountain of pillows surround her tiny body.

"Hey," I smile and enter the white room. It's quiet and peaceful.

"Good, you brought Se Hun, too! I missed you guys..." She trails while studying the both of us. I take a glance at her smooth hair but paler face. 

"How are you doing?" Se Hun asks before taking a seat by Na Young's bed. 

"Alright..." She says before trailing off. "The doctors say that I need to stay here for two more months. Maybe one and a half if I'm a fast healer."

She scrunches her nose. I notice the dark circles under her eyes and frown as well. "Are you eating well? You seem tired."

"Oh, I've been sleeping for twelve hours a day." She smiles a bit. before taking her arms out from the hospital blanket. "There's just nothing really to do here. And yeah, I'm eating well too. Mom." She grins at her own joke.

I sigh, relieved. It can surprise you how much worrying can affect a person.

"Hey Se Hun, can you go get some water for the both of us? There's a vending machine in the lobby," Na Young requests while motioning me towards her.

"Yeah, sure." Se Hun waves a hand before leaving the room. The door closes softly.

"Mm.. you realize that there's a pitcher of water on your side table, right?"

"Of course!"

I stay silent. "Then..."

"Oh, Jinnie," Na Young waves a hand. I raise a brow.

"Why was Se Hun all up in your grill a few moments ago?" She asks, trying to hold back her laughter.

My cheeks grow warm. How did she...

"There's a window on the door, in case you haven't noticed. I saw everything! You should've seen your expression." Na Young imitates my horrified face.

"Dude.." I mutter, slightly embarrassed. "He's just messing with me."

"Seems like it. When were you planning to tell me that you guys were dating? You don't keep that kind of stuff from your best friend." She crosses her arms.

Eh? Dating? Oh, how I wish.

"We... aren't dating." I bite my lip. I think she seems to notice the dreary mood of the room. 

Na Young's eyes grow wide. She covers with a hand. "You guys aren't dating? This is bad. You like him, don't you?"

"I guess," I shrug. Although it was just a shrug, it was enough for her to understand, 'I'm in love with him.'

Na Young nods sympathetically while patting my arm gently. How ironic, I was supposed to come to comfort her. She lets out a long sigh.

I decide to open up about the subject. Best friends were there to comfort and help, right?

"I think he just wants to be friends, Na Young." I say while sighing. "Forever stuck in the friend zone..."

"Aw, don't say that." Na Young intrudes. "You should confess! And quickly, too. You know, before Exo starts getting busy with their schedules and what not."

I thought for a moment. Why didn't I think of that?

Suddenly, the door opens with a loud clang. "Oh, sorry." Se Hun sheepishly mutters before closing the door gently. In his hands are three water bottles. I take a glance at the water pitcher and adjust my back to cover it from his view.

"Oh, good. I was thirsty," Na Young smiles while taking the cold bottle from him.

I take a bottle too, but I can't help but notice Se Hun's expression. It's colder and quieter, although he's trying to conceal it.

You can't fool me, Oh Se Hun.


Se Hun's P.O.V

"I think he just wants to be friends, Na Young." Soo Jin's muffled voice comes from the other side of the door. "Forever stuck in the friend zone..."

"Aw, don't say that." Na Young's muffled voice added. "You should confess! And quickly, too. You know, before Exo starts getting busy with their schedules and what not."

I sigh while pressing my back against the cold wall. 

Why did things have to be so complicated? Why did Soo Jin have to like me?

Of course I knew from the third day. It was pretty simple. The way one looks at another... it's not really hard to notice love. And there was no doubt that I liked her back.

I remember her first day at our school. She looked like a goddess, I swear. I was mesmerized.  I thought that someone so perfect looking could cease to exist.

As I got to know her, I realized that she wasn't just looks. I hadn't met anyone more blunt, honest, and entertaining. I could tell that I was falling for her.

She was real.

Not just a fragment of my imagination.

But, I decided to just remain her friend. Maybe just for now. 

It was hard, let me tell you. There were so many perfect situations and timings for my confession, but I just changed the subject. I could tell that she was disapointed.

Maybe that's why I was a little reckless today. I wanted to step outside the lines today. You know, not be responsible. I was so close to kissing her... but a nurse decided to kindly interrupt us.

But needless to say, I observe many things. Yes, I noticed the flustered nurse. Yes, I noticed Soo Jin's reaction, and I also noticed that there was a water pitcher right next to Na Young. Girls tend to make excuses when they needed 'girl talk time.'

It hurt my heart when I heard what Jin had said. "I think he just wants to be friends, Na Young."

I guess guys these days were rash and tried to make a move as soon as possible, but I wanted to save it. Maybe I'll be able to confess to her once Exo has become successful and achieved their goals. Maybe I'll be stronger, and more courageous.

Soon... soon.  



Helloooo :) Sorry for the ones who were waiting for a Lulu and youngie chapter! I think I told you guys that this was going to be their chapter but I had to add this in. Forvgive me! 

:D Thanks to all of my new subbies and lovely commenters! 

And thanks to the people who wished me luck on my exams :) They made my day ^^ Only two weeks left of school! :D

I'll be sure to reply to comments soon :)

Love you~









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AtifaJB #1
Chapter 61: Whaaaat? A dream all along...great story and thanks for the effort
snsd4ever2524 #2
how old is kai ????????? cuz it's srsly confusing me
Chapter 61: Just woah... Wow
Chapter 3: I'm reading this again, and I just realized that Lu Han wouldn't be Lu Han in America lol. He'd be Han Lu hahaha
vicky1999 #5
Chapter 19: woah......~
Chapter 60: dang it, just a dream :(
ChempakaCameliaa #7
Chapter 19: jikai is just so perfect hahahahahha bu seriously though jinah is just 13 years old but i guess when it comes to love, age is just a number so yeah and btw out of so many couples i love jikai the most like seriously ! it's a good story author him, i enjoy reading it !
wonderland3210 #8
Chapter 61: Such a great fic!! :)